Sorry, I Am Invincible

Chapter 164: Say you are young

"Are you a bit too arrogant, kill me? How dare you?"

The frown frowned slightly, watching Luo Chen speak with an angry face.

"Why don't I dare? The strength is here, I can say whatever I want."

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and said aloud, and then the folding fan in his hand slammed forward to lock his chest in the middle.


The clothes that locked his chest were torn, and a wound appeared on his chest.

"Did you see it? As long as you have the strength, anything can be used as a sword in your hands."

Luo Chen smiled slightly, watching Suo Ming, who had been beaten back several steps by himself, slowly said aloud.


Suo Ming was panting heavily in his mouth, his face full of suspicion, staring at Luo Chen fiercely. He never expected that an ordinary folding fan would become so sharp in Luo Chen's hands.

And just now, it seems that there is no spiritual energy entangled on the folding fan, what is it that hurt him?

At this time, Suo Ming was frightened and angry. He wanted to kill Luo Chen, but he didn't have that kind of strength, which made him very annoyed.

run? No, there are rules for doing this business. Only one task is completed before the next task can be taken. If he runs now, that long time means that he will completely leave this business.

Although the killer business is dangerous, it has high returns and simple content, killing the target, collecting money, and ending the mission.

Suo Ming was still reluctant to bear the glittering gold coins, so in any case, he would kill Luo Chen and then kill Liu Mingyuan.

Among the few people now, only Luo Chen is relatively strong, so as long as you kill him, everything is easy to say.

Suo Ming suddenly sneered, watching Luo Chen slowly speaking.

"Boy, I admit that you are very strong, but you are too young. Actual combat experience may not be as rich as mine."

"Young? Are you talking about me?"

Luo Chen was taken aback for a moment, pointed to himself and looked at Suo Ming and asked.

"Otherwise? Is there anyone in front of me besides you?"

Suo Ming rolled his eyes, and spoke with a disgusted face.

"Hahaha, I thank you for complimenting me on my youth, which is true."

Luo Chen laughed, but did not refute Suo Ming, and directly accepted Suo Ming's words frankly.


Locking Ming's mind didn't realize what Luo Chen meant for a while, and looked at Luo Chen with a puzzled look.

"It's okay, everything you said is right, I'm just too young, and the actual combat experience must not be as rich as you."

Luo Chen waved his hand and said aloud, at the same time sneered again and again in his heart, young? Rich practical experience? These are all nonsense to him. He is indeed young, but the two hundred and forty years of experience automatically transmitted to him is nonsense? It's so easy to deal with this lock.

"Hmph, you know it."

Suo Ming coldly snorted twice, watching Luo Chen continue to say.

"If you want to surrender, I am not unacceptable. As long as you hand over Liu Mingyuan obediently, I can choose not to blame for other things."

"The enemy should be settled but not settled. After all, my goal is Liu Mingyuan, and it has little to do with you."

"That's impossible, you die this heart."

Luo Chen directly shook his head and refused to lock up.

"If you want to kill Liu Mingyuan, you have to pass me first."

Luo Chen's voice was firm, making Shuo Ming's face a little dark.

As a killer, he knows how to avoid risks, and now he has given up very much. Why is Luo Chen still not giving up? Thinking of this, Suo Ming couldn't help but feel angry.

"I warn you, don't be shameless, I have put forward the terms of reconciliation, not because I am afraid of you!"

Suo Ming gritted his teeth and looked at Luo Chen and said aloud.

"Quickly stop talking, you just kept thinking about killing me."

Luo Chen waved his hand, with a smile on his face, it seemed that the words locked up were a joke.

"When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

Shu Ming opened his eyes and immediately began to pretend to be dumb.

"You don't know? There are too many things you don't know."

Luo Chen rolled his eyes, and did not intend to explain to Suo Ming.

"Then what do you mean?"

Suo Ming looked at Luo Chen in a gloomy tone and asked aloud.

"Either give up the task and roll, or die. If you have to choose to complete the task, you can also fight for it. I am not so unkind. I can give you a chance."

Luo Chen smiled slightly, watched Suo Ming slowly said.

"Of course the premise is that you are not afraid of death."

"Want me to give up the task? What are you thinking? Do you want me to give up this business?"

Locked his eyes widened, and roared in a low voice.

"Then don't talk nonsense, I already know what you mean, let's fight."

Luo Chen lifted the folding fan and hooked it towards Suoming, and then spoke.

"Let me see again, how rich your practical experience is."

"Okay! You asked for this, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!"

Suo Ming nodded fiercely, and then squeezed the hilt with both hands, and the spiritual energy surged and wrapped around the long sword, causing the long sword to glow slightly red.

"Spike Tooth Sword!"

With a roar from Suo Ming, the long sword in his hand slashed towards Luo Chen fiercely, and a surge of sword aura rushed towards Luo Chen. There was some spiritual aura mixed in it, and the moment it was swung out, it turned into a The wolf head rushed towards Luo Chen with his mouth wide open.

"Oh roar... I started to use the exercises, but do you think I'm scared?"

Luo Chen's mouth twitched slightly, watching Suo Ming speaking softly.

"Dugu sword technique, the third sword!"

When the voice fell, Luo Chen's folding fan also slammed forward, and a sword energy heavier than the locked sword energy meant to kill and flew toward the wolf's head.


Before reaching Luo Chen's side, the wolf head was divided into two and flew out towards both sides. However, Luo Chen's sword aura continued to fly towards Suo Ming without any hindrance.


The explosion of the wolf's head came out, and at this moment, Luo Chen's sword aura also arrived in front of Shuming.

Suo Ming sneered and swung his sword indifferently to resist, trying to stop this sword energy attack.


Sword Qi slammed onto the body of Shuming's sword, making a sound, and then a huge force was passed toward Suoming.

I saw that the ground under his feet was plowed into two deep trenches, but still unable to resist Luo Chen's sword aura, he was pushed back bit by bit.

Click... Click...

A series of cracks appeared on the locked sword body, instantly making his face full of surprise, his sword was actually cracked by the sword energy that he swung out of his hand?

"Grandma's, this is not okay. If this goes on, I'm afraid I will be cut in half by this kid."

Suo Ming murmured softly, then released aura to wrap the sword body, and then lifted it violently upwards.