So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 715: Li Peiyun: I feel wrong

Chapter 693 Li Peiyun: What I Feel Wrong

Hearing that, the sight of a room looked at Dan Chenzi.

Dan Chenzi was silent for a moment: "In the beginning, I accidentally discovered the abnormality of Qing Huizi. She screamed in the courtyard of Master Tonghai's real person and was shocked to me."

"I immediately rushed to check. When I came to the yard, I found that their master and apprentice were very calm. Asked what happened, but said, they just pushed me away. I was keenly aware of their abnormality ... . "

"After dinner, it was about eight o'clock in the evening. I went to find Huizi by myself, and she was really different from usual ..."

Li Xianyu listened in silence, and wanted to laugh.

You don't need to report this in detail. The big boss just wants to borrow you a head start. You just need to answer: The Shangqing School was **** by the ancient demon.

That's it.

And your reporting is like storytelling for elementary school students ...

He glanced at Qin Ze and the directors calmly. They were serious and took a serious attitude of listening. It seemed that this was what they wanted, the perfect report.

Sure enough, they are all old fritters.

Li Xianyu also followed the expressions of "Awesome Speaking" and "The first report can be so good, Dan Chenzi's children are so good".

It took Dan Chenzi ten minutes to finish the story, and he detailed how he used the Taiji to shake the enlightened disciples .... After that, the newly-developed half-step pole cup lifted the tea cup and moistened his throat Looking around, I feel that my first time attending such a high-level meeting is not bad.

No card words, no stuttering, smoothly completed the reporting work, did not embarrass the supernatant and Daomen.

However, Dan Chenzi did not notice that when he lowered his head and drank tea, everyone twitched his lips. When he raised his head, everyone looked as usual, and even nodded slightly, expressing his affirmation of his report.

"Okay, thank you Dan Chenzi for your report." Qin Ze nodded and took the opportunity to take over the topic: "We have reasons to believe that these forces that formed the so-called" Blood Alliance "were all eroded by the youth, or simply him Cultivated in secret. "

Zhang Dong knocked on the table: "I need an assessment of the strength of these forces."

Qin Ze glanced at the thunderbolt king, who reported like several treasures: "Lüshan Temple, Shingon Sect, Quanzhen Sect, and Shen Tu and Chen Xu, these are all super-class forces. However, after suppressing these blood families last year, Shen Tu Chen The Xu family can only be regarded as a first-class force, and it maintains a super-first name. "

"After the death of the Taoism, the Quanzhen Religion also began to weaken and no longer be super-class forces. Therefore, the true super-class forces are only the Lushan Temple and the Shingon Sect. The rest are not first-class and second-class."

"It's definitely not just these," Li Xianyu said. "Although these forces can't be underestimated, they are not enough to compete with Baoze."

"Well, wait until they all jump out. Let the ministers and senior management of each branch monitor each other to prevent the erosion of the ancient demon. Every two hours, curse" master the evil pen "." Qin Ze added .

According to Baoze's high-level research on the Qing dynasty, it was found that the blood descendants eroded by the flesh and blood would have a fanatical worship of the young teachers, willing to give everything including life. No one is allowed to say bad things about the master.

If they taunt the Master in front of them, they will become extremely irritable and angry.

This fanatical worship cannot be calmed and hidden by reason. As long as it is eroded by flesh and blood, shouting to dominate the pen can properly expose the target.

Be regarded as the youngest teacher's biggest weakness.

"Is the word 'Shabi' strong enough?" Li Xianyu, who is thick-skinned, couldn't believe that a simple sentence would expose him, "Is it better to change to" Thunder House "?"

"Enough is enough."


Qin Ze looked at the directors: "I'm going to go to war in a week and directly destroy this group of guys. What is the attitude above?"

Fighting within a week ... Li Xianyu was taken aback.

Large-scale armed conflicts, from preparation for war to specific operational arrangements, personnel mobilization, and weapon preparation, do take several days.

