Solomon Who Doesn’t Want To Be a Doctor is Not a Good Roman

Chapter 100

"Sorry, I seem to be late."

"I'm not late yet, but the habit of just catching up with the time still needs to be changed."

After breakfast, Roman, who was dressed, was ready to rush to school, but unexpectedly found that Gabriel next door was not ready, so Roman felt to stop and wait for Gabriel to go together.

A pair of "hate iron is not steel" Xiao Zi bit her handkerchief and walked away angrily. In the end, Roman and Gabriel just ran into the school before the door.

Roman couldn't care about the admissions issue, but when he arrived at the school on the day he was hired, he obviously failed.

Fortunately, Mr. Principal is not a strict person.

"I can understand that the first time to go to work and the first time to enter school can make people feel somewhat uneasy." As if remembering something, Mr. Principal laughed happily, "I must have had a good rest last night. Don't worry. "Being a teacher is actually not a terrible thing, and you will get used to it gradually."

"I'll pay attention."

The principal saw that Roman did not rest well, but he seemed to have misunderstood that Roman did not sleep well because he joined the job, but he did not know that Roman almost stayed up all night last night, and he simply forgot about joining the job.

"Before joining the job, let me mention the requirements of being a teacher here." Mr. Principal's smiling face suddenly disappeared. At the moment when he talked about work, his face gave a severe and serious sense of oppression.

"Do your job well."

"Huh?" The sudden sentence left Roman confused.

"I mean, do your job well, and you don't need to worry about other things. As long as it's not within your duties, you don't need to interfere. Does that make it clear?"

"I understand."

The principal meant to say, let Roman do his job as a health care teacher. As for things other than the health care teacher, he doesn't need to be meddling.

It's a very strange request, but... isn't it great?

Isn't this great great great great?

To be able to work in this school is simply the most correct choice!



At the same time, in the still deserted morning in the city, two strangely dressed people got in.

The two walked side by side. One of them is nearly two meters tall, and his muscles are as solid as a rock. Just looking at it can give others a sense of oppression. He was wearing leather armor that only covered vital points, and loose trousers on his lower body. Behind him was a large sword, occupying a third of his body.

The other was wearing a vintage cloth long coat. Compared to the strong man with a giant sword, he looked much thinner, only to the height of the strong man's shoulders. Standing together, there was a feeling of being overwhelmed by the strong man. . The slender fingers gripped a long spear, which stood up parallel to his body. A bell was attached to the long handle and point of the spear, and as he walked, the bell did not make any sound.

"Is it here, Matthew?" The strong man stopped suddenly, he frowned and looked into the distance, "This city gives me a bad feeling, do you want to continue?"

"If it wasn't bad, the fallen angels wouldn't hire us."

The man called "Matthew" by the brawny laughed at himself.

"In the end, we're just cannon fodder for temptation. Don't say who we meet, we don't even know what to do. If it's really that simple, the fallen angels have already sneaked into the city themselves."

PS: Mr. lokeer, please start your show.

Chapter 182 Chapter 21: Little Angel La Fei (Part 1)

It's fun to work.

The moment he woke up from the bed in the infirmary, Roman couldn't help feeling this way.

Don't do superfluous things, don't meddle in your own business, so just stay in the health room and be fine, right?

Then, Roman slept all morning in the health room. It's just... I haven't slept well like this in a long time.

However, this kind of thing is actually very difficult to clear the accumulated tiredness, and it will even become more and more tired the more you sleep, so Roman woke up after two hours of sleep.

Just in time for lunch break.

Because the bell has not yet rang, there is still a while before the end of get out of class. However, staying alone in the health room can be somewhat boring and lonely. How did the seniors who are also health care teachers spend this boring time?

Roman considered whether he should bring the laptop.

How is Xiao Zi? Did you make new friends? Or being bullied by others? Why haven't you come to find your father yet?

When people are quiet, they like to think wildly. That's probably what it means.

On the first day of school, Roman was bored until the bell rang.

"Finally the get out of class is over."

