Sorry, I Am Invincible

Chapter 163: Look good, learn hard

"If you come to me to die without a problem, isn't it just killing you?"

Luo Chen spoke slowly, not paying attention to the locked attack at all, even if he was fighting outside with great enthusiasm.

"Did you see it? As long as you are strong enough, even if others want to kill you, there is no way for you."

Luo Chen looked at Lin Wanqing and Wang Goudan again.

"I see, Master."

Lin Wanqing King Dogdan nodded all together and agreed.

"Forget it, I'll go out and get rid of him."

Luo Chen curled his lips, walked to the side of the aura hood, looked at Suo Ming and said.

"Hey, stop, I'll go out and fight you."

"Ah good."

Suo Ming heard Luo Chen's words, and obediently stopped the movement in his hand, stepped back a few steps, and let Luo Chen come out.

Luo Chen didn't hesitate, and walked out directly, standing on the opposite side of the lock.

"I'm out, go ahead."

"Hmph, who gave you the confidence?"

Suo Ming let out a cold snort, squeezed the long sword in his hand, and stabbed towards Luo Chen fiercely.


Luo Chen directly raised his hand and slapped his sword aside, before he realized that the whole person was staggering forward.


Luo Chen took a slap, centered on the locked shoulder, and slapped it aside.

Thump thump thump ... lock out and staggered and almost fell to the ground.

After barely stabilizing his figure, Shuo Ming showed a sullen look on that ordinary, no longer ordinary face, and looked at Luo Chen fiercely.

"I was just a test, don't be proud."

Suo Ming looked at Luo Chen and explained, as if he had been shot aside and lost a big person.

"You don't need to explain to me, just keep these words to deceive yourself."

Luo Chen waved his hand and slowly said aloud, not taking the locked words seriously.

"Huh! Then I'm going to be serious this time, you have to be careful to get my head cut off with a sword!"

Suo Ming gave a cold cry, then lifted the sword again, and rushed towards Luo Chen with the tip of the sword pointed at Luo Chen's chest.

Luo Chen didn't rush to take out something and hold it in his hand, but it was not a rejuvenating sword, but a folding fan.

Locking his eyes slightly chilled, Luo Chen looked down on himself too much, didn't he want to use this thing against himself? This is simply too embarrassing, can't stand it, absolutely can't stand it!

Thinking about it, Suo Ming speeded up his legs and rushed straight towards Luo Chen, wanting to kill Luo Chen as soon as possible.


Luo Chen moved half a beat slower than Suo Ming, but before the joy of Suo Ming rose, he fell heavily, because Luo Chen once again blocked his sword to the side and escaped perfectly. His attack.

"Hehe, that's it?"

Luo Chen sneered, spoke, and then shook his hand, and with this force, he drew straight towards the locked head.

Suo Ming was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly turned his head to avoid it.

Whoosh... The folding fan wiped his hair and flew over, bringing up a strand of hair, and his face was hurt by the strong wind.

"Hiding pretty fast."

Luo Chen murmured, and then turned around, and the folding fan in his hand drew towards Suo Ming again.


This time it was hit, but it was the locked chest. Luo Chen knew that if he pulled his head again, he would definitely hide, but he wouldn't be able to pull his chest. His reaction speed was not so fast. I will definitely hit it.

Thump thump...

Suo Ming was pulled back a few steps by Luo Chen again, full of resentment on his face.

He is obviously a very powerful killer. The previous tasks can be completed with great ease. Why is it so strenuous this time? It must be because of Luo Chen. Luo Chen is here to stop him. He wants to kill Luo Chen, he must kill Luo Chen!

Suo Ming stabilized his figure and watched Luo Chen gritted his teeth and let out a low cry.

"Why do you have to stop me?"

"There is no reason, it's just that the kid is now part of our team, and I have an obligation to protect him."

Luo Chen raised the folding fan and watched Suo Ming slowly speaking.

Suddenly he found that the rain had stopped, and after he had slipped a few tricks, the heavy rain had stopped, leaving only the mud all over the ground.

"Look, the rain stopped after you didn't pretend to be forced."

Luo Chen laughed, then looked at Suo Ming and added another sentence.

"Does it rain when you pretend to be forced, eh?"

"Fart! Can I control this kind of thing? Can I still have a say in the weather?"

Suo Ming was ridiculed by Luo Chen and gave rise to anger, and he let out a low voice.

"No, no, no, you can't control the weather. It just means that your strength is not enough. If you have enough, controlling the weather is not simple. You need the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain!"

"Looking at what you are saying is correct, can you?"

Wuming frowned tightly, legs slightly apart, and clenched the sword in his hand.

"Of course I can't, my strength is not that high, not as good as I said."

Luo Chen shook his head and replied very honestly, if he had that kind of strength, he would be a top powerhouse on this continent.

"Then what are you pretending?"

Suo Ming let out a low voice, and directly raised his sword to attack Luo Chen.

Even if Liu Mingyuan stood beside him, Suo Ming would not glance at him. Suo Ming had forgotten the task at this time, only remember that Luo Chen provoked him quite miserably, he was going to kill Luo Chen!


Luo Chen waved the folding fan again, centered on the locked sword, but this time, the locked sword was defensive. Luo Chen didn't bounce off, but stabilized his figure, and the sword in his hand slashed towards Luo Chen again.


There was a burst of crisp noise, Luo Chen stood there, his face easily resisted the locked attack, and he didn't waste much strength at all.

But Suo Ming is different. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to hurt Luo Chen, but after attacking so many times, he didn't even touch the corner of Luo Chen's clothes, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Is Luo Chen really better than him?

This question arose in Suo Ming's heart.

Of course, this is certain, but Suo Ming doesn't know, but with his beating nature, he won't be an adult if he knows it.

"Watch well, study hard."

Luo Chen said suddenly, everyone present was taken aback, including Suo Ming, they didn't understand what Luo Chen said.

"That means you doggy! Give me a good study!"

Luo Chen added another sentence, this time directly named Wang Goudan.

"If it weren't for teaching you, why should I spend so long with him? I would have killed him a long time ago."

As soon as Luo Chen said this, everyone present was taken aback. They all agreed with Luo Chen's words. Only one person didn't agree very much, and that was Shuo Ming.

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely study hard!"

Wang Goudan nodded, looked at Luo Chen and promised.