Is it so fast?

Well, before the Youth Division has eroded more forces, it is best to annihilate quickly before recruiting and developing.

Can't wait for the enemy to hoard power.

But the question is, how to judge this is not the strategy of the Youth Division and Dole? They may be waiting for us to go to war. Twenty forces are only on the surface, in order for us to miscalculate the situation.

To fight against the master, you must first learn to fight with the air, and you must have no intention.

The beautiful female director of Goose Egg Face immediately replied: "A few days ago, Yang Youming and others as a core interest group proposed a proposal to rebuild the official organization to replace Baoze. This matter was rejected on the spot and I did not expect to jump out of so many **** forces immediately. , Forming an alliance. "

Zhang Dong added: "This is proof to us that they have the ability to form a new descent organization that is eligible to replace Baoze. It is also a threat, threatening high-level."

Li Peiyun snorted: "The more you fear, the more arrogant they are, what about the threats, as long as you take the attitude of killing them at all costs, they will not be arrogant."

After speaking, he found that the directors, Qin Ze, Dan Chenzi and Li Xianyu looked at him with strange eyes.

It is the Warriors of Warriors. It seems that he appreciates his statement, and there is some agreement in his eyes.

Xiu'er's world is so simple, don't ask, just do it ..... Li Xianyu sighed.

"Do you know why criminals like to take hostages? Why don't the police fire their guns directly, but instead choose to negotiate to meet the criminal's requirements?" Qin Ze asked.

Li Peiyun's disdainful attitude, sneered coldly, "Just say something."

Li Xianyu was worried that Qin Ze's ridicule caused Xiu'er to become angry and upset, and disturbed the meeting. He explained in time: "This is a psychological contest. The criminal thinks the hostage is in his hand, he is safe for the time being, and the police are afraid to shoot. While holding the hostage's head with a gun, he will take good care of the hostages. The police chose to negotiate and seized this kind of psychology, so that criminals could see hope, so as not to jump over the wall and hurt the hostages. "

"In a sense, the ancient demon and the criminal are the same, and ordinary people are their hostages. The high-levels show a certain attitude of compromise so that they can see hope, and they will not jump over the wall and attack ordinary people."

"Of course, we will not always compromise. Baoze plays the role of a policeman and is responsible for finding opportunities to strike out the gangsters. I think what Dole and Young Master want is a blood race. What they want is The fruit, do not care about ordinary people do not care about the country, so I hope to exclude government departments from this battle and not interfere with each other. In this way, it can reduce some obstacles and weaken the strength of Baoze. "

Zhang Dong nodded slightly, very satisfied with Li Xianyu's wisdom, and appreciated it.

This young man, in addition to his unpredictable ability to do things, is outstanding in all aspects. In comparison, Dan Chenzi and Li Peiyun, who are also leaders of the younger generation, look dwarfed.

Recalling what happened in southern Xinjiang, Zhang Dong, who was middle-aged, was sweating and trembling. As a leader, he hardly ever experienced such a footstep.

If it wasn't for the stern character, the obituary has already been issued.

Zhang Dong coughed and cleared his throat: "The attitude towards the ancient demon above has not changed from the beginning to the end, and I will resolutely clear it up. Baoze will not receive the support of the army, nor will it get too lethal armaments, but from From now on, Baoze can use all official channels. Funds, human resources, equipment, individual combat weapons, etc. will be provided with full force. "

"The only requirement is to make a quick decision. Settle the **** as soon as possible, do not stretch the front too long, make it too loud, and try not to affect the ordinary people. Once things can't be suppressed, we must take responsibility."

That's enough .... Li Xianyu was relieved, but he was afraid that he would choose Zhao'an to send someone to negotiate with the master.

In this way, Li Xianyu can only choose to run and run in Europe to rely on the Holy See.

The young division can erode people's minds and open vests madly ..... dominate the immortal, human beings lack effective deterrence and restraint on them ... Dole has residual forces in the system ...

