Sorry, I Am Invincible

Chapter 559: Keep fighting


The chef was so angry that Luo Chen didn't catch his breath, and his face turned red even when he was suffocated. His eyes widened to look at Luo Chen, hoping that Luo Chen could see the killing intent in his own eyes.

"Don't open it, your mung bean eyes are good enough, I'm afraid you can't see things clearly."

Luo Chen's tongue was just like another person, stimulating the chef's little heart from all aspects.

"Eh yo... oh yo me..."

The chef felt that his head was about to explode with anger, and with a low growl, he rushed towards Luo Chen with a pair of knives.

He doesn't have any extra thoughts in his mind now, and some only kill Luo Chen ruthlessly, chop Luo Chen into meat with his double knives, and wrap them into buns to sell to others tomorrow.

Seeing the chef coming straight to him, Luo Chen didn't panic, just twisted his neck, and then suddenly activated the teleport skill when the tip of the knife was less than a finger from the tip of his nose, and easily avoided the chef's attack. .


The chef missed a knife, and then another knife slashed again and slashed towards Luo Chen fiercely.

In the process of this knife slashing towards Luo Chen, there were waves of wailing, which was unusually harsh and unpleasant.

Luo Chen couldn't help frowning slightly, looked at the chef with disgust, and said aloud after avoiding his attack.

"What's the matter with your knife? Guiwailang howling is terribly ugly."

"You know you're scared."

The chef sneered, watching Luo Chen slowly straighten up, raised the two knives in his hands, and then continued.

"Among my two knives, I have imprisoned the souls of all those who were killed by me... You have heard of it, they are my ghosts. Let my knife have more powerful power and help me kill the enemy. people."

"Tsk... It's a shameless exercise."

Luo Chen curled his lips and gave his own evaluation. This weird weapon must have been made by the chef with some special technique.

"There is no way, as long as I can improve my strength, there is nothing I dare not do."

The chef shrugged his shoulders, the fat on his face throbbed again, and then he squeezed the handle of the knife with both hands, and the cry came out again.

A torrent of black energy poured out from the blade, and Luo Chen could clearly see that it was a black energy composed of distorted human faces, which was entwining towards the chef.


Luo Chen shook his head slightly, and then continued to ask.

"Your black shop is a pure black shop, or is it a cult?"

"Do I have to answer if you ask?"

The chef looked at Luo Chen with a wicked smile and said, Luo Chen had no intention of answering his question.

"You said just now that you want me to die a little bit more clearly, why is it not working now?"

Luo Chen said with a smile, and then took a deep breath of Huazi.

"Want to know? It's easy to do, beat me, I will tell you everything."

The chef took a posture, looked at Luo Chen and said in a deep voice.

On the other side, Dian Xiaoer and Kylin Niu were still fighting, but the difficulty was Dian Xiaoer, because he couldn't break the unicorn’s defense at all. Instead, he was punched at the door by the unicorn and the corners of his eyes. It's all pounded and cracked.


Dian Xiaoer panted heavily, squeezed the sharp knife in his hand that had been slightly curled, and looked at the unicorn cow who had nothing to do.

"Come... fight again!"

Qilin Niu looked at him and said dullly.

"What's wrong with trying to run if you can't beat it? As a man, even if you can't beat it, you have to hold on for me!"

"You don't need to educate me!"

The shop clerk gave a low cry, the whole body puffed up aura, and then took a deep breath and yelled at the unicorn bull.


Then a sound wave visible to the naked eye rushed towards the unicorn cow at an extremely fast speed, stunned him slightly in an instant.

However, as a lord-level spirit beast, Qilin Niu's strength is still very strong, and it didn't take long to slow down, but at this time, the shop Xiaoer has already attacked the Qilin Niu, and the sharp knife in his hand is coming straight into his eyes. .

Since the scales on the body can't be broken, it must be possible to attack the eyes, after all, there will be no scales on the eyes.

Qilinniu hurriedly backed away in shock and raised his hand to protect his eyes.


Dian Xiaoer's knife pierced the unicorn bull's forearm straightly. Surprisingly, this blow broke through the unicorn bull's defense, and the tip of the knife plunged into the forearm a finger-thick.

"Finally broke your defense..."

Dian Xiaoer grinned. Although he didn't succeed in piercing Qilin Niu's eyes, he hurt him, which was considered a successful breakthrough.

"Hahaha... It's broken, but it's useless."

Qilinniu chuckled, his other arm fisted directly, and went straight to the abdomen of the shop Xiaoer.


Xiao Er, who was still leaping in Baolong's shop, had no time to resist, and was blasted out by Qilin Niu with a punch, hitting the small building, smashing the window and falling into the house.

Shaking his arm, Qilin Niu mumbled while looking at the not serious wound on his forearm.

"What happened just now, how could he cut my scales..."

After speaking, he raised his head and looked at the room where Xiaoer had smashed into it.

There was no sound quietly, as if Xiao Er hadn't entered at all. He wanted to go in and check, but he stopped alive. If he went to see it, he would probably be ambushed by Xiao Er.

The facts are also true. Xiaoer Dian is clutching his aching stomach, holding a sharp knife in his other hand, leaning against the wall, staring at the window, waiting for the unicorn to come in, and then sticking it around his neck. A knife, a fatal blow to him.

"Come out, I won't go in."

Qilinniu stood outside the door and said loudly, he had seen through the shop Xiaoer's careful thoughts, how could he even walk in stupidly.

Xiao Er didn't make a difference, as if he hadn't heard him, and stayed there. He was waiting, waiting for the moment when Qilin Niu lost patience and took the initiative to come to him.

He didn't move, and the unicorn cow didn't move either, and the two of them faced each other across a wall.

This side became quiet, but the other side started to fight.

Luo Chen waved his fists and blasted towards the chef again and again, so that the chef had to stand up his arms to resist, and even the double knives in his hands would be useless for a while.

Bang bang bang...

One punch after another fell on the chef, and the black anger on the chef's body was full of turmoil, as if it would be broken at any time.

"It's useless, it's useless... An attack like yours has no effect on me."

The chef said aloud while resisting Luo Chen's attack.

The fat and black energy in his body can offset a lot of the power from Luo Chen's attack, and the actual damage can even be ignored.

"It's very resistant...but I want to see how long you can resist."

Luo Chen grinned, not paying attention to what the chef said.