Soccer Card System

Chapter 790: Need a stronger test

? After four rounds of the league, Manchester City will soon go to play the first game of the Champions League group stage away.

They are going to challenge the Czech giants Pilsen on the road.

Pearson is not a strong team. Although they are very strong in the domestic league, Czech football is not a strong country in Europe. The Czech league is also not ranked in Europe.

Therefore, for Manchester City in this game, the only difficulty is the distance.

After the end of the fourth round of the Premier League, they will immediately take a flight to the Czech Republic thousands of kilometers away, and between the two games, Manchester City has only three days to prepare.

This is one of the reasons why Gao Bo made a rotation in the fourth round of the league.

After Manchester City arrived in the Czech Republic, at the press conference before the game, reporters will of course pay more attention to defending champion Manchester City.

"Mr. Gao Bo, what are Manchester City's goals in the Champions League this season?"

A reporter stood up and asked.

"We are defending the champion. Of course, the goal is also for the final champion!" Gao Bo said bluntly.

For Manchester City now, there is no longer any possibility of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

It is impossible for an elephant to hide behind a mouse. Now if someone says that Manchester City is inferior in strength, it might be regarded as a joke.

However, Gao Bo's unrefined championship declaration also made the reporters present look at each other.

"Since the restructuring of the Champions League, no team has ever successfully defended the Champions League. What do you think of this?" a local reporter asked.

"Of course, the difficulty of the Champions League is indeed very high, but it is man-made. We were able to win the Champions League last season, why must not this season? I don't believe in any spells. All the spells are just because of lack of strength." Gao Bo said.

"Then do you think that Manchester City's strength is enough?"

Gao Bo looked at the reporter, then nodded and said: "I have the best players in the world, and my team is naturally the best team. They can beat any opponent!"

Next, after the reporters asked a few more questions, Gao Bo left the press conference.


Before the start of the game the next day, the media emphasized Gao Bo's "extraordinary self-confidence" when reporting the game.

"Coach Gao Bo seems to be too confident in his team. Looking at history, we know that there are many strong teams in history, some of which are even stronger than Manchester City now, but they can't complete the defense of the Champions League. The task, the probability that Manchester City want to accomplish this is too low."

"After many teams succeed, they will become targets of public criticism. All opponents will study their play styles and formulate targeted tactical measures. Moreover, before winning the Champions League, the players' desire for the championship is unparalleled. After the Champions League, players’ desire for the championship will inevitably decline."

Many media have expressed similar views.

In fact, this is not unreasonable.

Many teams may encounter such a problem after winning the championship, that is, the problem of the hunger and thirst of the main players.

Football is a sport that requires full dedication and passion. When the team is not passionate, no matter how strong they are, they may be defeated by their opponents.


It is impossible to say that Gao Bo does not worry about the decline of the team's desire for victory at all.

Before the end of last season, he began to think about this.

In the previous rounds of the Premier League, the team performed very well. But the teams met in the first four rounds are not strong teams, so nothing comes out.

Before the game started, when the players warmed up from the stadium and returned to the locker room.

According to the usual practice, Gao Bo conducted the final battlefield mobilization before the start of the game.

The players sorted their equipment.

The main players put on their jerseys, put on their sneakers, and tie their shoelaces.

Gao Bo watched the players busy.

When the players were almost over, Gao Bo waved his hand.

The players also looked over quickly.

Gao Bo looked at these young eyes. These are the players he chose. He believes that these guys have never lost their desire for championship and victory.

"Some people say that after we win the championship, we will be content with the status quo, and will lie on the merits of the past unwilling to get up." Gao Bo said.

"But I won't believe this because I know you very well. Each of you is my player, and each of you is a fighter!"

"You will not indulge in the honor of the past, and you will not be tired of victory!"

Gao Bo stretched out a finger and said.

"Now, please tell me, am I right?"


The players collectively replied loudly.


Gaobo's system also does not have a game hunger tester.

So he can only observe from the game.

Although this game was an away game, but soon, Manchester City's players entered the state.

In the fifth minute of the game, after a few minutes of adapting to the away environment, Manchester City began to try to attack.

David Silva took the ball and turned around after receiving the ball on the right side of the backcourt, and then dribbled the ball through halftime!

Griezman pulled from the center to the wing, helping David Silva to open the center defense.

When David Silva continued to dribble to the center, Pearson's players had to shrink to the center!

In this gap, David Silva passed the ball to the undefended feet of Griezmann!

A simple dribbling forward will mess up the opponent's defense.

Gao Bo shook his head off the court.

Such an opponent cannot test anything.

It is so easy for Manchester City to win against a team like Pearson.

In fact, in this attack, Manchester City scored a goal.

Griezmann dribbled the ball forward, and when Pearson's defense moved to this side, Griezmann picked the ball to the back point!

Sanchez rushed directly back, and shot with his right foot!

Football flies into the goal without any suspense.

Manchester City opened the scoring for the first time, one to zero!

After the goal is scored, the next thing is even simpler.

Manchester City slowly controlled the rhythm on the field, mobilizing Pearson's running through passing.

In the twenty-eighth minute of the game, Griezmann made a fake shot from the penalty area, and immediately volleyed with his right foot after dribbling into the penalty area!

The football roared in from the upper corner of the goal and hit the net!

Two to zero! !

In the 73rd minute of the second half, David Silva was violated with the ball in the penalty area and fell to the ground. The referee awarded a penalty kick.

Griezmann made a penalty kick and the score became three to zero!

In the end, Manchester City defeated Pearson 3-0 in the away game and won the first Champions League group match.

And how strong are the Manchester City players' desire for the championship... I am afraid that they still need to pass the test of a strong team.