Song Tan Jishi

v1 Chapter 35: Milk vetch feeding piglets

  Chapter 35 35. Zi vetch feeds piglets

   Before the sun was too hot, Song Sancheng covered all the fungus sticks on the mountain with thick straw, and then he put the seine net and went down the mountain contentedly.

  When I got home, I first went to the back mountain to see the little piggy.

I heard them humming from a long distance away, and now I looked again, it was probably just fed, three white and two black piglets, head to head arched their snouts into the trough, eating He didn't lift his head.

  Among them, there was a black one who was very absorbed in eating, and lay its entire body in front of the trough, occupying most of the position.

  The remaining little white pig was a little smaller, but couldn't squeeze in, and was so anxious that it hummed and screamed beside it.

  Song Sancheng quickly picked up a stick, knocked and frightened them, and then adjusted their positions.

  Looking at the trough again, besides some sweet potatoes with rice bran, there is also a thick layer of green leaves, which are scrambled by the little pigs, and the food is extremely sweet!

   This is zi vetch! Why do pigs like it so much?

  Song Sancheng couldn't help showing a standard old farmer's smile, and said with a smile at this moment:

   "Look at you little pigs, they eat better than humans!"

   I went to the pigsty to look at the straw again. The thick straw was spread in the shed, and it looked dry and warm.

  The leaves in the forest are not fully stretched, and large swaths of sunlight are shining in, making them feel warm and velvety. There are already some traces in the pig manure tank next to it, which is a good environment for raising pigs.

  He went back to the front yard in satisfaction.

  Ulan had just finished cooking, and Song Sancheng smelled a scent from a long distance away, and he patted his belly:

   "What are you eating today?"

   Jojo’s cheerful interface next to him:

   "Eat pig food!"

   "If the little pig eats it, we will too!"

  Song Tan patted his hairy head: "Silly treasure." Then he said to Song Sancheng dumbfounded:

   "Dad, don't listen to him. I went to pick a handful of milk vetch at noon. My mother uses this to stir-fry meat. Try it and see if it tastes good?"

   "If it's delicious, you can make a lot of money!"


  The family may not have eaten this Chinese vetch for many years. After thinking about it for a while, Ulan first took some minced garlic, sautéed it with lard, and then put bacon and sliced ​​Chinese vetch.

  Now the hula la is on fire, the green leaves and stalks and the reddish bacon, the fragrance and the smell of meat are intertwined, and the smell makes the index finger wide open.

  Jojo has forgotten the pain of losing mother pig, and is now picking up vegetables with chopsticks:

   "I take a bite, Peppa takes a bite. I take a bite, George takes a bite. Take another bite, sister..."

  Look at him being silly, but he is proficient at using chopsticks.

   After a while, he piled up his own bowl to the brim, as if he had won the essence of "Liu Xing's great method of dividing cakes".

  Facing such a silly child, what else can the family say?

  Song Sancheng took a sip, chewed two mouthfuls and swallowed it, feeling the fragrance in his mouth and the sweetness of the wild vegetables looming, together with the slightly salty bacon...


  His eyes lit up: "Oh, why does this taste better than wild vegetables! I ate it every day when I was a child, why didn't I think it was delicious? I just know the smell of grass."

  Ulan also took a sip, and at the moment she was very confident about the prospect of twenty yuan a catty: "Who would be willing to use lard pork to cook your vegetables when you were young? You just put them in water and boil them once to make them cooked."

   This is true.

  The two justified the reason why this dish was too delicious, and Song Tan didn't even need to find an excuse.

   Then, Song Sancheng remembered:

   "Tan Tan, we are planting such a large area, do you want to get two beehives over here? This milk vetch is a good source of honey, and the honey the bees gather is sweet and sweet."

   "I want to buy it now but I can't buy it. No one around grows this."

  Song Tan really didn't expect this!

  There are too many things she is busy with, she couldn't be so thoughtful at the moment, so she nodded in a hurry:

   "Yes! Dad, you know a lot of people. Get some more boxes. The milk vetch in our field is growing very well, and it will definitely bloom very beautifully when the time comes."

  Aura honey, just take a spoonful and soak it in water, the taste...

   Can't think, can't think!

  Song Tan couldn't wait.

   "By the way, Dad, Grandpa Li in the village said that when the time comes, he will let his cows into the fields to eat this, and when he returns to plant rice, he will help us plow the fields."

   "At that time, I will leave the bottom two fields for him to graze cattle, and I will sell the rest of the milk vetch. It is not easy to let the cattle go and eat them."

   After all, it is a cow, and it might pull when you eat it, which is not good.

  Song Sancheng laughed: "He only has one cow, how can he need two fields? One field is enough."

   "But this zi yunying is really good. I think the pigs are eating well today. After a few days to raise them, I will drive them to the field and let them walk around by themselves."

   But five pigs, it will be difficult to control for a while...

  Song Sancheng has already started to think of a way.

  Song Tan laughed: "What's the problem? They are only so small now. In the afternoon, I will go to the city to buy some leashes for big dogs. Dad, you are free to take them out for a walk."

   "Anyway, this pig is mainly eaten by our family. It doesn't matter if you exercise more and lose a few catties of fat."

   Qiao Qiao became excited: "Me too! Qiao Qiao wants to take the pig to play!"

  That's not okay.

   Pigs are smart animals, and they have feelings after being raised for a long time. When the time comes to kill and eat meat, Qiao Qiao will not cry to death?

Song Sancheng thought and thought, but still refused: "Forget it, I can't go for a walk. I don't want to take a walk for a long time. Let them stay in the back mountain. The back mountain is enough for them to go for a walk. I usually just get more food. .”

  Song Tan remembered the experience of raising pigs in his memory, alas, indeed.

  Then it’s better to eat meat, and the relationship will not be cultivated.

  The adults quickly changed the topic, and Qiao Qiao pouted and listened for a long time, then forgot about it again.

   However, there was one more he remembered—

   "I told Dabai that it will help me watch the pigs, and I will treat it to eat biscuits."


  Song Tan was also shocked—she had this idea, but she didn't say anything?

   "When did you discuss with Dabai?"

   Isn’t that vicious big white goose squatting at the door of grandpa’s house every day?

  Jojo snorted, "I've already said that, but now there are no cookies."

   Song Tan doesn't know if the big goose sees pigs as reliable.

   But this guy's voice really wanted to scream, it was so loud that the whole village had to wake up.

   It would be nice to want to make a siren.

  The premise is that Qiao Qiao has to coax him to be okay and stop yelling, otherwise the mountain will be next to his house, and he will really be unable to sleep when he turns around.

  She thought for a while: "Then you take the goose to the bottom field in the afternoon, and treat it to a good meal."

  You can eat it for cows, you can eat it for pigs, you can eat it for chickens, ducks and geese...that's not bad.

  The siblings took care of their own arrangements, and Song Sancheng suddenly felt a sense of urgency:

   "Then I have to reorganize the goose pen first, and the ducks and chickens you want to raise. It's almost time now. I have completed the pen at the back of the mountain, and I have to clean up the chicken coop."

   Probably maybe maybe... still today?

   Let's see when I finish writing.

   What else to plant, let’s think about it together!



  (end of this chapter)