It is obviously a good place to fish, but due to lack of preparation, the time spent here has become extremely tormented.

Because I woke up too late this morning, I didn't prepare a lunch box, so I could only find something to eat in the cafeteria. Unlike other teachers, health care teachers do not have special teaching tasks, but they are always ready to take care of injured and sick students, so they spend most of their time at school in the health room, which is no different from a doctor who is always ready to see a doctor. .

It seems necessary to find some fun to pass the time in the health room.

Thinking like this, Roman was about to leave the health room and when he opened the door of the health room, he saw a cute girl standing in front of the door.

"Good noon, Mr. Roman."

The girl's hands were behind her back, and her upper body leaned forward slightly. Her eyes squinted like two lines, and her lips smeared with lipstick were slightly raised, all of which revealed the girl's joyful mood. The silver-white hair was combed straight, and the hair ornament of the cross was pinned to the side of the ear, shining in the noon sun. The well-tailored school uniform is worn on the girl. Under the red short skirt, there are slender and straight thin legs. Between the black stockings and the short skirt, the white thighs are eye-catching.

Who is this kid?

Suddenly seeing the girl in front of him, Roman couldn't remember who this girl was. But there is still a sense of familiarity, so do you mean someone you know?

Judging from the range of his friendships, he doesn't really know many people, so it's easy to find out who the other person is. She is wearing a school uniform, so she will definitely not be her classmates and friends during college; if she can't remember who it is, it means that she has not met many times, but the familiarity still remains in my heart, so the time I have known is not too long. Far……

"Are you... Lafi?"

I finally remembered that she was a girl named White Feather Raphael Ensworth, whom Roman had met when he took a Bible to the cafe one day on a whim during the holiday.

Being able to remember the girl's full name, Roman began to admire his memory.

Because most of the vacation time was spent with Gabriel, and other things had long been forgotten. If it wasn't for the girl's impression on him, Roman would have really forgotten her.

"Could it be that Mr. Roman forgot me?" Probably after understanding Roman's tone, La Fei's expression became pitiful, "And she never came to see me again throughout the holiday, La Fei was in the coffee shop. After waiting for a long time, the owner of the coffee shop also said that the teacher will come again next time, but he has been waiting for the whole summer vacation and can't wait."

Wait a minute! Let me clear my mind first.

Roman felt an explosion in his brain.

First of all, who are you girl?

Instead of asking La Fei's name, she was questioning the girl's identity and the relationship between La Fei and Roman.

The two have met only once. To put it nicely, it means they meet by chance. To put it badly, it means that they have a relationship with passers-by, and it can even be said that they have no relationship. But what's the matter with your resentful tone, girl? Are we familiar? Has the relationship reached the point where you can spend a month for each other?

Then there is the owner of the coffee shop, do you still have any work ethic? Is it really okay to tell other people what the guests say so easily?

In the end, Roman wanted to know very much, and one thing that he wanted to know very much was: today is his first day of employment. Except for the principal's office, he has spent all his time making up for sleep. Found it here as soon as possible during recess.

"Laffey, let me ask you something."

"Please tell me, Mr. Roman, as long as it is your question, I will do my best to answer you."

"Is this too exaggerated? What if I want to know your fat color or measurements?"

"My fat times are purple, and my measurements are..."

"Shut up! Don't keep talking, I'll be fired, maybe even taken to the police station!"

Asking the girl I met for the second time about the color and measurements of the fat sub-dimension looks like sexual harassment, but what is even worse is that the girl who was sexually and harassed actually cooperated to say her fat sub-dimension color and measurements. ...Wait, since La Fei is so cooperative, it shouldn't be considered sexual harassment, it's more like an adulterer and a whore. Tsk, it feels like this, even if it develops into a teacher-student love, there seems to be no obstacle.

Then again, are all girls so precocious these days? This can no longer be described as ordinary precociousness. It can be said that it is shameless. What is the restraint that a girl should have?

"Really? It turns out that Mr. Roman doesn't want to know."

