So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 411: All over the country

"Is these clothes for me?" What a clever person Li Xianyu, immediately guessed the wolf ambitions of the three women, and refused loudly: "What is easy to disguise, what are the three great magic tricks, all of them are deceiving. Just want to see my dress. "

"Women's clothing is an art," said Goose Egg Face, a pretty right-handed Frenchman excitedly.

Li Xianyu turned his head and looked at his negative hand, seemingly indifferent to the sister who was watching: "Your idea?"

Bingzhangzi generously acknowledged and gave his own explanation: "I thought about it. Of course, charm is the best match for women. Even if you make up a woman, even if you show your charm, the members of the Aoki family will not come to you. Lenovo. They wouldn't think that Li Xianyu not only died but also became a woman. "

Become a woman ...

Li Xianyu shuddered fiercely. This sentence was too lethal to a straight man.

"I can't wear women's clothes. This is my most basic bottom line as a man, sister ....." Li Xianyu took a deep breath and grieved, "Mom, you are too embarrassed for me, did you want to Daughter, accidentally gave birth to me? "

This sentence has the same great lethality to the ice dregs, and her smooth and jade spine has a layer of goose bumps.

Nian was on the side of the Great Diao Mei and right protection law, she tolerated, and said lightly: "This time, I will not force you anymore."

Li Xianyu sneered, "Women's clothing has only zero and countless times."

"Think about it, this is the first time you've been wearing women."

Li Xianyu froze and thought for a while, then his expression and body froze.

The corner of his mouth under the ice scum mask said: "Remember?"

Probably maybe ..... not the first time.

Li Xianyu remembered that, in the distant past, he didn't go to elementary school for a long time. At the age of seven or eight, on a weekend when his adoptive parents went out, he and his sister were playing at home, playing and playing. In the room, turned out the princess skirt, hair hoop, butterfly hairpin ... even dressed up as a girl.

Behind every cute boy, there is a mom or sister who likes to look at his women's clothing.

In the afternoon, my adoptive parents came back and found that my son was gone. Let ’s take a look ..... what a lovely little girl, who are you?

Later, the adoptive mother also said that my girl had nothing to do with her dressing up.

This bad wind was immediately stopped by his adoptive father. He shouted a blast of ice dregs. Who is his adopted father, a ballroom bastard, and a straight steel man, how can he tolerate this kind of thing.

As a result, Li Xianyu's new world door just opened was forcibly closed by his adoptive father.

But after this incident, the adoptive father realized that his son was too handsome and not good enough for fear that his son would really be crooked in the future.

At that time, **** bridges appeared frequently in American dramas, and there were even many gay-themed movies over Xiangjiang. Affected by it, in the Shanghai market in the late 1990s, the **** guy culture was no less scarce than it is now.

Later, during Li Xianyu's growth, his adoptive father intentionally or unintentionally instilled in him a successful man should have a Jingan Zhang Manyu in his left hand and Xu Huilin Qingxia in his right hand.

After many years, his son did not go wrong, he became a self-propelled self-propelled artillery, moving a pile driver.

The above is the general family background and growing environment of Li Xianyu in the past two decades.

Thinking of the past, Li Xianyu glanced fiercely at the ice dregs: "After all these years, the thief is still dead."

"I didn't, don't blame me." Bingzhao did not admit it.

But the only eyes that came out were not as calm as before, flashing a little caper and expectation.

My parents have always been suspected to be robots, except for daughters who aren't interested in anything except travel. In fact, the real hobby is: seeing my brother's women's clothing!

The next process is the exclamation of the right protector and the strange laughter of the big eagle girl.

Li Xianyu's facial features are inherently masculine, and the silhouette is relatively soft among men. The only particular masculinity is the dense sword eyebrows, full of vitality.

The first thing you do to protect your right is to trim your eyebrows.

"In fact, the best way is to frown." You Hufa said.

"Semi-permanent is fine, save trouble," Bingzhao suggested.

"I think Willow Leaf Eyebrow is good, or an eyebrow."

"What semi-permanent, you say clearly, don't move my eyebrows, isn't it just about makeup? What kind of ghost is semi-permanent?" Li Xianyu was frightened.

His words were automatically ignored by the three women.

In this way, the right protector Fazi Zizi draws his eyebrow shape according to his face shape, then removes the hair, and then carefully poke with a three-pointed needle to color the milk ...

After a close examination, I found that the right protection method is more refined than he imagined. A right goose egg face, soft facial features, waves tingling in his eyes, and a small mouth with lip balm flashing color.

There is a strange smell of perfume on the body, which can't smell the brand, but the price must be high.

Half an hour later, the so-called semi-permanent eyebrows came out, which are the standard slender eyebrows of the heroine in the TV series, with sharp arcs at the ends of the eyebrows.

Li Xianyu: "..."

His heart was filled with coldness, and his most satisfied eyebrows were gone.

"I can grow back, isn't it really permanent?"

"No, permanent."

"Then I cut the meat on both sides and let it grow back." Li Xianyu said fiercely.

After half an hour, the makeup is complete.

