Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 486: Dayao seriously injured, Ji Feng visited

An hour ago in Houston, the press center of the entire Toyota Center was overcrowded. Dozens of news media around the world gathered here, anxiously awaiting further official news from the Rockets.

The reason is naturally tonight, Dayao did not appear in the game list, which made many people surprised.

After all, in the last month of the league, the Rockets are arguably the hottest team. Originally in the New Year, after McGrady was absent because of a back injury, many people looked at the prospect of declining rockets. However, Dayao's single-core led team has made amazing Results.

11 wins and 0 losses!

This is the Rockets' record for more than a month!

He is even better than the Lakers and Greens at the same time!

The Rockets also rushed all the way to the second position in the west. Although it was still a bit far away from the Lakers, it also inspired a lot of fiery moods!

Is there a chance this year to see the Western Derby Chinese Derby! ?

Today, as the first game after the All-Star game, Tracy McGrady has announced his return before the game, and the power of the complete Yao Mai has made the fire fans look forward to it.

However, when the Chinese fans moved the small bench and waited for the game to start, the news of Dayao's injury instantly swept the screen!

At first, everyone felt that this was a minor injury and it didn't matter. After all, Dayao had a long history of injury.

However, afterwards, the Rockets released the news that a press conference will be held after the game, so that people who know how to smell can smell differently.

Is this a serious injury!

Because this is exactly the same as the Rockets in 2007!

At that time, Dayao was reimbursed for the season, which just returned soon!

"Are you saying ... really true." Wang Jun, a reporter from Sports Weekly, is one of the Chinese media who are anxiously waiting.

As a big fan of Chinese basketball and Dayao, he has followed the interview since Dayao and CBA, and was one of the first media people who followed Dayao to the United States. He has been interviewing Dayao for more than 10 years.

Over the past 10 years, Wang Jun has experienced almost every serious injury to Dayao, but this time, the timing is really bad.

After all, it is 2008 now, and it is less than half a year from the Beijing Olympics that China and the whole world are looking forward to.

This year was originally a year of Chinese basketball talent blowout, Ji Feng ’s crazy rise, the United entered the NBA, Sun Yue was also selected at the same time, in addition to the original Dayao, roughly, and Wang Shipeng, Zhu Fangyu this group of CBA heroes, today Olympics is excited by Chinese fans to become the most promising year for Chinese basketball ...

That's right, just looking at the configuration, it is indeed the case. The Chinese team does not say that it won the championship. Anyway, it can guarantee eight and four. With the addition of Ji Feng and Dayao, two NBA superstars, the prospect of the Chinese team has always been people. Optimistic.

The good chemical reaction between Ji Feng and Dayao on the All-Star game has made many fans call this life without regret and have entered China.


Therefore, Wang Jun's mood is a bit depressed. At this moment, if he was not at the press conference, he would like to come and smoke.

"It should not be serious." Shen Yang next door asked.

She came directly from Los Angeles after receiving the news. When she came, she knew that this time Yao ’s injury might be really serious, otherwise she would not need to come by herself, or even gave up the original interview plan for Ji Feng. .

Just as the reporters under the stage were guessing, the Rockets general manager Morey and the Rockets team doctor were finally too late.

"Unfortunately, we are here to announce that Dayao has a broken left ankle! He will be absent from all the remaining games of the season! This is the result of many examinations and consultations by experts. The specific reasons and circumstances will be followed by Dr. Cranton Everyone elaborate! "Morey ’s words echoed in the press conference center.

As soon as Morey finished speaking, the entire press conference exploded!

Dayao was hurt again? !

Why hurt? !

How long does it take to recover? !

How serious is it? !

So the reporters were crazy for a while, and questions were asked endlessly, especially the reporters from China, who were anxiously asking at the moment.

"Quiet, be quiet! Please let Dr. Cranton finish, we will set aside time to answer questions!" The press conference officials finally made the reporters quiet.

"Dayao ’s left ankle fracture this time is an incident fracture. This ankle stress fracture is not due to a particular event. Stress fracture is a bone injury caused by overuse. When the muscle is excessive After using fatigue, the vibration caused by repeated collisions cannot be absorbed in time, and the stress can be transmitted to the bones, which can cause small bone fractures or fractures ... "Dr. Clanton explained Dayao's problem in detail.

"Excuse me, how long does it take to recover from this injury!" Wang Jun asked the first question.

"Dayao's injury will require a 3-4 month recovery period, and when he can return to the game, it will depend on everyone's recovery." Clanton said.

"Then, can you catch up with the Olympics!" Shen Yang asked.

"It should be possible, but it is best not to ~ ~ This is a curable injury. Fortunately, we discovered it early, but it is a very troublesome injury, and it is a forcible comeback. It is not what Good thing, "Clanton continued.

"Moreover, if Dayao cannot guarantee a certain amount of competition and training in the early stage, the state at the Olympics will also be greatly affected."

As a well-known sports rehabilitation doctor, Cranton naturally understands that this Dayao injury was due to overwork, that is, Dayao was overused. In addition, he added 40 pounds to increase internal confrontation, which led to His original bones were overwhelmed.

Now guys know how important bone strengthening is. Without a strong bone, your muscles can only be your own burden and will affect your career.

And Ji Feng received the news from Shen Yang's phone call in the dressing room, and then he took a leave with the Zen master and left.

Ji Feng was also very shocked. What he had said a few months ago was really true. Dayao was really seriously injured!

Although Ji Feng is not a doctor for stress fractures, he also heard about this kind of injury. Although it can be cured, it is very troublesome and extremely prone to relapse. It is an injury that can affect people's career!

"Fuck, whether your mouth has been opened or how to drip, so Mao is so accurate." Ji Feng thought on the way back to driving, he originally thought that Dayao was really too busy, and the risk of injury was very high, especially After Ji Feng possesses the subsystem of God, he naturally knows how much enhancement the yellow race needs to achieve the talents of the superstars.

Ji Feng knows that if he does not have the many enhancements that the subsystem of God has done for himself, he may have been injured many times!

"James, book two tickets for me." Ji Feng called James and said.