La Fei's face showed a regretful expression... What are you regretting? Do you just want to tell me your measurements?

"What do I know about this? Rather than knowing the students' fat color and measurements, I might as well buy interesting photo albums and magazines. Teacher, I am an adult, an adult who legally buys H objects, and those sneaky people. Kid's head is completely different."

"Does it mean that the teacher prefers to slander at pictures? Compared with the real person standing in front of him, a picture that is motionless and has no three-dimensional effect will be more attractive?"

"That's not true, it's just that I prefer mature women to teachers who don't have a figure."

However, as soon as Roman's words were finished, La Fei stood up to her chest and said proudly.

"Teacher Report, I'm a big breast."

"Shut up! Talking about **** and **** with the teacher, what kind of student are you?! Can't you just obediently say that your body is not feeling well and needs to be checked? Bring the topic to strange **** calculations. what happened?"

I was detoured, and before I knew it, the content of the topic had been dominated by La Fei, and the discussion had been centered on the colored and full of H objects. Is it an illusion? I always feel that La Fei has been emphasizing her figure, trying to sell her the **** hidden under the school uniform.

What's even worse is that Roman Reigns is actually a little bit moved.

Stop it, Romani! You can't do this! Even if the other person is a student who allows you to do whatever you want, doing so is a crime!

When La Fei looked at him with desire and dissatisfaction, Roman couldn't help feeling agitated in his heart.

"Let's get down to business." Roman quickly began to change the subject, drawing her attention to the most important things, "I just want to know, why are you so sure I'm here? We've only met once, right, and the place where we met is In the coffee shop. I didn't tell you at that time, today I will join this school as a health teacher, how did you know I was here?"

This is not a coincidence, no matter how you look at it, La Fei knew that he would appear here.

"Because our family has a stake in this school."


- Damn rich man, no, isn't that better?

Working as a health teacher in a rich friend's school doesn't mean that he is one step closer to a leisurely fishing life?

For a while, Roman's eyes became hot when he looked at La Fei.

However, La Fei, who was stared at by Roman, covered her cheeks and said shyly.

"Ah, Mr. Roman, don't look at me like this, it will make people very shy."

"You can't look shy at all like this, no matter how pretentious you are, you have to give me enough time."

That's right, even if La Fei pretends to look alike, Roman can still expose the fact that La Fei is acting at a glance.

"Although I don't know what you came to do with me, I don't have time right now. If you want, you can go to dinner with me."

"No need."

La Fei suddenly raised her hand. In her right hand, there was a package hanging all the time, and with her words, it was not difficult to judge what was inside the package.

"I've prepared Mr. Roman's lunch box."

It's definitely a lunch box. It seems that La Fei came prepared.

Roman's look at La Fei suddenly became strange.

Not only did I wait for him in the cafe for nearly a month, but I also made a special trip to inquire about him, and even prepared a lunch box to get close to him. What purpose did this child have in taking pains to approach him?

Roman can be sure that he has never seen La Fei before that time at the coffee shop, and La Fei also admitted that she has just come to this country to study from abroad, which means that the two have no contact at all except before the first meeting. , nor will it have anything to do with it.

Roman is a man of his own accord. He doesn't like trouble, and he doesn't like to do superfluous things. When he can catch a fish, he will never make an effort.

So, Laffey, what are you thinking?

PS: Sensitive words are: xingsaorao, xiongbu, juru, seqing, seqi.

It also makes it difficult for people to write interesting text.

Chapter 183 Chapter 22

Roman couldn't get the answer from the existing information, because when La Fei was on the passive side, he could only passively bear the lack of information.

If you have to find an answer, it is probably the most impossible-

"It was love at first sight."

Like being able to read Roman's heart, La Fei said this impossible answer with a smile on her face, making Roman's heart beat wildly.

"If it's all right, please don't disturb me for lunch."

"It's really sad, there is no false place in my heart, Mr. Roman."

——Can you stop using the title "teacher" again, because being called like that by you will always have a **** feeling.