So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 639: Plan pass (end of this volume)

Chapter 619 Planning Plan (End of Volume)


Li Xianyu, who was about to turn his head to the battlefield, suddenly heard the cry of Qingyue, and saw the roll and tremble in the melt, as if the two masters of the bull in the Colosseum were mad and tore each other's arm.

The Poison Tail dominates, and the icy dregs lingering around the flames transform into their original form, holding the Poison Tail to dominate the sky.

Everyone's eyes brightened, and the eyeballs were burned again. The scorching wind came, and the clothes and hair immediately scorched, emitting the smell of protein burning.

The wings fluttered, bringing up a heat wave that was distorted at high temperatures, and the flaming bird with a wingspan of 100 meters broke through the clouds and disappeared into the public's view. The dark purple cloud collapsed into a huge mouth, like a leak in the sky.

The people around were still covering their eyes. This scene was filmed with a line of words: Blind my dog's eyes.

It would be very relevant.

Li Xianyu and blood knight Li Peiyun are few and a half steps, and there are no people who blind their eyes. They looked up and looked at the sky, and saw the purple clouds burned and translucent.

After a while, the clouds broke open, and the pillar of fire descended on the earth, melting everything.

In the huge pillar of fire, the undead bird dived down and hit the ground.

Again? !!

Li Xianyu looked around and saw that his eyes were burned, and there was no official organization for the time being. They could not know the critical situation at the moment. Still waiting for his eyes to recover, can't wait to see the situation.

The ice scum hit them down, and they might all die.

"Yiyi, translate immediately." Li Xianyu grabbed Aoki Yui with his left hand and Samwu with his right hand, turning his head to escape, and said, "Everyone, turn around and run away at the fastest speed."

Aoki Yui closed his eyes and ran the air machine, and the voice spread to everyone's ears: "Lords, run away."

On the spot, everyone's scalp was numb. Aoki Yui's words told them that there is a strong danger approaching, but it is invisible to the eyes, and it is dangerous to approach in absolute darkness ... It is undoubtedly the factor that can most stimulate human fear and potential.

In all kinds of uproar, the official organization turned around and ran away, following Li Xianyu, because of indifference, there were funny situations such as large-scale falls, broken trees, and falling into a pit.

Zhu Jun are all figures with heads and faces .. Fortunately, you can't see each other.

Li Xianyu was holding Aoki Yui and Sanwu, bypassing obstacles, and heard a loud noise coming from behind, followed by a fiery scorching wind on his back, and once again realized that he was grilled on the fire. Experience.

The screams kept coming, and the heat wave pushed everyone behind the official organization.

Fortunately, Li Xianyu's warning was timely, and the distance was relatively long. Although this time someone was injured, no casualties occurred.

Li Xianyu turned around hurlyly, looking behind him, and Li Peiyun, who did the same thing, was slowed down by the blood knight.

Far behind, a fiery ball of light was stirred up, exploding in less than a second, raging flames destroyed everything nearby.

The light was too bright, Li Xianyu closed his eyes subconsciously to protect his head.

After the second hot wind blows and dissipates, he raises his head, opens his eyes, first looks at the battlefield far away, and sees a vaguely human-shaped creature lingering around the flames.

Then he glanced at Sanwu and Aoki Yui, and kindly reminded: "You can open your eyes, but you better put on a coat for yourself."

Winter is coming to an end, and the chill is especially strong, but the blood is strong, and everyone is not wrapped in too thick clothes.

Several times encountered the hot air impact, the clothes melted a lot of gaps, faintly seen the young girl wrapped in spring light.

Li Xianyu didn't want to watch at all, because he knew he was constantly watching by the river crab **** animal.

Death stares.

Reminded Aoki Yui and San Wu, Li Xianyu ran towards the flame humanoid, ran across the scorched area, ran into the hot melt, and took a breath, just like forgetting to wash with cold water when washing his feet, it hurts Almost gotta tap dance.

The closer to it, the deeper the melt, gradually submerged the calf and knees, and when the melt submerged the thigh, Li Xianyu looked at the crotch and became silent.


The flame humanoid came over.

"Can you help me, I can't get through." I don't want to be a flame bird.

The flame humanoid stretched out an arm at him, and the next moment, Li Xianyu felt himself wrapped in a gas engine, detached from the melt, and floated towards her.

"Should I call your sister, or the master of the Pantheon?" Li Xianyu stared at the humanoid creature completely covered by fire.

