Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3428: Huojun Four Sons

Xiao Yi hugged Huo'er.

Huo'er's face was full of surprise, his small eyes rolled, and he chirped his mouth, looking at Xiao Yi closely.

Xiao Yi recalled what he saw earlier this year, smiled, and nodded again.


The fire of stars in his hand condenses.

Then, the flame was turned into a violent aura by him, and transformed into pure star flame energy.

Xingchen Flame Elemental Force automatically separates one portion, just like candy.

Huoer caught it and stuffed it without hesitation.

Seeing Huo'er eating happily, Xiao Yi became more amused.

"It seems that Yan Zhen didn't lie to me." Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "I forgot it myself."

"Huo'er is my name."

Yiyi smiled and said, "Little Five is the patriarch of the fire clan, Huojun Yaonv, ranked fifth."

"Huo people, 8 years old is the age to give a name, Xiao Wu is only 6 years old now, less than 7 years old."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I remember, Huoer told me that back then."

"But I forgot for a while, but now I remember."

"Um... six years old..." Xiao Yi was slightly puzzled. "When I saw you at the beginning of the year, Huo'er told me that she was six years old."

Yiyi smiled and said, "You have forgotten the son, the age calculation of other races is different from ours."

Xiao Yi suddenly laughed at himself, "I was so happy when I saw Huo'er, but he didn't react for a while."

That little fire girl back then, goodbye today, and now a boulder in her heart has fallen a bit.

Huoer eats the fire energy of the stars, really like eating sugar, eating with a big mouth, his mouth is full, vaguely said, "Do you know Brother Yi Xiao and Sister Yiyi?"

"Of course." Xiao Yi smiled, "Your sister Yiyi is my wife."

"Lady?" Huo'er was stunned, "Big Brother Yi Xiao and Sister Yiyi, just like my father and mother?"

Huo'er opened his mouth wide, as if he heard something extremely surprised.

"Sister Yiyi used to sleep well for a man, but now..."

"Sister Yiyi transfers her love?"

Yiyi's face flushed.

Xiao Yi laughed dumbly and explained.

Huo'er seemed to understand, "Big Brother Yi Xiao is also called Brother Xiao Yi, is Brother Xiao Yi the person I used to like?"

Xiao Yi said, taking off the mask, "Isn't it your brother Yi Xiao if I took off the mask?"

"Huo'er understands." Huo'er was suddenly stunned, eating candy again, no, the fire element of the stars.

"That's right." Huo'er seemed to remember something, and looked at Xiao Yi in surprise, "Is Brother Yi Xiao coming to join Huo'er's birthday party?"

"Oh?" Xiao Yi said softly.

Huo'er said with joy, "Huo'er will be seven years old a few days after the event."

"After Sister Yiyi's participation in the event, she happened to be able to accompany Brother Yi Xiao to Huo'er's birthday banquet."

"Yeah." Yiyigang was about to happily agree, but first glanced at Xiao Yi, "Master?"

Xiao Yi nodded and nodded with a chuckle.

Just at this time.

Not far away, two voices with gloomy faces appeared out of thin air.

A figure came first and took the fire in Xiao Yi's arms.

"Evil thief, the ghost will not disperse?"

It was a clear and sweet voice.

What came out was a slender hand from Bai Ze.

In front of Xiao Yi, there was a woman in her early 30s but with an extremely beautiful face.

"You are looking for death." Xiao Yi was about to make a move, but he instantly reacted and recognized the woman's face.

He had seen this woman back then.

It is Huo'er's mother.

"Mother." Huo'er exclaimed.

Xiao Yi did not resist, letting this slender hand hold Huo'er away instantly.

"Late Emperor Realm." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Next to the woman, there was an old man.

Xiao Yi also recognized this old man.

It was the servant who followed this woman back then.

However, the cultivation base that these two people gave Xiao Yi back then was not as strong as it is now.

Back then, this old man's servant was just a martial arts power, but now he is a respectable state.

As for this woman, Xiao Yi couldn't see through it back then, but now she sees through it as a monarch.

"Mother." Huo'er shrugged his head and looked at the woman.

The woman didn't have a word, but looked at Xiao Yi coldly, "Xiao Wuyi has given you the original power of the fire clan. She has no talent anymore. Do you still want to fight her?"

Yiyi hurriedly said, "Mrs. Huo Jun misunderstood, she is just..."

The woman interrupted in a cold voice, "My Excellency Saintess, I think about friendship with the prince and don't care about you."

"But if I knew that the man you used to sleep every night was this thief, I would never let Xiao Wu get half involved with you."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Mrs. Huo Jun, right? I will give you an explanation about Huo'er."

"Give me an explanation?" The woman sneered, "In what capacity? The identity of Yi Xiao, who was hiding his head and showing his tail, or the identity of Xiao Yi, who is now infamous for killing people like hemp?"

"Or, your power of shaking the sky, the identity of the master of the Eight Palaces who prides themselves on being domineering?"

"In those days, Xiaowu lost all his talents, and Mr. Huo was furious. If you hadn't thought about friendship with Yandian, you were the famous Yandian Tianjiao, and there were several fire-controlling evildoers in the mainland. Do you think you were still alive?"

"What happened back then, everything has been suppressed, why bother to mention it again?"

"If you still want to make Xiaowu's idea and have many tricks, then I'm sorry, the face of Yandian, my fire clan will never sell it."

At this time, Xiao Yifang noticed that Huo'er was only in the second stage of the holy realm, with only two complete martial arts.

When he first met Huo'er, Huo'er was already at the peak of the celestial realm and was in the bottleneck of the holy realm.

In other words, after so many years, Huo'er's cultivation has hardly improved.

"Huo'er's talent..." Xiao Yi frowned.

The woman interrupted in a cold voice, "Everyone is stunned."

"When the cultivation level of other children soared year by year, she stopped."

"When a child from another family is similar to her age, but has entered the intensive training of the fire clan heritage, she does not even have the qualifications to step into it."

Whoosh... At this moment, a figure beside the woman appeared out of thin air.

That was a boy who was about 16 years old.

The breath of the whole body is actually in the first category of the monarch realm.

"Mother, Xiao Wu."

"Fourth brother." Huo'er called out.

The visitor stared at Xiao Yi coldly, "Is it you who captured Xiao Wu's blood from the Fire Clan?"

"Fine." The woman exclaimed.

The woman looked at Xiao Yi coldly, "I only give you one last warning, don't make any more thoughts of Xiao Wu."

After that, the woman held Huo'er, turned and left.

The person who came then glared at Xiao Yi, "Don't let me run into you at the event, otherwise, I will destroy you."

A group of people left.

On the spot, Xiao Yi has not spoken, only frowning, his face slightly ugly.

"The son." Yiyi whispered from the side, "Mrs. Huojun and the four sons of Huojun are only in pain, and there is a misunderstanding, so they speak coldly."

"I know." Xiao Yi nodded, "I didn't care."

"I'm just thinking about Huoer."

"The deprivation of martial arts talent is a fatal blow to the martial artist."

"Not to mention that Huo'er has the blood of the Huo clan, and the original strength is gone."

"I have to think about recovering her."


Second more.