Solomon Who Doesn’t Want To Be a Doctor is Not a Good Roman

Chapter 509

Not only was this man blessed by God, but his ancestors had a weak divinity, but he was punished by God in his later years, and now only D-level divinity is left.


"I see, it's really a near miss." Roman, who was listening to Olga Marie's live broadcast from far away in Nishinomura, breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, when the Lixiang team was about to attack the castle, Roman asked Olga Marie to explain the situation to him clearly. Roman listened very hard, and Olga Marie's commentary was also very hard, but there was a lack of commentators. some passion.

Olga Marie feels that Roman may have misunderstood the duties of the Chaldean chief, and feels that she has decided to take a good rest after the restoration of the human body.

"Thank you for your hard work, Director. Since the operation is successful, they have decided to come back, right? Please pay attention to the safety of the return journey. Every Knight of the Round Table is an invincible enemy now."

"Don't take me as a radar, I'm very tired here, I haven't rested for 10 hours."

If it weren't for the distance in time and space between the two, Olga Marie really wanted to pull Roman's ears over and roar loudly. What did the father and daughter think of her as a director? Pass the microphone?

Since getting to know the father and daughter, the time and frequency of Olga Marie's anger has increased day by day. If she hadn't died once, and now she has the back-feeding power of the Holy Maiden of Winter, she would have lost her life for several years during this period.

"Calm down, Director, there's absolutely no need to get angry. Isn't there still the monarch (El-Melloi II)? If you feel tired, you can change shifts. Although he is a sub-servant himself, he is passing through" As a Servant summoned by the Destiny System, even if you work 24 hours overtime, it will not affect you."

"I heard."

From the side came the voice that El-Melloi II was almost used to. He felt no fluctuation in Roman's squeeze, and didn't even want to laugh. In comparison, Olga Marie, who is standing beside him now, has the potential of a capital villain.

However, El-Melloi II has no complaints. One is that he is used to it, and the other is that Chaldea really needs his strength. Anyway, it's not bad, it's the sixth singularity now, and there won't be too much overtime. If successful, that would be two months. If you fail, you can rest completely.

"But Lixiang doesn't plan to rush back now."

"Isn't that of course? It's still night, so you should have a good rest. Even in the singularity, you shouldn't disrupt your work and rest time."

"She decided to stay one night in the castle."

"...Didn't David persuade her?"

What is the operation of staying in the castle of the solemn knight? It was just on the verge of breaking out, has Lixiang's nerves reached this point? It was the enemy's stronghold there, although there wasn't a single enemy right now.

"This is actually David's suggestion. After all, Argonaut has just failed, and it is impossible to turn back in a short time, especially now it is night."

To be honest, the current castle is still relatively safe, and the possibility of being attacked by the enemy is very small. There is probably a feeling that "the dangerous place is actually very safe".

"Let David keep watch till dawn tonight!"

Even so, this man can't be better.

"Roman!" Joan of Arc's voice sounded from not far away, and at the same time, her footsteps were approaching rapidly, and soon appeared in Roman's line of sight, "Roman, Bedwell is awake."

Finally woke up.

Roman was not surprised. In fact, when he checked his body in the afternoon, he had estimated that Bedwell would wake up at night.

Roman smiled and said to Joan: "Don't be in a hurry, Joan, although I asked you to notify me as soon as possible, I won't run."

Before leaving, Roman had asked Joan of Arc to take care of Bedwell, and asked her to notify him as soon as she found Bedwell awake. It's just that Roman didn't expect that Jeanne would be so nervous about his words, and he really ran out of the room for the first time. Maybe he didn't even know what happened to Bedwell.

"Yes, I'm sorry, because I know you're nervous, cough..."

Joan of Arc also found that her reaction was too intense, she turned her head in embarrassment, maybe even Lixiang wouldn't be so focused on her mission.

"Because Miss Joan of Arc is very concerned about your orders, Dr. Roman." Although it was a little slower, Bedwell didn't seem to be uncomfortable. His footsteps were very steady, and he walked step by step, "I'm sorry, Dr. Roman, for you Trouble. Because of your health, you have to stay in Nishinomura to take care of me, which makes me very ashamed as a knight."

Bedwell offered his sincerest apology. He should have been on the front line, but he stayed in the West Village for his own sake, which caused Jeanne and Roman to also stay to take care of him.

