Someone Speaks Ill of You

Chapter 38: New tablemate

Tong Yanyan was so happy in school for the first time.

Even after entering the classroom, she still smiled unknowingly when she was sitting on the, she looked and smiled.

In class, I went up and laughed.

When walking, walking and laughing.

When I went to the bathroom, I squatted and smiled.

I didn't stay away all morning, as if I had become a little fool who loves to giggle.

During this period, in addition to Mu Qianxue's discovery, other students also discovered it.

As a result, today there is no Luo Fei who wants to take the initiative to collect points from his classmates, and he has gained a lot of points.

But something he didn't even expect appeared.

In the last class, the class teacher re-adjusted his seat, and Tong Yanyan was transferred to his side.

The two turned out to be at the same table!

Everyone was shocked, including Tong Yanyan herself.

As a result, Luo Fei's points began to grow rapidly.

By the end of school, 11,720 points had become 13,550 points.

Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the growth of yesterday and the day before yesterday, for Luo Fei, this is an unexpected joy and is already very satisfying.

Tong Yanyan was sitting next to him, leaning inward, sitting right now, listening to the class without squinting, without saying a word to him, but the blush and erratic eyes on her face betrayed her.

She was very uneasy.

Although very happy, I was so close suddenly, very nervous, cautious, very shy, and embarrassed.

Other classmates looked at her even stranger, which made her very uncomfortable.

But she knew that she might face such consequences from the day when she stood up bravely and told everyone that this boy was her friend.

She does not regret it.

Therefore, she will try to adapt to all of this.

Fortunately, the squad leader just sat in front of her. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he could poke the squad leader’s long and smooth hair like silk and satin. When the wind blew in from the window, he could even smell the faintness of the squad leader’s body. The fragrance of flowers, even the monitor's long hair, will fly to her desk.

This makes her feel safe.

But Luo Fei knew that this was not a coincidence.

It is very likely that this is the class leader's initiative to propose to the class teacher.

In Class 3, as long as the class leader proposes something, the class teacher and other teachers will unconditionally accept and facilitate it.

He sat with Tong Yanyan, the monitor and Song Qiqi.

How could this be a coincidence.

He was lonely and indifferent, with a shy and timid face. Neither of them had any friends or sincere friends in the class. Now, the two have become friends, so they were immediately divided into the same table.

Song Qiqi was the most detached in the class. No matter whether it was in class or after class, she couldn't calm down. No one except the class leader could control her, so the class leader became the same table with her.

If it was a coincidence, Luo Fei would have eaten the entire desk.

"Okay, let's study by myself."

After the class teacher finished the lecture, he took the textbook and left.

At the beginning, there was only the sound of turning over the books in the classroom. Slowly, they began to whisper, and slowly, they began to whisper to each other, and finally, the voice became noisy.

The seats were re-adjusted in the class, and many people were assigned to the new tablemates. Some were excited and happy, and some complained and disliked each other. Naturally, they started to talk about it.

Tong Yanyan pretended to look down at the textbook, but from time to time she glanced at her new deskmate next to her secretly. After seeing that the other party was not looking at her, she was relieved, but she was a little disappointed and angry, and her little mouth pouted unknowingly. stand up.

Luo Fei was not ignoring her, but was looking at his panel, thinking about the upcoming task.

Mu Qianxue notified all the members yesterday and will leave after school today.

It may take two days or three days.

Luo Fei didn't need to ask for leave.

Although Mu Qianxue is only the class leader, she has a lot of power in class 3 and can give him leave directly, but according to her personality, she will definitely tell the class teacher first.

I will leave after school tonight. As for how to go or where to go, Mu Qianxue didn't say anything.

Luo Fei did not ask either.

"You just believe me so, aren't you afraid that I will trick you into selling you?"

"If it can be sold, remember to divide the money sold to Luo Jiajia in half."

This is the conversation between the two in the archery department yesterday.

Mu Qianxue had nothing to say about his answer.

