Solomon Who Doesn’t Want To Be a Doctor is Not a Good Roman

Chapter 386

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, this kind of man deserves to be single for the rest of his life, and it must be the kind that a woman will push away when she gets close."

As an informal girl, Lixiang certainly wouldn't put too much energy into such trivial matters.

"Damn, if only you showed up sooner, if you were all there at that time, that disgusting guy..."

As if thinking of some bad memory, Rika showed an expression like eating a bug, which surprised Magician S.

"What happened?"

"No." After speaking, Lixiang glared at the pirates around her with a fierce expression, "If anyone dares to say it, I will tear him apart!"

Seeing the silent pirates around him, Magician S became even more curious, but it was difficult for him to ask everyone from Lixiang's face.

Put it aside for now.

"Then exchange information now, we may be in trouble."

Actually Magician S knows a lot. He knew what Lixiang knew, and he knew what Lixiang didn't know, but he had to pretend he didn't know anything, which was a very hard thing.

"In other words, the pirate named Blackbeard is also looking for trouble for you, right?"

"Huh? That's right, what's the problem?"

"That's good. The next time I encounter this worm, I must let him go back and forth."

Lixiang began to gear up, and her face was full of murderous aura.

Shouldn't we be more concerned about Hercules at this time? However, Lixiang seems to have only met Blackbeard, and this child's vengeance seems to be getting worse.

"By the way, is the bug in that direction?"

Seeing which direction Lixiang was pointing from, Magician S nodded: "But several hours have passed, I don't know if they will chase after them, maybe they have changed their course."

"It doesn't matter, let's go first, this time we must not let them escape. The Golden Deer, go!"

The Golden Deer set off again, and Magician S did not expect that the form would be completely changed this time, and the positions of the pursuer and the pursued were completely reversed.

But there is one thing Magician S still wants to figure out, what happened between Rika and Blackbeard.

Glancing at the pirates around him, Magician S felt that no matter how he asked, these people would not answer him. So Magician S simply found the person who really mastered the ship, that is, Drake.

"Lika and Blackbeard?" Drake looked at Magician S unexpectedly, "I didn't expect you to be interested in this kind of thing, does magician gossip like that?"

"Just curious."

Magician S replied hesitantly, that he could never tell his true relationship with Lixiang, but this gossip attitude was indeed contrary to his current mysticism.

However, Drake did not pursue this aspect, nor did he intend to entice Magician S, and turned a deaf ear to Lixiang's threat.

"Blackbeard said something to her."


"cute, wanna*"

"..." I'm going to kill him!

Magician S believes that no one can stand it at this time, a dirty and wretched worm molesting his daughter, if he is still indifferent at this time, is this still a father?

Therefore, Magician S, who had reservations about the decision to pursue Blackbeard, is now more determined than anyone else.

"What is this guy doing, is he eating the Holy Quartz?"

Looking at Magician S, whose attitude has changed 180 degrees, Lixiang immediately felt that he was a nervous person. In addition, she also saw the downcast David, the green-haired Servant seemed to be completely depressed after saying hello to everyone.

"Sure enough, a strange Master should be paired with a strange Servant. These two men look unreliable. By the way, Matthew, what did this Servant tell you just now?"

Li Xiang also saw it just now, David said something to Mash with a look of surprise, but it seemed to be rejected.

"Mr. David?" Rika's doubts made Matthew look troubled, "He was just asking 'Abisag, you must be Abishag?', but I corrected him...but he seemed to also Said the same thing to Arturia and Jeanne. Senpai, is this a conversation?"


Neither of these two men is a good thing. The Master will do inexplicable lectures, and then the whole person seems to be insane; the Servant is an old hooligan who uses old-fashioned excuses to pick up girls.

Rika felt that it was necessary for him to correct his attitude, at least to let him know that the cute **** this ship belonged to her Fujimaru Rika... prepared for her father.

When he saw Lixiang approaching, David couldn't help but feel his eyes light up:


Before the name was uttered, David felt a chill, and a chill rushed up from the tail and rushed to the brain. After his attention was taken away from Lixiang, he finally found out where the malice came from.

I don't know when, he has become the target of public criticism. Arturia's holy sword shone with golden brilliance, Joan of Arc's iris flag had been rolled up, Matthew took out his cross shield and entered the combat state, Atalanta pulled his bowstring, but more let it go. What David didn't expect was that Magician S raised his hand, revealing the Command Spell on the back of his hand.

——If you dare to say it, you will die!

Magician S didn't say it, but the meaning was very obvious. The endless killing intent came from the contract between the two.