As long as their brains are not rusted, they will not be allowed to survive.

The ability of a young teacher to control people's hearts alone can make senior executives dread or even fear and put it on the removal list.

How is it possible that I am thinking too much?

After that, there was an hour-long discussion, discussion, analysis and evaluation of the fighting strength of both sides from the overall situation.

It sounds a bit dry and shallow. Li Xianyu knows that the board of directors has a think tank and Baoze also has it, so now it is a preliminary discussion. Specific matters need to be discussed later (day: refers to the number of days).

At the end of the meeting, Qin Ze knocked on the table and looked at the three juniors: "Bao Ze has a set of combos, and the three of you practice them. With your strength, you can fight a combo against a pole, plus Li Peiyun and Li Xianyu both have qi swords. It is not difficult to kill an ancient demon clone. "

Li Xianyu thought about it and shook his head: "It's difficult, Li Peiyun and I are very strong. Dan Chenzi can't keep up with our rhythm."

Hearing Li Xianyu's approval, Li Peiyun raised his chin.

Dan Chenzi raised an eyebrow: "You are at most half a step ahead of me two months earlier, where can you go. Pure power is not as good as you, but which of you is stronger than me? Do you dare to say that you are better than me? "

Especially Li Xianyu, even if he had a fallen angel, he had to kneel when he caught the chance to shoot his sword.

Li Peiyun chuckled and said, "You think you can understand us with half a trick, and you know us well? Li Xianyu and I have the same extreme skills and can burst into superpowers in an instant, but you can't."

"Sword of Qi?"

"No." Li Peiyun shook his head.

Dan Chenzi frowned, and couldn't think of anything other than Qi Sword.

"It is the blessing of God of War. We won Baker Richardson in the island nation. I shared it with Li Peiyun." Li Xianyu replied, explaining the effect of this superb way of doing things by the way.

Dan Chenzi's heart moved: "I traded my sword for you. Your mental strength has always been a weakness, and you need a strong mental power to make up for shortcomings."

Li Xianyu showed a hesitant look, seemed to want to agree, but for some reason, he could not decide.

Li Peiyun was shocked for a while.

"The sword of meaning is a master's extinction. You cannot pass it on without the consent of the old Taoist priests." Li Peiyun quickly vetoed Dan Chenzi's puppet idea and gritted his teeth, "I want to learn the blessing of God of War, I teach you. Unconditional You, but you can't pass the sword of meaning out. "

For a long time, Sancai swordsmanship is one of his few pride in front of Li Xianyu. Although Li Xianyu has many means, he is not bad.

He's just so proud.

If Dan Chenzi taught Li Xianyu the sword of meaning, Li Peiyun would have no dignity at all.

Dan Chenzi said immediately, "OK."

It's best to learn for free.

The sword of Italy is also his means of pressing the bottom of the box, and can never pass on.

Li Peiyun glanced proudly at Li Xianyu.

Li Xianyu looked around: "Everyone saw it. It was not me who taught Dan Chenzi to be extremely good at it, it was Li Peiyun ~ ~ I have not passed on the blessing of God of War."

Although the sword of meaning is good, but I don't need it, I want to get into the room. There isn't one for three years and five years, don't even think about it.

Besides, recently I have to practice both the Dharma fingers and the imagination, and I have to practice the blessing of the God of War when I have time. How can I have time to sharpen the sword of the sword and forcefully study, it will only affect the progress of the first three. Not too gluttonous. I'm not a fairy.

Qin Ze raised his hand: "I testify."

Li Peiyun didn't think there was anything wrong, but Qin Ze and Li Xian's expressions made him quite vigilant.

I glanced at the board of directors and found that the directors' eyes were also strange, staring silently at themselves.

"Let's meet." Qin Ze announced.

The directors glanced at Li Peiyun, implying sympathy, and immediately closed the holographic projection, and the figure disappeared in the brilliant blue light beam.

Two chapters today.

(End of this chapter)