Song Tan Jishi

v1 Chapter 120: 120. The Legendary Seventh Cousin

  Auntie was talking, and she was also hungry.

   He simply raised his voice again: "Qiao Qiao - pick more rapeseed flowers for auntie, I'll go back and make rice soup to drink!"

  The rapeseed flowers are sparse and sparse, and the seeds that fell at some point grew on their own, and no one cares about them, so they bloomed recklessly.

  Jojo carried the basket and got into the flowers, picked a good place to open the small box in his arms, and then grabbed Bumblebee's fat buttocks and put it on it.

  The stalks of rapeseed flowers are tall, but the flowers are delicate. After the bumblebees climbed up, the whole flower can be seen trembling slightly, which is obviously an unbearable burden for life.

  Qiaoqiao sighed and forgot his bamboo shoots.

  Here, Song Tan was also aroused by greedy insects. Now he moved his fingers, and the faint aura from his fingertips drifted away with the wind, making the whole bamboo forest rustle, and even the branches seemed to be much greener.

  There are more and more bamboo shoots sprouting under the feet.

  She moved her toes, looked at the position, and directly dug out a plump bamboo shoot. The aunt was overjoyed: "Oh! This is big! It hasn't been unearthed yet, so it must be tender!"

   "I'm going back to the cold salad—oh, this one is a bit old, but it's okay, let's go to the stewed duck. The old duck in the vegetable market is cheaper recently."

  She was digging while talking, every dish seemed to be close at hand, Song Tan finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Auntie, why are you so good at eating?"

  Auntie laughed: "Because the chef I mentioned just now, you have to call him Seventh Cousin! When he was a child, he made banquets in our village, and I followed him all the time, so I learned a little bit."

All right.

   Seventh Cousin.

  Don't say that Song Tan came back after traveling for more than a hundred years, even if she didn't time travel, she couldn't tell the difference at all.

   There are too many relatives.

   Fortunately, my aunt finally changed the topic from food to characters—

   "Your seventh cousin, according to what you young people say, it really tastes like fried shoe soles."

  “I heard that when the brigade was still a collective canteen, the villagers said that the brigade leader didn’t ask him to cook—because his cooking was so delicious that everyone couldn’t eat enough, and the planned food was not enough.”


   Then Song Tan is really in awe.

  Why don't the older generation like to eat wild vegetables? Because in their memory, wild vegetables are boiled in water, and it is a luxury to light a drop of oil in a pot of vegetables.

  In that year and month, who could make boiled wild vegetables delicious?

  But according to my aunt, this Seventh Cousin can do it!

   That's really amazing.

  Song Tan couldn't help being moved.

  Because she took the time to take stock of the next tasks—

  Peach trees are to be planted on the mountain.

   After plowing several fields, the columbine should be sowed and transplanted.

  The paddy field needs to store water and then plow the field to prepare for transplanting.

   In the middle, pigs, chickens, ducks, and dogs are also fed.

  The tea leaves will continue to be picked.

   It is possible to cooperate with the spiritual energy formation, but because she is not capable enough now, and it can't be too unrealistic, the work of weeding and pest control must be done properly.

   Is this the end?

   Not at all. After this wave of busy work is over, the peach blossoms will bloom, and the early-ripening vegetables such as cabbages in the field should be cleaned up, followed by plowing and planting, and Song Tan has to be in charge of selling vegetables...

   Calculated in this way, for a long time, the family has been in this state of continuously inviting people, but the food at home is delicious, and everyone's appetite has doubled or tripled.

   Meals for a dozen people should be prepared for twenty or thirty people.

  Ulan is at home now, although she only has one meal at noon, but she has to start cleaning up in the morning, and is responsible for washing the pots and dishes at noon, so she is trapped on the stove every day!

  Song Tan has long wanted to find someone to share the burden.

  She and Qiaoqiao have to dig holes and dig soil on the mountain every day, and clean up the corners that the machine can't reach... In the whole family, no one is idle at present.

   Didn't you see that Zhang Yanping was driven to the mountains to hone?

  Because of this, at this time, my aunt was boasting about the other chef's chef, and it was really hard for Song Tan not to be moved.

   "Auntie, what is Seventh Cousin doing now? Are you still taking the banquet?"

  Auntie's brows and eyes drooped again: "In the neighborhood opposite me, the price of new real estate has risen to 8,500 now!"

  That's what I said, but my aunt's expression was not very happy.

   "Your seventh cousin is really powerful. When he was young, he took money and secretly bought a house in the urban area. But after the demolition, he didn't ask for money, he only wanted that house."

   "It was originally prepared for my son, but my son went to XJ at a young age, and got married there."

   "Your seventh cousin is getting old, thinking that his son will not be able to provide for the elderly in the future, so he accepted an apprentice and taught him the craft, but he has to take care of the elderly."

   As a result, the apprentice was also a white-eyed wolf. He felt that he was a burden after learning it, and ran to a big coastal city.

The eldest aunt snorted angrily: "At that time, the family couldn't support them, so what about the four sons of the family! The half-sized boy graduated from junior high school, and he was as thin as a skeleton. Your seventh cousin was with you and taught and fed him. I only fed it after I drank it, and later arranged for me to take the high school entrance examination.”

   "When that family sent someone over, they wept and kowtowed to your cousin, saying that they would serve him for the rest of their lives."

   "At the end of the day, the family ran away with their burden, and the family said that your seventh cousin would pick up cheap money to make money for Bai Gong. His son has been by his side for five years, and he hasn't received a penny..."

"I bother!"

   Song Tan was speechless.

  An honest person has his own depression, but a black heart has his own freedom.

  She could only comfort her and said: "It's okay, auntie, think about it, Seventh Cousin lives in the city now, he has no worries about food and clothing, and life is not worrying, and he is quite comfortable."

The aunt sighed again: "It's good to have one in the city, and it's convenient to go to the hospital. But your seventh cousin and his wife feel uncomfortable... You also know that the property in the new community is doing well, so you are not allowed to open a vegetable field in the community .”

"The last major inspection pulled out all the cabbages that your seventh cousin planted in the cracks in the bricks... Your seventh cousin is sad. He walks around the community every day and has nothing to do. He is very picky when he buys vegetables and meat. He said yes. It doesn't taste good anymore."

  Can you grow vegetables in the cracks between the floor tiles?

   What kind of master must that be! Song Tan was amazed.

   "Then...sold the new house and changed to one with a yard?"

The aunt glanced at her: "Your seventh cousin is sixty-seven this year, do you think you are as young as you and can make a fuss? I reckon, they want to go back to the village to live, but they are afraid that no one will send them there because of headaches." The suffering."

   Auntie said this, and her heart moved: "Tan Tan, you can't grow the land at home for a lifetime, right? Otherwise, you can go home and discuss with your parents, and take over Seventh Cousin as the chef."

   "Seventh Cousin is in good health, so you let him be the chef."

   "The health is not good, you drive them to see. Don't worry, you don't need to spend money, the couple have savings."

   "At that time, you will take good care of the seventh cousin and his wife until the end of their retirement. They secretly said that when they can't walk anymore, they will find someone to take care of them. Whoever takes care of the house will give it to him."

   When the aunt thinks of the house, her heart is very hot. If it wasn't for her niece, she wouldn't have said it:

   "Just say, how wonderful it is to get a big house for nothing! You can choose whatever you want when you get married in the future!"