In the mirror, a glamorous face, wearing a beautiful black pupil, shiny wig, melon seed face, bright eyes, straight nose, small mouth rosy.

The hibiscus comes out of water, and it is naturally carved.

I blinked a few times, and my fake eyelashes flickered.

"That's right, super big beauty." You Hufa whispered, and the sense of accomplishment of the super big beauty born in her hands was beyond words and very satisfied.

Ice dross eyes glittered.

Lu Xun said that our greatest and most permanent and universal art in China is that men play women.

Li Xianyu so comforted himself in his heart.

"It's changed, it's changed." The Great Diaomei excitedly put her pleated skirt and off-shoulder shirt on the table.

"You can't wear this kind of clothes." Li Xianyu raised his trousers and showed them his big hairy legs: "Can I wear them?"

"The hair is shaved," said the Great Diaomei.

"It won't work if you shave it. Which beautiful woman's calf is muscled like me?"

"Oh ....." The big eagle girl was disappointed.

In all fairness, Bingzhangzi also prefers dresses such as Italian skirts, but he does not deny that Li Xianyu is justified. She dragged her chin with one hand and thought, "You can wear a long skirt or trousers. Your body cannot be exposed. It is best to have another choker to block the knot."

"Choker." Li Xianyu was at a loss.

Right protection method quickly solved his confusion, choker is a collar, inexplicably popular in the fashion industry in recent years, ladies decoration.


The big eagle girl squatted by the closet, raised her small buttocks, rummaged for a while, never forgetting to say, "You are too tall, the ordinary women's clothing is not with you, let me look for ..."

For a moment, she found a suit from the closet.

Black ladies breeches, boots of the same color, a white T-shirt on the upper body, and a short trench coat for women.

Britain is full of wind.

Looking at the beautiful self in the mirror, Li Xianyu had a thought in his head: Who am I? I am the most beautiful flower in the Li family.

I am the most beautiful in the harem group.

(╯ ° □ °) ╯︵┻━┻

"Well, I just want to go abroad, this set is good." Bingzhao expressed satisfaction.

This dress is suitable for a tall woman. Li Xianyu wore an extra match on her body.

"Too small, tightly dressed." Li Xianyu frowned.

"Turn back and let the right protector take you to the city to pick, now it's a trick." Bing Zhezi finished, frowning: "I always feel something missing."

The big eagle girl looked up and down, blankly: "Nothing is missing, I think it is perfect."

The right protector looked at the ice dregs, and the former moved: "No chest."

Li Xianyu: "....."

Big Eagle Girl: "....."

Li Xianyu was frightened in his heart, saying that it was normal for my dignified man to be chestless?

The big eagle girl bowed her head, glanced at her wide chest on both sides of the tidal flat, and her heart filled with sour sadness.

"I have to make something clear first. I ca n’t take a picture or video. This time the event is over. I forgot about the process of dressing up for me and it ’s rotten in my stomach. Do n’t let it go. Do n’t let my grandma know. . "Li Xianyu solemnly.

"Why can't your grandma know?" Dadiao asked, she thought that women's clothing was fun, but in the eyes of Li Xianyu, it might be a shame, so I can understand. But this is nothing about Wushuang War Soul.

"Nonsense, I will be killed alive." Li Xianyu said.

If Grandma knew that her only inherited women's dress was so beautiful, it would be a blow to her, just like the mother finally saw her son lead his girlfriend home, opened the door and saw that she was a cute boy!

"Let's go out and go shopping, and let others see my masterpiece by the way." Right Hufa held Li Xianyu's arm and half-tugged and pulled out.

At that time, all the guardians were gathering for breakfast in a large cave outside, and it came out very cheap, that is, eggs boiled in dog broth last night, eggs in a large pot, with millet porridge and pickles. And a large pot of braised beef.

Niu Hufa held an egg in his left hand and porridge in his right hand: "Nonsense, I would not go to Japan to make a film. Although I usually do not care about being watched by you, it does not mean that I am willing to let my beloved concubines be men from all over the world Look."

Hu Yan was peeling eggs, heard the words, and looked up at him: "You are wrong, my real selling point is you, the film is oriented to Europe and the United States, your muscles are in line with their aesthetic view, as for your love concubine ... I believe no normal man will have **** with a heifer. "

Niu Hufa said: "Then why don't you let the rat go."

Nonsense chanted: "The calf-like mouse ... I'm shooting a romance, not a horror movie."

"Then you ..." Niu Hu just said, and the egg in his hand suddenly fell on the table, looking foolishly behind everyone.

Hu Yan, Monkey Guarding, Rat Guarding, Left Guarding, etc. turned their heads together ~ ~

Eggs fell on the table, and tableware fell on the table.

At the exit of the gangway, Qiaosheng stood by a peerless beauty who was sinking fish and geese. She was tall and bright-eyed, and even if she was standing without expression, she could enjoy all the beautiful scenery of the event.

She also has the same beautiful big eagle girl, right protector, and even the emperor!

But compared to her, these women are vulgar.

The nonsense murmured: "There are beautiful women in the north who are peerless and independent. Let's take a look at the city, and then take care of them ..."

other people:

"Oh my God!"


"Let's marry!"