Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 5162: Demons emerge

Three strands of light slowly penetrated the eyebrows of Xia Yiming and the three of them.

The next moment, the three of them closed their eyes instantly, as if they had fallen into a state of epiphany.

But in just a moment, the three of them frowned again while closing their eyes.

Xiao Yi smiled, not worried.

The test he gave was similar to the experience of inner demons, but it contained the mysteries of martial arts.

Now, the void is calm, and the only thing he has to do is to hunt down the demons.

But the demons don't know where to hide now.

Xiao Yi is also idle when he is idle.


Xiao Yi glanced at Xia Yiming and the three of them with cross-legged eyes and closed eyes, and then left.

He is going to the cold realm.

I hope that when he comes back, the three of them will not say that they can break through, at least, they have already gained something.

in the void.

Xiao Yi shuttled all the way to the cold realm.

The cold realm, within the forbidden land.

Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

In the past, the Bai Family Forbidden Land was a piece of frozen land. The thick ice layer was unreachable. The ice was so strong that it was difficult for even the Emperor to leave many traces here.

The entire land of ice is simply condensed by the power of the chaotic ice.

But now, there is no ice here, just a vast ocean.

Since Xiao Yi completely absorbed the power of the Chaos God Ice, there is not a half of the Chaos God Ice left here. Naturally, the once frozen land has become an ocean without any power.

Today, he came to restore the power of the Chaos God Ice here.


At this moment, a figure flickered.

It is the Emperor of the Cold Realm.

"Yi'er." The Cold Realm Heavenly Emperor called out indifferently.

"Grandpa." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Have you figured it out?" The Cold Realm Heavenly Emperor asked.

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "I'm here, just to fulfill my promise and restore the chaotic ice here."

"Grandpa, you can trust my words, your successor is not necessarily me."

"Xinghe and Xiao Bai are both excellent candidates."

"When they grow stronger, you can test them."

"I believe that their excellence will surely satisfy you."

The Heavenly Emperor of the Cold Realm was speechless.

Xiao Yi could only be silent, and put out his hands together, the mighty chaotic power in his hands condensed out.

a few days later.

Xiao Yi withdrew his hand.

This piece of ocean has once again recovered its ice-covered everywhere.

The forbidden areas of the major heavens belong to the tenth level of the emperor's realm. With Xiao Yi's eleventh-level cultivation realm, it is not difficult to restore the power of one of the forbidden areas.

However, this forbidden area of ​​the Bai family seems to have weakened a bit compared to the past.

Xiao Yi looked at the Heavenly Emperor of the Cold Realm and said, "Grandpa, if I want to completely restore the level of the forbidden land of the Bai family, I can't do it in a short time."

The once forbidden area of ​​the Bai family has existed for endless years, and the ice is eternal.

"However, I have roughly recovered the power here, and I have also condensed a seed of divine ice at the bottom of the ice layer."

"For the time being, if it is to support the Bai family martial artist to enter the cultivation, there is no problem at all, and the effect will not be worse than before."

"But if you want to have a strong strength by mobilizing the power here, I'm afraid it won't work."

"Of course, all of this just takes time."

"I have roughly recovered the power here, and the ice seeds have also condensed. With time, this place will return to normal."

The Emperor of the Cold Realm nodded, "You have already left two demon ancestors with me. In terms of protecting the heavens, the power of the two demon ancestors exploded, which is stronger than when I personally mobilized the power of Chaos God Ice. many."

"You've done enough."

Xiao Yi smiled, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Yi'er..." The Cold Realm Heavenly Emperor's indifferent face had a complex expression on his face.

He wanted to say something, but it was very clear that Xiao Yi would have the same answer no matter what.

"That's right." Xiao Yi suddenly remembered something and looked at the Heavenly Emperor of the Cold Realm.

"I heard that Grandpa is going to hold a birthday party in a few days."

The Emperor of the Cold Realm nodded.

Xiao Yi looked apologetic, "Sorry, I may not be able to come. In the world of blood inflammation, things are complicated."

"But my congratulations from the Blood Flame World will definitely be delivered."

"If grandpa has any birthday wishes, you can tell me, and within your ability, you must help grandpa to complete it."

When the Emperor of the Cold Realm heard the words, his face was mixed with joy and loneliness.

Of course he knew that Xiao Yi didn't come to his birthday banquet because the birthday banquet was originally organized by his daughter, the Empress of the Cold Realm.

With Xiao Yi's current strength, how could there be complicated affairs that would trouble him in the blood flame world?

That's just an excuse.

However, at least, Xiao Yiken now calls him 'Grandpa'.

At that time, he finally broke the heart of this grandson.

And his daughter, the Empress of the Cold Realm, completely shattered the young man's heart.

"Have you thought of a way to deal with the matter of the demons?" asked the Heavenly Emperor of the Cold Realm.

He knew that the only thing that could make this grandson care about was the devil.

He also knew that he couldn't help at all.

Now that I ask, I just want to talk to this grandson for a long time.

"There is a way." Xiao Yi nodded.

"I think it's my battle to clear the Void. It's too noisy, even my grandfather knows it."

"But grandpa doesn't have to worry, I'm sure."

"That's good." The Cold Realm Heavenly Emperor nodded.

The Cold Realm Heavenly Emperor wanted to say more.

Xiao Yi took the lead and said, "Grandpa, I'm afraid I have to rush to another heaven to practice."

"If I have nothing to do, I will say goodbye first."

"Well." The Emperor of the Cold Realm nodded, "Go, practice is the most important thing."

"Now, you are the hope of the entire endless void."

Xiao Yi nodded, bowed, and left with a flash.

At this moment, not far away, a figure walked quickly.

It is the Empress of Cold Realm.

"Father, is Yi'er here?" The Cold Realm Empress asked hopefully.

The Emperor of the Cold Realm nodded, but didn't say much.

He knew that the reason why Xiao Yi left in a hurry was precisely because he felt her arrival.

"Father, did Yi'er say something?" The Cold Realm Empress asked.

"He hasn't been home in years..."

"Home?" The Cold Realm Heavenly Emperor shook his head indifferently.

"This child has come, gone, gone forever."

Titan Tianyu, within the forbidden area.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged.

Yes, he intends to come to practice in these forbidden areas again.

Today, he has mastered five Chaos forces.

He needs to master nine kinds of power, so as to step into the twelfth level of the emperor's realm, forcibly cultivate the seal of binding gods, and completely solve the demons.

Five Chaos Forces, Chaos God Ice, Chaos God Body, Chaos God Soil, Chaos Spiritual Mind, and Chaos Spirit.

There are still four kinds of chaotic power, and the chaotic power of the seven heavens is enough to provide.

at this time.

Xiao Yi sat cross-legged, the eyes of the sun and sun condensed, and quickly realized.

But suddenly...

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned suddenly, and then his face turned sullen, "Demon, you've come to the fore."


Second more.