Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 5073: Heavenly Demon, Demon Ancestor, Origin

"Devil?" Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the plain-looking middle-aged man in front of him.

In the next second, Xiao Yi also took a step forward and sat down on the stool.

Upon seeing this, the black-robed middle-aged man showed a satisfied and cordial smile.

Xiao Yi said coldly, "Since you know everything, then tell me, what doubts I have in my heart now, and give me answers one by one."

Hearing the words, the middle-aged man in black robes shook his head, "I don't mean that I know everything."

"Realm Master Xiao Yi, what is in your mind, I don't know."

"Years ago, I just watched you, but I never had a way to pry into your heart."

Xiao Yi sneered, "So it's just a little skill?"

The middle-aged man in the black robe chuckled lightly, "As for the doubts in Xiao Yi's heart, I can probably guess it too."

"But it's more troublesome to answer, it's related to the nature of this endless void."

"So, the realm master Xiao Yi is still calm, listen to the words of this seat."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

The middle-aged man in the black robe also fell silent for a while, seeming to be sorting his thoughts.

Can let such a character sink a bit, sort out his thoughts, think about it, the next thing to say will be extraordinary, and it will not be a trivial matter.

After a long while, the middle-aged man in the black robe slowly opened his mouth, "This endless emptiness was once empty."

"Absolute nothingness, absolute emptiness, so it is called emptiness."

"It is empty, there is nothing, including the heavens, the heavens, the small world, but also the barren stars, the sun and stars, etc., there is nothing, let alone creatures."

"This is the original appearance of the Infinite Void in the beginning."

"But." The middle-aged man in the black robe paused, "Void is an indescribable existence. Like a creature, it has its own thoughts. Of course, everything is instinctive."

"You can understand that the void is actually an ignorant, huge and endless creature."

The void, like an ignorant, huge and endless creature?

The middle-aged man in the black robe continued, "There will be impurities in living beings."

"It's like a powerful warrior, no matter how high his cultivation level is, even if it is the demigod combat power of Xiao Yi Realm Master you, you dare not say that there is no impurity in your body, and you dare not say that your body is absolutely transparent."

"Void, naturally the same."

"Endless emptiness will also instinctively produce impurities."

"Just as a warrior shed sweat, there are impurities in the sweat."

"These impurities are just sands, floating in this endless void like tiny mayflies."

"And when these impurities experience long years of drifting and drifting, some of them will'encounter' with each other and gradually combine into a larger gravel."

"After more long years of drifting, the huge gravel becomes bigger and bigger, and slowly, it becomes the stars."

"This is the origin of the stars in this endless void."

Xiao Yi frowned when he heard it. This was a ‘secret’ he had never heard of before.

It may be said that this is no longer the ‘secret’, but the essence of this void and the stars.

The middle-aged man in the black robe continued, "And when they become stars, they will be'too heavy', so heavy they can no longer float like a gravel mayfly, and then they freeze."

"And among these stars, there are big and small, different."

"Since the existence of these stars, the originally empty void has been blocked, and these barriers have caused the flow of the void itself to collide, so there is wind, which is the void wind."

"Just like among the mountains, the hills and ravines are rising, the origin of the mountain breeze."

"At this time, the originally endless empty void, with stars, and void wind."

"Of course, these stars are all barren, only yellow sand everywhere."

"The two demon ancestors you know were born from them."

Just as the physical body of a warrior cannot be absolutely transparent, it will have impurities; the void is the same.

It's just that the void is vast, and those impurities are equivalent to the physical composition of the void.

Doesn't it mean that the two demon ancestors were born out of the emptied ‘flesh body’?

Xiao Yi expressed his doubts.

The middle-aged man in the black robe nodded and chuckled lightly, "So the two demon ancestors you know are the strongest in their bodies. They are not damaged by reincarnation, and immortal."

"It's like the monster underworld emperor took the law of reincarnation, but it can't help the two demon ancestors."

Xiao Yi's face was shocked.

Back then, when the first generation of Soul Emperor dealt with Emperor Underworld, it was the two demon ancestors who were the first to find it, not that one; the reason was that the bodies of the two demon ancestors were so powerful that they were immortal in reincarnation.

This is exactly the same as what the black-robed middle-aged man said.

The middle-aged man in the black robe continued, "Therefore, the two demon ancestors have the ability to catalyze the stars, so that the stars can become normal stars and catalyze creatures."

The middle-aged man in the black robe looked at Xiao Yi and said, "The stars, the void and the wind, and the years when the two demon ancestors were born are the chaotic years that your creatures say."

"After that, the eight innate creatures were born, and the law landed on the huge stars to become the heaven, and the seven innate creatures controlled the heaven and became the emperor of heaven."

There are eight innate creatures, seven of which control the heaven and become the emperor of heaven, while the eighth person, the evil god, has no heaven to control and has been hiding in the dark.

"So what about you?" Xiao Yi suddenly looked straight at the middle-aged man in black robe.

"Is this seat?" The black-robed middle-aged man chuckled, "The origin of this seat is very simple, similar to the two demon ancestors."

"The emptiness is like a huge and endless creature, so it is like possessing a body, nature, and also possessing a mind."

"The two demon ancestors were born from the void flesh body, and I was born from the will of this endless void."

Xiao Yi's expression changed, "Or let me put it simpler, you are the demon of this endless emptiness."

"So call, demon!"

"Hahahaha." The middle-aged man in the black robe, no, should say that the demon, laughed loudly, "Xiao Yi Realm Master is really smart."

Xiao Yi heard the sound of ‘praise’, but was not happy at all.


The heart demon of the endless void!

Damn, how much does this exist.

Xiao Yi thought to himself.

Although he had been prepared for this heavenly demon's extraordinary origins, but now that he really heard where it was born, Xiao Yi still felt chills in his heart.

Xiao Yi was Xiao Yi after all, and immediately calmed down the horror in his heart, and said coldly, "You just said thank me, what else did you thank?"

The demon chuckled and arched his hands again, "Naturally it is the life-saving grace of Xie Xiaoyi's realm master."

"Just like a warrior can't exclude his own inner demons from himself, so is the endless void."

"No, it should be said that the instinct of the endless void would not be like this."

"However, the realm master Xiao Yi killed the Heretic God, causing the balance of the void to be shattered; in the instinct of the endless void, the creatures become too strong, and there will be a sense of threat, and this seat can be rejected by the endless void."


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