"Hey, you old rascal!"

Lixiang had already walked up to David and bluntly expressed her disgust towards David. She didn't know that in David's eyes at this moment, she was a hundred times more dangerous than the giants Goliath and Hercules. .

I saw Lixiang raised his fist and asked with a murderous look: "Are you the one who was teasing me just now?"

Forget it, it's just a little girl, even if she admits it, it doesn't matter. Could it be that she can still kill him?

David restrained the bitterness on his face, then nodded lightly. What greeted him was Lixiang's all-out fist.


"It hurts!"

Li Xiang's violent beating made David lie on the deck of the Golden Deer for half an hour before he could stand up. Even so, he had to support the fence to stand firm.

He clutched his stomach, and even his voice was distorted.

"Are all little girls so violent now? They don't even look like a lady."

"Don't say such ridiculous words, the women of the age of God are not necessarily gentle, and they will simply throw you into the sea when they are ruthless."

"That's true, but Master, do you actually know women?"

"..." More than understanding, I am the one who was pressed to the ground.

The appearance of David reminded Magician S of many things that happened many years ago, as well as that unbearable memory.

Magician S couldn't help but stared at David fiercely again: "Don't harass them for me, especially Matthew and Lixiang, if you let me know that you dare to touch them, I will definitely let you go back to Heroic Spirit. go to the palace."

Speaking of which, Magician S couldn't help but feel extremely regretful. Because I went to Drake just now, I didn't notice that David was harassing Matthew, otherwise, Magician S would have to let Matthew knock out the brains of this old rogue. Even if he was beaten up on the spot, no one in the whole of Israel would dare to say that he and Matthew did something wrong.

"Yes, yes, I already know." David looked at Magician S with an ambiguous smile on his face, "They are your Abishag, right!"

"Suicide, David!"

"Wait, calm me down."

David rushed over and covered Magician S's hand. If he was forced to commit suicide, he would be laughed to death by the entire Heroic Spirit World if it spread out.

"I think you may be biased against me. To me, Abisha is like a daughter, like a lover's woman."

—I know that when you first met, Abishag could only be your granddaughter.

Magician S suddenly thought of the relationship between Rika and Matthew and David, and suddenly felt that it would be better for this **** to disappear from this world.

This guy is a lo*ic*n!

"Don't get me wrong, I mean, in the eyes of the Master, Rika and Mash are probably similar to daughters."

"..." Magician S opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't speak, he was surprised that David felt this way. Except for the few insiders, no one knew about the relationship between Magician S and the two of them.

"You can't hide it from me. I am a king who once had multiple wives and children."

The surprised mood of Magician S made David feel very proud. But Magician S doesn't think David is proud of him, because David doesn't qualify as a father or husband.

"In my later years, I felt tired physically and mentally, I couldn't move my limbs, I couldn't even see my eyes, and my body would get cold when night fell, which is when I needed someone to take care of me. I thought there were so many wives and Child, you should be happy in your old age, but at that time they cared more about the heir to the throne and let me sleep alone in a cold bedroom. Only that child, who was always a cold child, was willing to find the beautiful Abishag Take care of me. Compared to those... Abishag did what the kids didn't do."

"..." Is that so?

In David's later years, his children were vying for the throne, and his wives were constantly fighting for their children.

At that time, only Solomon was willing to do something for David. Because the throne belonged to Solomon and was destined from the beginning, he did not have to waste his energy for the throne. Instead, it was the old man lying on the bed, who made Solomon feel that he should do something for him, something he had never done before, something his son should do.

Abishag was a virgin who was destined to serve David. For Solomon, finding Abishag was nothing. Even without him, the ministers around him would have done the same thing. Solomon just let Abishag do the same. Appeared earlier by David's side.

- That's all I do.

I finally found out that it wasn't just Lixiang and Mashu. As early as 3,000 years ago in ancient Israel, the magician S was like this, and he would subconsciously retreat when facing his relatives. At that time, I thought that I should only do what "Solomon" should do, and should not get involved in the feelings of "Romani Akiman".

Until now, he still can't figure out whether this is what he should have, or whether it is because of his character.

"That's why I like Abishag. It's a pity that I couldn't see Abishag's face until I died, but I heard that Abishag was a beautiful virgin, so when I saw A beautiful woman, I wish she was Abishag, because I wanted to be able to see her face and say my thanks in person." that why he sees everyone as Abishag?

"If only I could have known Abishag earlier, so I could marry Abishag. I tell you, Abishag is very comfortable to hug."

"Go to hell, you **** lo*ic*n!"

