So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 89: Come again

"Do you know Zhou Xiaoxiao, what relationship do you have with her?" Wang Mengmeng avoided, but widened his eyes and questioned loudly.

Her eyes were originally big, staring round and rolling, showing no evil spirits, but rather a little two-dimensional style, a small beauty with a round face and big eyes.

Wang Mengmeng is dying and struggling. She would rather convince herself that Li Xianyu and Zhou Xiaoxiao had known or had some possibility of this matter, rather than face the speculation that made her cold.

Li Xianyu spit out a green smoke, his eyes fell behind Wang Mengmeng: "Look into my eyes."

Wang Mengmeng was puzzled, heard the words, and looked intently at Li Xianyu's eyes. With the smoke rising and floating between the two, she saw her reflection in those bright eyes and saw The ghost behind him, wearing a school uniform ...

Zhou Xiaoxiao? !!

Huge fear exploded in her heart, and her spine was like a cold snake climbing. Wang Mengmeng's legs softened and screamed into Li Xianyu's arms, "Save me ..."

Her voice seemed to be a passerby who was trekking in the cold winter moon, shaking her body.

Li Xianyu bowed his head and looked at her embarrassing face, and her left arm caught Wang Mengmeng's small waist. The latter, on the contrary, was slightly relieved, holding Li Xianyu's arm tightly, his heart beating like a drum, and begging, "Save me."

As she spoke, her eyes narrowed back and forth, but she dared not turn her head.

Wang Mengmeng didn't know if Li Xianyu could save herself, she just instinctively asked for help, and the man around her gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

Alas, this little girl is so good ... Li Xianyu squinted her eyes, and gave her a point silently in her heart.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Li Xianyu asked.

Wang Mengmeng's face was fickle, and he bit his lip. "Yes, Zhou Xiaoxiao was put into the water room."

Li Xianyu's eyelids jumped. According to his half-hanging jurisprudence, even if it wasn't enough to murder, he had to bear criminal responsibility.

"Are you involved?" He groaned.

Wang Mengmeng looked weird, nodded, and shook his head: "Zhou Xiaoxiao is lonely, doesn't like to communicate with people, and has a lot of care, always because of some trivial issues with her classmates. Over time, she was isolated. Later, the classmates found that even bullying her No parents came to the school to make trouble, and the teacher didn't care much. So she became the target of bullying by girls in the class. "

There are several factors that cannot be escaped from all the school violence in this world: poor communication, light school punishment, and parents are not responsible.

Wang Mengmeng shivered suddenly and shrank into Li Xianyu's arms, shivering. At this point, Zhou Xiaoxiao's resentment stood next to her, almost putting that pale face against Wang Mengmeng.

"There are two female classmates who are most overwhelmed. The joy of daily life is to bully her with someone, threatening her if she dares to tell the teacher, find someone to **** her and scratch her face. Zhou Xiaoxiao was scared. For a long time, she was also used to it. Then, they snatched her pocket money, kicked her into the septic tank of the women's toilet, pulled her into the grass behind the school, and punched and kicked her ... she couldn't even resist, just knowing Endure. The two are in a good family, their parents do business, and they have some business dealings with my family. I also count as one of their team, but I have never actively bullied Zhou Xiaoxiao, but I have not dissuaded it, Zhou Xiaoxiao Not pleasing in itself. "

She couldn't see that Zhou Xiaoxiao's face was already very dull, and her bloodshot pupils were gradually replaced by cataracts.

There are two points to be aware of when dealing with grieving spirits: One: Don't look at each other. Two: Don't speak out by name.

If you never forget, there will be an echo. If you call it by name, it will most likely attract resentment.

Li Xianyu frowned, tightened his muscles, and the power of qi and blood surged. Zhou Xiaoxiao seemed to be burned a little and quickly floated away.

Wang Mengmeng suddenly felt the coldness receding, and the people in front of her seemed to emit a tumbling heat, allowing her cold body to gradually recover the temperature. She was next to Li Xianyu, "After school that day, everyone was gone. Just four of us, she The two gave Zhou Xiaoxiao a meal and pushed into the water room, saying that as long as she dared to stay there for one night, she wouldn't bully her. I don't think it is appropriate to do so, and I don't want to quarrel with Zhou Xiaoxiao, just open and close. ..... "

"Who knew Zhou Xiaoxiao died the next day."

"We were all scared, and agreed that no one would say it, as if it was a hide-and-seek accident."

"After all these years, although they no longer mentioned Zhou Xiaoxiao, I could feel that they actually regretted what they had done at the party that day. So on the proposal of the classmates, they said that to Kaishuifang, saying Those words may make me feel more comfortable. I did as I said at the time. But who knows ... "

With tears in Wang Mengmeng's big eyes, they will never fall.

