Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1919: Eat and sleep playing the Knicks

"Iron JK, my teammate of running water!"

The next day, ESPN basketball's motherboard title made all Lakers fans feel the two words: card face!

Ji Feng and Kobe stand out from the rest of the All-Stars, occupying the most central position, and as the ticket king, Ji Feng has undoubtedly become the one that occupies the largest page, that is, the C position.

This has made fans all over the world feel that Ji Feng is strong, but it also made many local Orlando fans feel uncomfortable. The Orlando All-Star game, but the Los Angeles people occupy the center position, it feels a bit uncomfortable no matter how you look at it.

But they were also speechless. The local Orlando fans worked hard. Howard Shengsheng was voted into the Eastern Conference champion, suppressing the two big names of James and Rose. The number of votes was also very good, just over 1.6 million. It took two rounds of time, this is definitely a good result before.

However, the number of votes he received is dwarfed by the number of votes of Ji Feng. The number of votes of Ji Feng is almost twice that of Howard. This is an absolute crush. The sum of the votes of Howard and James can only be approximately equal to the number of votes of Ji Feng. This gap in popularity makes Orlando fans unable to say anything sour.

This is simply too BUG.

In the days of Dayao before, many fans were dissatisfied because they felt that Dayao took advantage of the Chinese market. This is of course true, but there is nothing to question about things permitted by the rules, otherwise I can too. To say that this group of people are good at playing football is because they take advantage of black ancestry. If you guys are black people, they must be better than you. These are meaningless nonsense, and they are just to comfort yourself and disgust others.

But for Ji Feng, this view is also difficult to stand up. After all, the NBA has also continuously adjusted its voting rules later, weakening the voting power of fans outside the United States. Aside from these, Ji Feng's popularity is obvious to all. He is honorable and sunny. The appearance and good style make Ji Feng always the NBA's popular king.

Moreover, this is Ji Feng's 5 consecutive seasons of winning votes. In this number of times, Ji Feng is second only to Jordan, who has won 7 consecutive votes in 87-93, and Ji Feng is also the most hopeful to match or even exceed this record. player of.

Ji Feng has now become the contemporary Jordan. Whether it is propaganda or the treatment given by the alliance, he has a faint taste of Jordan. Take this time Ji Feng won the vote as an example, Ji Feng himself is only thanking on social networks. Supported by the fans, but the NBA officials took the initiative to send a message to congratulate Ji Feng, which is rare in the past.

Sponsors from all walks of life have also come in and they want to continue to strengthen cooperation with Ji Feng. For example, Pepsi-Cola has proposed a 7-year super renewal contract of 200 million U.S. dollars, which is also the largest renewal endorsement contract given by Pepsi in history. There is still one year left in the endorsement contract between Ji Feng and Pepsi, and Pepsi is also afraid that Ji Feng will be poached by Coca-Cola.

And Versace, Mercedes-Benz, Rolex and other world big names have also applied for renewal at this time, which means that within a few days after Ji Feng won the ticket again, he had already signed a huge advertisement of more than 1 billion dollars. contract.

The ability to attract gold is terrifying!

There are reasons why sponsors are so crazy. Although the four recognized awards in the NBA are the championship, MVP, FMVP and the best team, in addition to the weight of the scoring champion is also very heavy! But for advertisers, the value of the All-Star ticket king is even more precious than the championship!

The NBA All-Star vote king is definitely an underrated honor. For players and the judges who select the MVP, the best team or even the Hall of Fame, this honor is nothing, but for some advertising manufacturers such as sneaker sponsorship, the All-Star vote The honor of Wang is definitely the greatest!

Like the MVP, there is only one All-Star vote per year, and unlike the MVP, MVP only needs the player's strength to that point, and the All-Star vote requires not only the player's personal strength, but also the player's off-court performance!

For example, after Jordan retired, Grant Hill, Duke University is famous for his obedient and easygoing temperament, which quickly won the favor of a large number of fans! For example, after Vince Carter became famous in the 2000 Dunk Contest, fans quickly fell in love with this violent aesthetic!

Therefore, strength alone is not enough. For example, O'Neal in the three consecutive championships, although recognized as the first man in the league, but the All-Star starter was robbed by Yao Ming!

Especially in the 2004 All-Star voting, O’Neal held a canvassing speech every time he went to a game, and repeatedly published the topic of All-Star canvassing on Los Angeles TV in the name of defending the status of American players. Although O'Neal had 410,000 more votes than the previous year, he still lost to Yao Ming and once again lost his All-Star starting position!

At that time, Dayao was just behind the market, and a superstar like Ji Feng, who had both market and strength, was naturally rare in decades. How could sponsors not be crazy.

After Season Peak became the Western Conference starter, the Lakers also ushered in the fourth matchup of the Grammy Tour.

On February 12th, Madison Square Garden, the Knicks and the Lakers season two will be staged.

This is also an early encounter between the East and West starting small forwards.

Before this game, Anthony said that he would entertain the visiting Ji Feng in New York. In the previous game, Anthony was very excited and played very proactively. The final result was that Anthony took the game. In the season, a record high of 42 points and 8 rebounds, and...ankle injury!

Yes, Anthony got his foot in the last game.

Ji Feng's appearance after seeing the news is described in three words: "Metro, cell phone, old man!"

Is there such an operation?

Sure enough, if you are too excited, you will be in vain. Now, let's not say that Anthony can't play with the Lakers. The All-Stars don't know if they can.

Good job!

Ji Feng really wanted to give him a compliment.

Anthony can't make it. The threat of the Knicks has dropped by more than half. Knicks coach D'Antoni is also bachelor. He simply excluded Stoudemire, who has a discomfort in his knees but still persists, from the big list. The Knicks directly chose to let them go!

Knicks fans: "..."

The Lakers chose to laugh and accept the gift, this was a free victory, and because of the special status of Madison Square Garden, the Lakers JK double star chose not to take turns.

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So, a tragic ‘slaughter’ was staged here...

The Knicks' starters: Felton, Chandler, Shumpert, Walker, Jeffries are doomed to a disastrous ending, they only rely on Felton's three-pointer to get the score in the first 6 minutes, and the Lakers in the first 6 minutes Relying on JK's sparkle to play a wave of 20-3...

Knicks fans: Suddenly I didn't want to watch it, yes, it was quite sudden, they were too bully.

In the first quarter, the Lakers scored 48 points, almost 50 points.

In the halftime, the Lakers had a 90-45 lead. Anthony on the bench broke his teeth, then limped back to the locker room, out of sight.