Soccer Card System

Chapter 523: We are stronger due to suffering

Chapter 523 We are stronger due to suffering

Inside the office of the president of Atletico Madrid.

Cerezo looked at the head coach of his team with a headache.

In fact, whether it is Gao Bo satirizing the referee in the game and then being sent off with a red card, or other players protesting and being punished, these are no big deal.

The seriousness of the problem lies in the words that Gao Bo put down at the press conference after the game.

"Some people don't want us to win!"

This sentence has already burned the flames of war to the Spanish Football Association.

Obviously, offending the Football Association is definitely not a good thing for Atletico Madrid. They are not Real Madrid and Barcelona. In front of these two giants, the Spanish Football Association is like a grandson, but it can definitely deal with Atletico Madrid... Let Atletico Madrid see the ability of the Spanish Football Association.

Scolding the referee belongs to scolding the referee, but if it rises to the level of the Spanish Football Association... then this nature is different.

The Spanish media, fans, football professionals, and even some star players were involved in this big storm, and the center of the storm, of course, is Atletico Madrid, who is now Gao Bo sitting in the office.

For the coach of Gao Bo, Cerezo is of course quite satisfied.

Ability is strong and the team record is getting better and better. Atletico Madrid’s re-emergence is just in sight. As the king of the club’s revival, Cerezo may still be able to join the great club presidents in history in the honor room. His own statue to prove his contribution to the team.

But this matter, in Cerezo's opinion... is quite tricky.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chairman." Gao Bo waved his hand, "The big deal is just a few games suspension."

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as suspending a few games..." Cerezo shook his head somewhat depressed.

"We may be targeted in the future."

Gao Bo nodded, he knew what Cerezo meant.

The Spanish Football Association may be angry now, and the future of Atletico Madrid will definitely be difficult.

"Then they can try it!" Gao Bo grinned.

He laughed a little bit awkwardly, and at the same time exposed his aggressive personality hidden under his usually gentle personality.

Cerezo shook his head helplessly.

He hadn't noticed before, that there is such a side in his head coach character.

Gao Bo picked up the newspaper in front of Cerezo.

The front page of every newspaper is about the game last night.

The head referee's tall and straight body, with photos of holding up the red card appeared on the page of every newspaper.

A game full of controversy shocked the whole of Spain.

"Some people don't want us to win!"

This is the sticker on the front page of "Aspen". The headline appears eye-catchingly on the page in the largest, darkest and thickest font. Below the headline is a photo of Gao Bo applauding the referee who gave him the red card.

Gao Bo put the newspaper down: "This is an absolute misjudgment."

"I understand." Cerezo nodded. "But this is also normal. In Spain, there are two teams bigger than the Football Association. Think about our opponents in the next round..."

Gao Bo nodded, he understood what Cerezo meant.

In the next round of the league, Atletico Madrid's opponent is...Barcelona.

"I don't want the team to punish my players. If a fine is required, deduct it from my salary!" Gao Bo said.

Cerezo hurried to appease: "No one will be punished internally in this incident."

Cerezo is not a fool, despite the team's rules, a red card is a pay penalty.

But this rule is not dead, and this time the matter can only be handled specially.

At this moment, Jill Marin, the general manager of Atletico Madrid, hurried in.

"The punishment is down!"

He held a document in his hand and his face was solemn.

Gao Bo took this information from him. It was about this incident and the Spanish Football Association Records Committee's penalty decision on this incident.

Direct red cards for Godin and Raul Garcia were both suspended for three games.

Gao Bo was suspended for four games because of "the plot is rather bad."

Assistant coach Moya was suspended for three games.

Boateng, who accumulated two yellow cards and was ejected from the field by a red card, was suspended for one match.

Both Juan Fran and Kanter were automatically suspended for one game because they accumulated five yellow cards.

Add to that Modric, who was injured and unable to play for at least a week.

At this time, almost half of Atletico Madrid's main players will not be able to play in the next round of home game against Barcelona.

Cerezo was silent.

Most of the main players have no way to play, the opponent is Barcelona, ​​Atletico Madrid may suffer a losing streak in the league.

In the absence of most of the main players and the head coach is suspended, how can Atletico Madrid win Barcelona?

At least Cerezo had no confidence at all.

"We can try to appeal!"

General Manager Jill said.

This is also one of the solutions.

The focus is on the game against Barcelona. If Atletico Madrid appeals within two days and the Appeals Committee cannot handle Atletico Madrid’s appeal before this round of the league, the suspension will be pushed to the beginning of the next round.

In this way, several suspended players may be expected to play in the game against Barcelona.

Cerezo nodded: "This needs to be as fast as possible! We try our best to push the suspension to the beginning of the next round, at least until we finish Barcelona!"

Jill Marin nodded, but judging from their expressions, this matter is not optimistic.

In the Spanish Football Association, if it is to fight for relationship and energy, how can Atletico Madrid win Barcelona.

The Appeals Committee of the Spanish Football Association may change the procrastination of the bureaucracy, and will definitely resolve the appeal of Atletico Madrid within a week!


Let alone whether the club’s appeal can be successful, the first thing Gao Bo did after the team resumed training was to gather everyone together and sum up the lessons.

Although he is very upset, he can't let this matter continue to affect his team.

After a day, the Atletico Madrid players who calmed down were a little frustrated.

The next round of the league is about to play Barcelona, ​​this is definitely a focus battle. At this time, the team encountered a large-scale suspension crisis, which began to shake the players' confidence in this game.

"Guys, we have set a very remarkable record. This record is the only one in the five major leagues. I am very proud of you!"

"The undefeated in 61 games proves the ability of our team. We are a united and effective team!"

"They couldn't beat us on the court, so they started using other moths to deal with us. They thought we would give in, thought we would be afraid. But I know you are all fighters!"

"The record has passed, and now it has nothing to do with us, but new records are beginning to appear under our feet!"

"This is our battle! The next round of the league, the opponent is Barcelona, ​​we have many players who cannot play in this game, including me!"

Gao Bo pointed to himself.

The eyes of the players also dimmed.

"Yes, our strength has been weakened. They can only use this method to deal with us. What does this show?"

"This shows that we scared them. It shows our strength in La Liga. They can't beat us with real swords and guns. That's why we used such a method! This is really an honor for me!"

Gao Bo waved his fist!

"But, do you want to crush us like this? Let them daydream!!!"

"This is a war! Guys!! This is a war! Our decision, courage, and willpower are the important factors that determine the outcome of the battle. They think we are weaker? On the contrary! We will! Because of this ordeal, it is even stronger!"

Many people say that disaster and pain created Atletico Madrid.

When Gao Bo shouted this slogan belonging to Atletico Madrid on the training ground.

Many veterans in the training base who have served in the team for many years couldn't help crying.

On the team's office building, Cerezo looked solemn.

Atletico Madrid is stronger because of the hardship. We endure the hardship, but we yearn for the bright.

Moya took off his glasses and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Many people do the same.

The players couldn't help but straighten their chests.

Here, the players seem to feel the power from the depths of the team again.

The head coach is right, this is a war.

The players settled down.