Li Xianyu closed his eyes and imagined the scene when they returned to campus.

A group of grown-up young people returned to their alma mater, feeling sorry for the classmates who died early. Three of them stood in front of them, remembering the mistakes of their youth, and deeply repented, hoping that the dead soul would rest in peace.

Instead of remorse, Li Xianyu felt that what she said and did was to make herself feel better.

They don't have spirit eyes, so they can't see the boiled water room. Perhaps when they bow their heads to worship, the young wraith is standing in front of them.

Everyone finishes what they should say, finish what they should do, turn around and leave, and move on to the future.

The moment he turned around, he seemed to be forgiven, relaxed, laughing and talking. No one noticed that the dead soul followed behind them.

Li Xianyu opened his eyes and saw Wang Mengmeng's nervous expression.

In the ghost formed by obsession, the grieving spirit can't communicate. The dearest brother, Dei, has clear consciousness, because he is not polluted by grudge.

In this incident, the two girls have encountered an accident. They were still junior high school students. Even if the incident happened, they did not need to be responsible. The law will forgive them.

But cause and effect in the world will not be forgiven, so they are not worthy of sympathy.

What about Wang Mengmeng? Should she act as a bystander in this incident, should she pay the price of her life for her indifference?

Inevitably, Li Xianyu remembered the topic of great online controversy, no less inferior to the contention between the "Salty Party" and the "Sweet Party": helping you is in love, and not helping is in your duty.

But if Wang Mengmeng could stand up at that time, or go to the teacher afterwards, maybe Zhou Xiaoxiao would not die.

The price that may be paid is to follow in the footsteps of Zhou Xiaoxiao and be isolated by classmates ...

Li Xianyu suddenly burst out laughing, thinking about so many things, he was also a violent person in the campus, there were always one or two classmates who were bullied in isolation in the class, but in those years, including himself, who stood out and saw a grievance Roar?

Since most people can't do anything, why ask Wang Mengmeng to do it.

"Close your eyes." He reached out and covered Wang Mengmeng's big eyes, pulled out the national emblem that is becoming less and less effective, and popped his fingers.

The national emblem turned into a streamer, and an arc passed faintly, penetrating Zhou Xiaoxiao's grievances.

After a while, the invisible green smoke rose, and the grieving spirits flew away.

"You, do you develop so fast?" Zhao Yi and his girlfriend came from the corner and met this scene. There is also Yang Guangtai with a tired look.

"It's okay." Li Xianyu patted her on the shoulder.

Wang Mengmeng ignored the three of Zhao Yi, trembled and looked around, naturally he couldn't see Zhou Xiaoxiao, who had already disappeared, still refused to come out of Li Xianyu's arms, and boldly held Li Xianyu's cheeks with two little hands: "I want to see you Eyes, you, you look around. "

"Is your roommate Yimei so powerful?" Zhang Hui couldn't believe it.

"Isn't it your girlfriend who is beating my brother?" Zhao Yizhang repeated.

"....." Yang Guangtai.

Asshole, it's obviously my first concern.

Is this the difference between a single dog and a single aristocracy?

Obviously Wang Mengmeng couldn't escape the salty fish's claws, and he looked down on the mediocre look inside, and this "blind date" could collapse.

Sure enough to go to the Internet cafes to play games, girlfriends are redundant.

After several repetitions, it was determined that there was no Zhou Xiaoxiao in Li Xianyu's pupils, Wang Mengmeng was relieved, and the whole person was paralyzed on Li Xianyu.

"She, will she follow me?"

"will not."

"Can I believe you?" Wang Mengmeng looked weak.

"Believe it or not." Li Xianyu pushed her away and walked towards the private room.

So cool ... Wang Mengmeng looked at his back, suddenly myocardial infarction.

The dinner went on, Wang Mengmeng took the initiative to come to Li Xianyu, and he had to feel close to him to have a sense of security ~ ~ Zhao Yi and others smiled ambiguous.

Li Xianyu was inexplicably and deserved to be the object of drinking. Yang Guangtai took the opportunity to retaliate and caught him to drink.

"What's wrong with you lately, you always keep your mind off." Yang Guangtai said.

During the meal, Huang Yicong said nothing, with a look of kidney deficiency and dull eyes.

Hearing that, he gave a strong laugh, took the wine and cried with Li Xianyu.

"It's okay." Li Xianyu asked with concern.

He shook his head and sulked.

The moment Li Xianyu patted him on the shoulder, and the palms touched him, his eyes were hot again, and he covered his eyes and burst into tears.


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