PS: Look who is Abishag (wife)

Section 615 Chapter 145 The Silly Child of David's Family (Happy 3rd Anniversary Booker)

Magician S never thought that David was still a lo*ic*n. In his memory, David should like a wife. In terms of evidence, Bathsheba, the mother of "Solomon", is the best evidence. She was originally the wife of a minister, but was robbed by David.

Not only Bathsheba, but also David's other wives, women in their prime.

Could it be that as he said, Abishag was actually like a daughter and a lover?

Magician S was suddenly thankful that he was not poisoned by David. David is not a qualified father. Although he has many children, all he does is let his wife be born, but he never fulfills the responsibility of parenting, but gives the children to their mothers.

However, in that era, the social atmosphere was like this. The work of parenting was handed over to women, and men had heavier responsibilities on the shoulders.

The Golden Deer has been moving forward, but Blackbeard has never been found. It took several hours to go back and forth, and Lixiang had no idea if he wanted to find a Noble Phantasm ship.

As a result, it took everyone a day, and in the end, nothing was achieved.

The pirates are used to this kind of sea life, and they don't think there is anything wrong. Others who rarely touch the sea find it very boring, but any one is a determined person, and this kind of boring can't affect them at all, but Lixiang himself can't stand it in the first place.

"It's a little strange. Since we were still sailing in the morning, except for a few islands, we couldn't find land. We didn't stay in the same place, but traveled in a straight line. Do you mean that we are in the middle of the ocean?"

"It's not like that." Drake also frowned, "Actually, I haven't encountered a human city for two weeks. Before those people chased me, we have been trying to find a way to find a port to buy supplies. , I thought the storm disrupted the original route, but now it seems that there is a problem in this area."

Drake opened the map in his hand. This map was different from the map that Magician S knew. After all, the two lived in very different times. But along the way, Magician S more or less wrote down some reference objects, so until the Golden Deer did not repeat the route it took.

"Maybe everyone in Chaldea can give us the answer."

"Sorry, we can't help you in this regard. Chaldeas didn't show any mistakes. The singularity belongs to the wrong history. It will take more time to analyze the sea area you are in."

Unexpectedly, Olga Marie has been paying attention to the conversation here, but her tone sounds calm, and it seems that Chaldeas is still functioning normally.

"It seems that in order to prevent Miss Drake from sailing around the world, they not only sent killers, but also did tricks here."

This is probably some kind of magic like an enchantment. Tactics such as catching turtles in the urn seal this sea area, and then let Black Saber kill Drake, so that human history can be changed. Taking 10,000 steps back, restraint and Chaldea's Servant successfully stopped the pursuit. As long as Drake can't leave here, he can stay in this sea for a few years, or even die of old age here, and the same can be achieved. the goal of.

"It's not too early, let's find a place to land first, otherwise, that little girl will explode."

Derek raised his head and motioned Magician S to look over there.

This is probably the second time that Lixiang has vented her emotions. There are no entertainment items on the boat, and Lixiang can only vent her abundant energy through violence. The fluffy pirates are simply vulnerable, and David, the bastard, can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, so he becomes a punching bag for Rika.

"You guy, can't you be a little bit more promising? Didn't you see Lixiang getting angry?"

Magician S looked at David, who was lying on the ground and struggled to get up. Because he touched the part that was attacked, he kept sucking in cold air.

But Magician S's words didn't make David angry, instead he looked like he was smiling.

"You must not understand, Master, this is the trick to please girls. Calm down! Calm down! I don't mean that, I just want to say that when you are with energetic girls, you will feel young, Not an old man lying in bed waiting to die."

To be honest, Magician S really wanted to use the Command Spell to force David not to get close to Lixiang and Matthew, but when he thought about their relationship, Magician S gave up this plan, which was too cruel. .

"You have to promise me that you won't have any crooked thoughts against Lixiang and Mashu."

Even if Command Spells are not used, the necessary warnings are still necessary.

"Don't worry, I can see that these two girls have no idea of ​​this at all. It is necessary to have some fun during the boring sailing process, not like you... You won't Are you single all the time?"

"..." Hehe, I'm so sorry that I've been single all the time.

As if he had guessed the answer, David said with a sigh: "At that time, I hoped very much to see my grandson born. I thought, even if I didn't take good care of my own children, at least I should be a good grandfather. But I didn’t expect that the stupid child was not good enough, so I had to go out in person to marry a wife. Later, my grandson was finally born, and my eyes could no longer see anything, and it didn’t take long for me to return to the arms of the Lord. "

"..." I seem to have heard something extraordinary.