Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1610: The miracle reappears, a single game dou

Fuck, this game, it's so worrying, I'm ready to save my heart. It's **** exciting to watch a penalty! "

"I didn't expect the Lakers to be 2 points behind after such a fight. Will someone save the team this time."

"Damn, I blame Farmar for this comparison. If there is no mistake at the last moment, it is possible that the leading team will become the Lakers! FUCK! Why do you have to dribble at the last moment!"

"The Zen master is outrageous. Everyday he plays snakes. Even if Kobe is not there, he should be replaced by Fisher! In the end, Famar is not the old fish. The old fish is a killer!"

"Zen Master estimated that he also considered that Fisher played for 10 minutes in this game. The state may not be very good. Moreover, Ji Feng was on the court and he dribbled the ball. In fact, everyone is the same. Farmar scored 2 three-pointers. Yes, Fisher didn't score. He might want one more three-pointer."

Just as the Lakers were nervously arranging the tactics for the final attack, the outside voices had already completely cursed Farmar, and many people even thought that Famar was a major failure of the Zen master at the last moment. Had it not been for the game, it is estimated that some radical fans would have sent blades to Farmar.

The commentators also said that the last attack Zen Master might want to put Fisher on the court.

"Even if Fisher didn't score a point for ten minutes tonight, he is an old fish. He was a threat at the last moment, even if he didn't score a point." Yang Yi was as straightforward as ever.

"The ball just now is Mar’s responsibility. Ji Feng is locked. He can only catch the ball and not say anything. But after he receives the ball, he should find a way to deal with Ji Feng immediately instead of doing it himself. At the last moment, He was too careless, this is not an ordinary game, this is the most critical final!" Su Qun and Yang Yi's views coincided with each other for a long time.

However, unlike the fans and commentators, the Zen Master did not choose to replace.

"Famar, you need to pull away as much as possible in a while to create opportunities for Ji Feng to catch the ball, forget what just happened, and remember that this is our last chance." It is different from the outside imagination that the Zen master wants to strangle Famar. Not only did the Zen master not spray him immediately, nor did he plan to replace him, but instead let him continue to take on the heavy responsibility.

This sounds unreasonable, but this is indeed the Zen Master’s substitution style. Unlike Popovich’s style, Zen Master will not replace players because of a certain mistake. On the contrary, he will give you a chance to save yourself.

Besides, Farmar’s mistake is not strictly to blame. Ji Feng was followed by Pierce every step of the way. Ray Allen and even Rondo leaned in the direction of Ji Feng intentionally or unintentionally. At this time, it’s time to divide the ball and make plans for others. A very reasonable choice. It can only be said that Marl has too little experience in handling this kind of ball. It is a taboo to divide the ball horizontally at a critical moment, and the green team double-teaming Ji Feng is obviously a routine you pass to others.

Moreover, the Zen master also considered the risk of substitutions at the last moment. Farmar did score more points and shot better than Lao Yu tonight, and his presence can also help Ji Feng relieve the pressure.

"OK! Coach!" Farmar held back his emotions and nodded heavily. When he made a mistake and fouled his opponent to the free throw line, he already felt that his career was going to end, but now suddenly he had a chance to make up. He only hopes that he can make up for it!

"OK! I believe you! Don't let me and your brothers down!"

"Next is the tactics. We only have a few seconds. We have to use the shortest time to finish, preferably two points. Ji Feng, you go to the low singles after the pick and roll, and the rest of the people pull away. Bynum, if you can’t protect. Rebound, immediately foul the person who gets the rebound, if you score, organize the defense on the spot!" said the Zen master.

A slightly conservative 2-point equalizer is also well understood. After all, it is the most critical second game of the Finals. Many ordinary regular season games are lost.

It’s still 25 points behind and no one wants to lose. Under such emotions, the tactics are conservative, and 2 points are indeed more appropriate at this time. In addition to the difficulty, the green defense must also focus on defending three points. , So the chance of equalizing is even greater.

"OK!" Ji Feng drank his saliva, gasped and said. He didn't have to worry about 2 or 3 points. At this time, Ji Feng had been playing for 52 minutes, and his physical exertion was very heavy. He was doing his best to rest and recover his physical fitness. .

"Boy, don't regret it." Before going on the court, Kobe came over and pressed Ji Feng's shoulder.

"Victory belongs to us!" Ji Feng nodded and walked onto the court.

The Lakers serve!

The Green Army’s defense was at its best at this moment. Although Gasol was swaying from side to side and his eyes were shooting wildly, Garnett’s defense was not leaking, and the Lakers’ running behind him did not have any effect, so that Ji Feng simply couldn’t go smoothly. After receiving the ball, the Lakers were about to violate the law for 5 seconds. At this time, Farmar, who had just made a mistake, moved spiritually!

"Pick-and-roll! Farmar has done something! Less than the last second, Gasol threw the ball to Ji Feng, and Ji Feng got the ball!" Yu Jia felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat just now.

But this is only the first level. There are only more than 9 seconds left, which can be described as fleeting. The most important thing is that Ji Feng ran to the center line to catch the ball. This is no longer the Zen master’s tactical arrangement. He has no choice. There is no time to hit the low post to receive the ball now, so everything now needs to be handled by Ji Feng himself.

Ji Feng rushed forward, Pierce did not post it, because he knew that if he chooses to defend close, he might be overtaken by Ji Feng. 9 seconds is enough for Ji Feng to get to the basket. That would be dangerous. His task is to lock. Live on the three-point line and tell him not to take a three-pointer.

However, Ji Feng obviously didn't want to be like Pierce's intention. He took the ball with his right hand, stepped forward, changed his crotch to the left hand, and stopped immediately after receiving the ball with his left hand!

Then suddenly an accelerated breakthrough!


Pierce obviously didn't expect it. Even if he expected it, his body reaction still couldn't change. Pierce could only retreat suddenly. At the same time, Rondo, who observed Ji Feng's movements, rushed to his horse and wanted to double-team!

But at this time, Ji Feng made a bold choice again. He stopped immediately and stopped in front of Rondo. With a shaking, Rondo rushed forward and almost hit Ji Feng, but this was not Ji Feng’s. Purpose, taking advantage of Rondo's loss, Ji Feng took off for the second time!


Only 3 seconds left!

Pierce tried his best to block, but Ji Feng had a high arc, the ball rotated at high speed and went straight to the basket!

It seems a century has passed...

Everyone on and off the court quietly watched the There was only this destiny basketball in their eyes, and the basketball drew an arc in the air.

On the bench, Kobe watched Ji Feng take a three-pointer, clutching the towel tightly in his hand, and staring at the basketball.

"No, no!" Rivers shouted in his heart on the bench of the Green Army.

The ball rises to the highest point and then falls, carrying everyone’s hope, resentment, or unwillingness...

Ji Feng stood firmly on the ground, looked at the direction of the basketball movement, turned around and opened his arms a second before falling into the pocket.

Needless to say, everything is over!

"Di~!" The red light on the backboard lit up.

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