He had just finished speaking, the flames on the other's face spread, the bright liquid melt faded, and a beautiful and pretty face appeared, with a cold tone: "What do you say?"

"Sister, my dear sister, finally saw you again." Li Xianyu instantly entered his brother state.

Bingzhao stared at Li Xianyu for a few seconds, his mouth cocked.

"Where is the poison tail? Burned to ashes?"

Li Xianyu is not surprised that the ice scum can defeat the poisoned tail. She is the master of the Pantheon, the most powerful undead bird among the nine masters. Moreover, the poison tail dominates the loss of the grasshopper sword, which is equivalent to the tiger losing its claws.

The ice dregs floated back slightly, her original position floated up with a torn corpse, her dark purple complexion was covered with charred, her arm was broken, her right leg was cut off at the same time, and her body had many huge holes in front and back. Missing half.

"Who am I ..... where am I ..... what do I want to do ....." Weak spirit waves lingered in the body of the poisoned tail, and asked the soul three questions.

"The Lord is immortal, and no one can kill us before the Qi Sword appears." Bingzhaozi explained: "I can only do this to the extent that I killed them at the Pantheon at the beginning. If I ca n’t use them, The Sword of Qi completely wiped it out, and after decades and hundreds of years, the poison tail will be resurrected. "

It turned out not to die ... Li Xianyu regretted: "I can't use my sword now. After a while, I will be returned by the power stolen by time, and then I will solve it."

He deliberately mentioned the word "time", hoping to use the intelligence of Bingzizi to understand his potential.

"How many times have you looked back?" Bingzhuang frowned slightly.

"Twice!" Li Xianyu bluntly told the sister of the two experiences without concealment: "If I could not go back in time, I would have died."

"You won't die, you will exist in another form." Bingzhuang was silent for a moment, as if hesitating to say, "The reason you can go back in time is because you have a certain grasp of it. You are very Anger is very upset and painful and doesn't want to accept this reality. It senses your thoughts, so it looks back in time. "

She really knew this, she always knew that the fruit was on me.

"But you can't go back in time." Bingzhuang warned solemnly.

"Why?" Li Xianyu frowned.

"You are consuming its origin. No phenomenon in the world occurs unconditionally. Similarly, no energy is endless. Before it is fully mature, your excessive consumption of its origin causes it to mature. Delay, no, will lead to uncontrollable results. It will lose some of its wonder. "

"But it has nothing to do with me." Li Xianyu stared straight at her. "Even if I destroy it, I will change their destiny. This is something that cannot be shaken, my will."

Bingzhao looked at him deeply: "People who play with fate will also be played by fate, and you will regret it."

"Listen to me, you can go back in time before the fruit is ripe. It is conceivable how effective it is when it matures. But we have never seen its true power. You might as well be patient and wait for it to fully mature. It's possible to change destiny. "

Li Xianyu didn't want to continue to dwell on this topic. "Tell me why the fruit is on me."

"You should have known for a long time, yes, I put it in your body. You were a baby at the time," Bingzi said.

"Why?" Li Xianyu frowned. Before the fruit was ripe, the shape was not obvious, and the difference was not obvious. Until now, it is about to mature, and he has gone back in time by chance.

The ancient demon observed him in secret, and even found a lot of abominable human female scammers, but concluded that he was an ordinary person.

In other words, there is no need for Bingzi to hand over the fruit to him, he just took it with him, and the ancient demon could not detect it.

If she said it was for the purpose of covering people's eyes and for the safety of the fruit, Li Xianyu would not accept this reason.

"Because the fruit is repelling me." Bingzi finished, without explaining the reason, "I can no longer bring it on my body, so it is transferred to your body."

"Then how do you recycle it?" Li Xianyu squinted.

From this point of view, ice dregs is also his enemy, because the fruit is her, sooner or later. No. I do n’t have nostalgia for the fruit. I am nostalgic for the battle Ji, San Wu, grandma It's Cuihua, and ... Ice dregs himself.

If she wants to get back the fruit, I can return it to her without hesitation.

"I thought of a way to get it back into my body in another form." Then, the ice dregs bowed his head at forty-five degrees, and glanced quickly.


That's it.

Therefore, grandma said that I was the best, because I was raised by ice dregs from a young age. The moment she raised the fruit to maturity was when she opened up the abyss and devoured me.

Therefore, she forbade me to have relationships with other women, because that would allow other women to take away the fruits of her labor and take away her hard-cultivated Chinese cabbage for 21 years.

As a result, the anomaly of War Ji has a reasonable explanation.