Section 805 Chapter 321 Going to the Desert

"It's okay, proper rest is also needed. If you keep your mind and body tense, people will easily collapse. Of course, I don't support long-term relaxation."

Roman left the wooden post and stood up. The West Village is the same as the East Village. I don’t know what other existences are, but the design of these two villages is very comfortable. Although it is hidden, the location is like a chimney, and the people inside are blown by the cool wind.

"And you woke up just in time, and if it was any later, I'd have to cancel my plans."

Romain's words made Bedwell all of a sudden refreshed: "Doctor Roman, is there anything I need to do?"

"Wait a minute! What are you going to do, Roman?! Why don't I know you have plans at all?" Even after 500 years, Roman could imagine Olga Marie's frantic look, "What do you want? What? Why don't I know anything about it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Roman showed an apologetic smile, he also knew that it was his fault for not discussing with Olga Marie in advance, "This is for confidentiality, by the way, please keep it secret from Lixiang, otherwise... …”

"She will kill me!"

There is no doubt that it will definitely be the end of one death and one injury. Roman who acts without authorization will definitely have his legs broken and enjoy the treatment of German orthopaedics. And Olga Marie, who was in trouble with Roman (?), must not escape the catastrophe, and whether the whole body can be found is a problem.

It is now clear who has the final say in Chaldea.

"Just tell Lixiang that the monarch is on duty when I act."

"...That's true..." "Hey, I've heard it."

"Relax, if it is the monarch, there will be no problem."

"How do you say that? Is it because I don't know her well?"

El-Melloi II had been withdrawn to a particular degree in Chaldea. Although everyone knows that there is such a Servant, due to work reasons, few people see him, and even if they meet occasionally, they will only work overtime in the middle of the night. Of course, this has something to do with El-Melloi II's dislike of communicating with people.

"Probably because... the monarch has a kind of teacher's temperament. Believe me, for a child like Lixiang who has just graduated, the teacher's profession has a kind of restraint like a natural enemy. After all, any student must abide by the teacher's lesson, even if It's the same with bad students."

"Are you sure she won't just do it because she hates the teacher?"

"How, how? I go to the school every year to ask the teacher about Lixiang's school performance."

Having said that, I recalled that every time I saw the teacher, when they talked about Lixiang, there would be some very strange expressions on their faces, which made Roman somewhat unconfident. But there is a teacher named... Tiger who once said that Lixiang was very naughty at school, but Lixiang was still very young at that time, and Luo Man apologized to her by saying "she was still a child", so that Teacher Tiger could not end up. That's it.

"There's no way to hide this matter from her... I can't understand the matter between your father and daughter, and I don't want to deal with it. But now is really a good time to go to Ozymandias."

"Huh? You actually know?"

"It's not too hard to guess. Now that the old people in the mountains are all in place, it's time to unite with Ozymandias. The power of the people of the mountains is enough for Ozymandias to see our abilities. And sincerity. At the end of the day, Ozymandias was an arrogant guy who kicked us out of the pyramid because he didn't think we deserved to be his equal."

After all, Ozymandias was outside a country, and he was not someone who could form an alliance if he wanted to. The man who called himself the "Pharaoh of God" would never lower his worth just because of the sudden appearance of Chaldea.

"Then please, the journey from West Village to the desert may not be so easy."


Although Rika knew nothing about Roman's actions, the first time she woke up, El-Melloi II chose to confess and be lenient.

"Doctor Roman has left West Village."

"What?! What the **** did you do? Didn't you let you watch him? Why did you let him run away!"

Fortunately, the two of them lost control after five hundred years. Otherwise, Lixiang would definitely punch at this time and make El-Melloi II disabled to work overtime from now on.

"This is Doctor Roman's request, and you have also made an appointment to allow Doctor Roman to act if Bedwell recovers."

"Damn, you bastard, Dad."

An angry Tachika raised his fist and waved it in front of him. It's true that she made an agreement with Roman, but that was because she thought Bedwell couldn't recover before she came back. Who knew that the Servant's recovery would be so strong. Then again, will the Servant get sick? As long as there is magic power, the Servant is not mortally wounded, and he can recover with a little time.

Besides, even if Bedwell recovered, if Lixiang knew that Roman was planning to go out, she would definitely object immediately.

It can only be said that Roman's understanding of his daughter is not wrong.

"Tsk, where is Dad now?"

There was a ruthless look on Lixiang's face, she was about to find the messed up father and tie him up.