When Luo Fei was thinking about the matter, the new tablemate next to him finally couldn't help but poke him with his elbow, and then slid a book in front of him.

The book says: "What a coincidence."

Luo Fei picked up the pen and wrote: "Unfortunately, I took the initiative to tell the class teacher that you should sit with me."

Then slid the book back.

Tong Yanyan widened her eyes and looked at him, then turned her head, looking at him in amazement.

But when he saw the smile in his eyes, he immediately reacted, hummed inaudibly with his little nose, picked up the pen and started to write, and slid the notebook in front of him.

The book wrote: "Just love to lie, badass!"

The corner of Luo Fei's mouth bends, and he picked up the pen and wrote: "I love to lie to little fools, I'm so cheating."

After reading it, Tong Yanyan suddenly pursed her lips and glared at him obliquely. She stared at him for a while and saw that he had no intention of repentance, and then took up a pen and wrote, "I am not a little fool!"

Luo Fei picked up the pen and replied: "Then you are a big fool."

"Huh! I'm not a big fool!"

"Then you are a super fool!"

"Huh! Huh! I'm not a super fool! I'm not a fool!"

"Then you are a sand sculpture."


Luo Fei never returned to her.

Tong Yanyan didn't care about her angrily.

Song Qiqi, who was sitting in front of Luo Fei, was fidgeting as if on pins and needles. The other classmates were talking, but she did not dare to say anything.

The monitor's aura is too big.

When Mu Qianxue got up and walked to the podium to maintain order, she sighed in relief and looked back at Luo Fei very distressedly: "Luo Fei, I'll change seats with you. You beg the squad leader, and the squad leader will definitely agree to you. of."

Tong Yanyan next to her suddenly became nervous.

She is afraid of Song Qiqi.

Because Song Qiqi loves making jokes about her, especially making jokes on her breasts, sometimes she even sneaks a bit while she is not paying attention.

She didn't want to sit with her.

Luo Fei suddenly felt something poking his thigh, and when he looked down, it was Tong Yanyan's little hand.

Tong Yanyan lowered her head to read the book, as if she didn't care about the conversation between the two, but the little hand under the table was secretly making small moves.

"Luo Fei, how about I give you 100 yuan?"

Seeing that he ignored herself, Song Qiqi began to prepare to spend money again. Last time, she spent only two hundred yuan to defeat this guy.

Luo Fei still ignored it.

"200! How about 200 yuan?"

Song Qiqi started to increase the price again.

Luo Fei finally raised his gaze to look at her, and thought for a while and said: "Forget the money, then, how about you stretch your hand and let me kiss you?"

As soon as these words came out, Song Qiqi suddenly became stiff, and then angrily said: "Shameless! Get out!"


Luo Fei continued to look down and think about things.

If the knife cut her off quickly, it is estimated that she will continue to make noise.

"Shameless! Indecent! Bitch!"

Song Qiqi cursed a few more words, Fang turned around, her chest violently rising and falling, and stopped talking to him.

At the same time secretly wondering, why this guy has become like this?

Luo Fei gained another 150 points.

While he was looking at the points, the new tablemate slid the book over again, and it said: "Bad boy, do you like the hands of girls?"

Luo Fei turned his head and took a look. The girl next to him was staring at him diagonally. Seeing him looking over, she quickly looked down at the textbook.

Luo Fei picked up the pen and replied: "I like it, but the most favorite is the mouth of a girl."

After thinking about it, I added another sentence: "If it doesn't work, it's okay to have a girl's feet."

It's okay anyway, it's good to tease this silly child and relax.

I have been depressed and dull at school for so long, and finally made a new friend. Wouldn't it mean that I am sorry for myself and the new friend if I don’t want to be presumptuous?

Tong Yanyan looked at the words on the book, suddenly widened her eyes, her cheeks flushed with a sigh, her little face was full of incredible expressions, her little pink mouth was squeezed unconsciously, and she was hidden under the table. The little feet in leather shoes and white stockings also bowed unconsciously.