But why do I see my biological father?

Li Xianyu remembered the details of seeing his biological father in a dream. At that time, the fruit was already on me?

According to the timeline speculation, Li Wuxiang only gave me to my adoptive father after entering the Pantheon, which was reasonable in time.

"When will I get it back, my sister told me, there is no need to look back." Li Xianyu showed his fearless sacrifice.

The ice dregs made a salty, "um" sound, thought about it, and asked, "Have you kept our agreement?"

The fish and chicken got better, because the chicken was too beautiful, so he gave the bird a green hat with the chicken. If the bird knew about it, it would tear the chicken up angrily and bake the fish by the way.

After a rational analysis, Li Xianyu made the right choice: ".... Yes, I will protect my good manners for my sister."

It is indeed the little slave I trained. Bingzhao nodded comfortably and satisfiedly.

The matter was almost finished, more details Li Xianyu couldn't help but didn't ask, turned and looked away, beckoning towards Xiu'er.

Li Peiyun saw it, frowned slightly, he beckoned me to pass?

What I want to do ..... Must be trying to lie to me, and then let that ancient demon kill me, so as to eradicate the trouble.

What a joke, how can I do it ..... hey, why did I pass? My legs don't listen to me.

With a distorted expression, Li Peiyun flew over and flew to Li Xianyu.

Li Xianyu regained the charm ability with satisfaction, pointing to the body of the poison tail master: "Only the sword of Qi can kill it, you know that I have a physical problem. Xiuer, this task is left to you."

"Kill an ancient demon with your own hands, you will be the second since the birth of human history."

The first place is of course me.

His proposal made Li Peiyun's blood quietly boil. He carefully observed the poison tail dominating for a moment, raised his right arm, and the white light of the “scarred” palm swelled into a sword of gas.

At this moment, Li Xianyu heard that the spiritual fluctuations of the poisoned tail dominated suddenly: "I think of it, I think of it ... time goes back, time goes back ..."

"Undead bird, it's you!"

White light cut off.

The dazzling glow of Qi Sword erupted, covering the body of the poison tail, the two sides were deadlocked, the body of the poison tail gradually melted in the white light, rising like ashes, and finally annihilated.

When Bai Guang converged, Li Peiyun took a big breath and panted, his face paled slightly due to the huge consumption. With excitement in his eyes, he killed an ancient demon and killed the poison tail.

Looking at human history, it is unique.

"Did you hear the mental fluctuations of Poison Tail just now?" Li Xianyu looked at Bingzhu, who ignored him. Looking at Li Peiyun, Li Peiyun ignored him.

"Strange, why the poison tail master knows that time goes back, which is not reasonable."

"Have you finally figured it out? It's not right, it lacks clues and evidence, and at most it is skeptical."

"Ah, I'll save it if I knew it."

Li Xianyu muttered in his heart.

With a cough, he moved towards the official organization that gradually restored his vision, and said loudly: "Zhu Jun, Li Peiyun beheaded the ancient demon, Li Peiyun is the second human strong man to slay the ancient demon. The name, the sword of Qi worthy of his hand. He is your hero. Your crisis has disintegrated, and we have won. "

"Let us applaud victory and applaud Li Peiyun."

Li Peiyun looked at Li Xianyu in amazement. This despicable opponent did not embezzle his credit and was actively building momentum for him?

When did it become so interesting?

Suddenly more than ten seconds later, shouting cheers and warm applause erupted in the crowd in the distance. The official organization was ecstatic, and after a difficult battle, a disaster collapsed.

Li Peiyun faintly heard someone shouting his name in Chinese, just like the fans enthusiastically called for idols at the concert ~ ~ He slightly straightened his waist, his face was arrogant, and he welcomed the applause and calls of everyone.

"... Presumably afterwards, Li Peiyun's deeds to kill the ancient demon in the island country will be spread all over the world. His reputation will rise to a higher level, and in addition to human blood, the ancient demon will also know about this."

"The ancient demon will see him as an enemy."

"In this way, Xiu'er has no retreat, but can only stand in my camp and charge me with the Qi sword passed to him by the demon Tao, or cooperate with the ancient monsters."

"The sword of Qi has become three, and two of them are firmly in my hands, and will become my sharpest spear against the ancient demon."

Plan pass.

Li Xianyu smiled with relief.

Seven thousand and eight characters are updated today, and there are two thousand and two thousand. The name of this volume is called the Lord of the Pantheon, which is regarded as a link between the past and the present.

(End of this chapter)