"I don't recommend that you stop Dr. Roman now, not to mention that it's too late, and now splitting the troops can speed up the plan."

"What are you talking about? There are only Joan of Arc and Bedwell by Dad's side. Bedwell is obviously unreliable... I mean his health has gone wrong. Even I know that Servant won't get sick. , let Dad go out and run around like this, what should I do if something happens?"

"If that's the case, I don't recommend you stop Dr. Roman."


Unlike Rika's anxiety, El-Melloi II's voice seemed calm. I don't know if it was the professional restraint that Roman said, but Lixiang really listened to his words seriously at this time. Of course, this is also the reason why El-Melloi II didn't tell her about Roman's whereabouts, otherwise she wouldn't care what El-Melloi II was talking about.

"Of course it is for the safety of Dr. Roman. His plan is not a secret. Now that he has entered the desert, he intends to join forces with Ozymandias to attack the Holy City. Compared with the Middle East, Ozymandias has already joined the lion with the lion. The king signed a temporary truce agreement, which means that the desert area is currently a territory that cannot be invaded for the Holy City. Doctor Roman is absolutely safe there, at least safer than the West Village that may be discovered by the Knights of the Round Table. If you are really worried about the safety of Dr. Roman, it is recommended that you complete the operations that need to go out before Dr. Roman returns, so as to avoid the chance of Dr. Roman going out."

"..." Li Xiang suddenly fell silent.

El-Melloi II has already figured out the psychology of the father and daughter, and their thoughts are to change for each other's safety, which is a fatal weakness. But now the enemies in the singularity don't know them as well as everyone in Chaldea, otherwise, after grasping their thoughts, they can easily control their actions and defeat them.

"So, instead of going to see Dr. Roman to take a risk at this time, it's better to finish what you have to do at this time, and you can do whatever you want with him when you come back."

"Then it's settled. I'm going to let him know what happens if he acts without my consent!"

This feeling is very subtle.

Because the knight's horse was found in the castle, the road back was much easier than the rescue, but the body of the beast recovered on the way was very heavy, which slowed everyone's footsteps. They dismembered the corpse of the beast, and then let the avatar of Hassan hold all the pieces of meat in their hands, so the journey did not have much impact.

Rao is so, when I returned to the West Village, it was almost noon.

When he returned to Nishinomura, he unexpectedly reunited with another old man in the mountains.

Hassan the Cursed Wrist from the East Village came to the West Village. The connection between the old man in the mountain and the old man in the mountains allowed Hassan the Cursed Wrist to easily enter the West Village. When everyone returned to the West Village through the tunnel, Hassan the Cursed Wrist had already Waiting for a long time.

"Cursewrist Hassan? Why are you here?"

Hundred Majestic Hassan was surprised that Cursed Arm Hassan appeared. Moreover, there were many villagers and warriors who followed Cursed Arm Hassan. Judging from their troubled state, it was probably not long after they entered the village.

However, Baumang Hassan was not given any notice in advance.

"You guys are finally back." Cursewrist Hassan glanced at everyone, and then asked strangely, "What's going on? Why are there a few less people, the one named Roman? And the knight of the Holy City and that woman? Why are they gone?"

Strangely, Hassan the Cursed Wrist only seemed to remember Roman's name, and neither Bedwell nor Joan of Arc had any intentions to remember.

Baimao Hassan then told what happened, the stay and departure of Roman and others.

Besides Lixiang, Hassan also complained a lot about Roman taking Joan of Arc and Bedwell to leave the West Village without authorization. One had to know that Hundred Majestic Hassan actually had some idea of ​​letting Roman and the others protect the West Village, so leaving without a word at this time was also ignoring the safety of the West Village. Even if you can't fight the Knights of the Round Table, it's easy to resist the Beast and the Knights of the Righteous.

But all of this is within the calculations of Roman and El-Melloi II. The current knights of the round table and the knights of solemnity are more likely to go to the castle instead of continuing to search for the location of the village, so the possibility of Nishinomura being found has become lower. Before leaving, they set up a lot of traps and camouflages to leave the West Village. Even if a beast accidentally stumbled into the village, they would be beaten to death by the villagers in a state of bruises all over their bodies, and then added to the laughter and laughter. meal. Not to mention that the beast has always followed the living habits of sunrise and sunset, and it is almost impossible to break through the trap.

The insurance arrangement of Roman and El-Melloi II is almost at the level of persecution.

"That's it, I just felt very strange, why there is no guardian of the old man in the mountains in the West Village, and there is no Servant to stay here, it turns out that they have already left. However, Bai Mian, they did not ignore the safety of the villagers. . I have found a good trap on the edge of the village. If a beast is lucky enough to enter the village, it will die. Even a child can kill it. And at this time, you are almost back. This calculation is very good. Terrible, if not someone with a lot of experience, probably a wise man."

Even Lixiang would be embarrassed to say this: "Don't say it, these are the credits of the monarch."

Matthew also nodded lightly: "Yes, how could Dr. Roman, who is sitting all day long, understand this knowledge, probably only after the villagers and the monarch reminded him to do it. Right, monarch?"

"Are you talking about El-Melloi? He's already gone." The person who came from the Chaldea control room was Olga Marie. It turned out that the two of them had already changed their shifts. "But He looks in a hurry, what happened?"

"Senior is going to woo-"

Lixiang covered Mash's mouth, and she said blankly: "There is nothing, please don't ask the unreliable director."

"What? How could I be unreliable? In the whole of Chaldea, I am the last reliable person left, and you are the only ones who have always caused me trouble. I am completely doing the aftermath for you! "

"Then trouble the director to explain to me why you concealed the fact that Dad left privately."

"Who knows this kind of thing?"

It sounds unreliable in this tone, and the coward is really right.

Anyway, Lixiang has no intention of revealing any words to Olga Marie. Maybe when she just said it, Roman on the other side already knew it.

Liars, all of them are liars, one day I will settle this account clearly, don't even try to run away from you liars.

"So, did Dad leave me an action plan?"

"Action plan? Wait, let me ask Roman."

"That means no? Hehe, I see, his idea is probably to let me stay in the West Village quietly and wait for him to do everything well, and then return triumphantly." Almost in an instant, Lixiang Understand Roman's thoughts, because she also thinks so, "From now on, director, you are not allowed to disclose any information about me to Dad, otherwise—"

Lixiang clenched her fists lightly. It looked so relaxed and freehand, but a violent sonic boom erupted from the palm of her hand. The image on Chaldeas' side had been distorted for a moment. Olga Marie was even more shocked.

"What exactly do you want to do?"


Chapter 806 Chapter 322 The First Generation

"Excuse me, if it's about the next action, I think I just need to wait for the reply from the king of the desert." Cursedwrist Hassan inserted the topic, but his words seemed to be a little pessimistic, "This region is willing to confront Shengdu, the only ones who have the ability to attack the holy capital are us and the Sun King. In fact, the current situation is still not optimistic. We currently have less than 10,000 people who can go to the front line, and we are already the number of holy capitals. It’s several times as many as the solemn knights of the army, but that’s just a close match. In terms of equipment and the quality of our soldiers, we are far behind them, but the most important thing is—”

"Yes... Knights of the Round Table."

This is an insurmountable hurdle. The perimeter defense of the Holy City is almost from the Knights of the Round Table, and Mordred, Tristan, and Lancelot are responsible for sweeping. The main entrance of the Holy City was guarded by Gawain. Although Agogwen had appeared in the castle, as a secretary, he would stay in the Holy City for more time. In addition, each Knight of the Round Table leads a number of solemn knights. As for the inner layer, I have never seen it, but fortunately, there are people here who have stayed in the Holy City for a long time.

Sanzang: "Me? I'm sorry, because I never thought of being an enemy of the Holy City, so I didn't understand the defense arrangement of the Holy City."

Even for a generation of holy monks, Sanzang was just a monk, and he took a few small animals to Tianzhu from the Eastern Land. As for what it means to go to war or something, she has never come into contact with it.

"You don't need to know the specific arrangement, you just need to tell us the Knights of the Round Table who appeared in the Holy City, and the situation of their entry and exit in the Holy City."

"You mean they go out? As far as I know, Gawain has never left the Holy City, and Mordred has never entered the Holy City. The only person who frequents the Holy City is Tristan. It's not because of necessary tasks, so I rarely leave there. However, there is one person who is very strange. Lancelot has been treated coldly in the Holy City. He has not been assigned tasks, and no one is willing to take care of him, even being attacked by lions The king was placed in the stable. I think it was because he once killed Argonaut and fell in love with Guinevere, which made everyone dislike him. I even think that the Lion King summoned him, and he had no idea of ​​revenge in his heart. If that's the case, maybe we can try to win over—"