Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 5175: Life and death, an idea

"All heavens and all worlds belong to you, I only want my blood and flame world to be safe." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and spat out unwilling words.

"In the years to come, as long as you don't provoke me, I promise not to touch you at all."

Xiao Yi's tone was decisive.

What he promised he would do.

Although it is very unwilling, but now, I can only let the demons do as they wish, and surrender the heavens and the world and even the entire endless void.

Xiao Yi didn't even think too much, hesitate, or hesitate.

Right now, he knew that he had no choice.

Therefore, he didn't even have a verbal game, bargaining, or any other delay with the demon.

Both of them are at the level of the twelfth emperor realm, standing at the end of the martial arts.

Each other, also know the means and ability to deal with.

What the demons created for him now, Xiao Yi, was a dead end.

Of course, this was unexpected.

However, when he knew that the demons were integrated into the spiritual consciousness of external creatures, he already understood what happened.

The demon is the inner demon of the will of the endless void, equivalent to the opposite of the endless void.

Although the living beings are born from the stars and the world, in the final analysis, including the star world, they are all born from the endless void.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, living beings are indirectly equivalent to being born from the endless void.

Twelve chaotic forces plus the demons behind them can be integrated into the endless void, and naturally they can also be integrated into the living beings and become one.

For Xiao Yi today, just as the demons escaped into the endless void once, he must have the ability to destroy the entire endless void in order to completely obliterate the demons; now, the demons integrated into the spiritual consciousness of living beings, unless he is able to destroy this living being. Obliterate them together, otherwise, there is nothing to do with the demons.

Even if he captures Yiyi, all the old people, and the Yujing patriarch, it will only help.

The demons have integrated into it, and there is absolutely nothing to do.

Or to put it more simply, the demons still exist, but the demons can also become any creature.

Xiao Yi's fist was clenched tightly.

He has no choice.

The demons with twelve chaotic powers have long been beyond the scope of comprehension.

Also at the twelfth level of the Emperor Realm, he has stronger combat power, while the demons have more unpredictable means and abilities, almost omnipotent.

There is only one way to save Yiyi, the old people, and the Yujing Patriarch. The demon himself is willing to break away from everyone's spiritual consciousness.

As long as the demon is willing to leave, then Xiao Yi is willing to do this deal.

Compared with this endless void, compared with this world of heaven and earth, as long as the people he cherishes are safe, that's all.

Even if there is only one blood flame world left, it is enough to become a place for many creatures to settle down and live in peace.

'Senior Luo' sneered, "Now the world master Xiao Yi is willing to give the heavens and the world to this seat?"

"Unfortunately, this seat has changed his mind."

Xiao Yi frowned, "What do you mean?"

The 'Master of the Wind Temple' sneered, "The world lord Xiao Yi seems to have misunderstood the meaning of this seat, and this is not the deal that this seat wants to make with you."

Xiao Yi's face was cold, "Just tell me what you want."

The 'Heavenly Secret Hall Master' smiled proudly, "Of course, Yi'er kid, you should put down the sword in your hand first, and then discuss the transaction with this forum."

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.


The Purple Lightning Divine Sword fell to the ground, collided with the ground of the main hall, and made a clanging sound.

It wasn't that Xiao Yi wanted to, but now that he held the sword again, it was of little significance.

He already understood what happened in that instant when the second sword was fired.

When he blasted out the second sword, he should have completely wiped out the demons, but the demons were instantly integrated into the spiritual knowledge of Yujing Patriarch and Yi Lao.

After that, Yiyi was subdued in an instant, and at this point, everyone's spiritual consciousness was controlled.

In the battle just now, if he wanted to nibble and integrate his spiritual consciousness under Xiao Yi's eyes, it was impossible.

There is only one possibility, the patriarch Yujing and Yi Lao were already controlled by the demons earlier, and this became the point of integration of the spirits of the demons for a moment, avoiding his sword of destroying the gods.

Yiyi was subdued, and the eight old people were already weak, and it was easy to control their spiritual consciousness by the demon who was close at hand.

At this time, the cold voice of the demon interrupted Xiao Yi's thinking.

"Very good, as expected of the World Lord Xiao Yi, he values ​​love and righteousness, and of course, he is aware of current affairs." The 'Monster Hunting Hall Master' jokingly smiled.

Xiao Yi glanced coldly, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"It's very simple," said 'Lao Yi', "I also ask World Master Xiao Yi to personally destroy your precious sword."

"What?" Xiao Yi's expression changed.

‘Elder Yi’ sneered, “It’s not that I can’t trust you, Jie Master Xiao Yi, but I’m afraid of everything in case.”

"The world master Xiao Yi said it nicely, and he will give up the heavens and the world to this seat, as long as the blood flame world is safe and sound."

"But who knows if you, World Lord Xiao Yi, will suddenly turn around and regret it?"

"As a sword cultivator, World Master Xiao Yi, destroying your sword and weakening your strength is the safest way."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "But if I destroy the Purple Lightning Sword, are you willing to break away from their spiritual knowledge?"

"That's right." 'Lao Yi' nodded, "This is the deal."

Xiao Yi sneered, "You are afraid that I will regret it, and I am naturally afraid that you will regret it."

"What if I destroyed Zidian, but you regretted it and refused to break away from their spiritual consciousness?"

Xiao Yi gradually regained his composure, and there was a game of words.

Guess what.

"Elder Yi" grinned, "Jiezhu Xiao Yi, you have no choice now."

Xiao Yi also sneered, "Oh, is it?"

"I do have an excellent choice."

‘Elder Yi’ frowned upon hearing this.

Xiao Yi's tone suddenly became cold and abnormal, even more so than Jiuyou Huangquan, "I killed you, along with their spiritual knowledge."

"Dead or alive, it's all in your mind."

It's not that Xiao Yi can't kill the demons, but that he can't separate the demons from the people's spiritual consciousness and kill them.

"Oh? Threatening this seat? Hahahaha." "Elder Yi" laughed wildly.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and his killing intent became violent, "Is it funny?"


Xiao Yi's palm was empty.


Ben's fallen Purple Lightning Sword returned to his hand instantly.

A sword pointed directly at the throat of 'Yi Lao'.

'Elder Yi' was actually not afraid, "Then, please ask the world master Xiao Yi to kill this seat."

"The sword comes out, penetrates the throat, kills it completely, come."

"Kill your master first, then your wife, and then the Blood Flame World Supremes that you used to respect like your relatives and elders."

"I would like to see how ruthless the sword of the world master Xiao Yi can be."

"With these guys buried, this seat is worth it."

"You..." Xiao Yi's hand trembled as he held the sword, but it was not close to Yi Lao's throat, but retreated a little like "fear".

"How, can't you do it?"'Old Yi' sneered.

In the next instant, ‘Old Yi’ took a step forward and rammed the Purple Lightning Sword with his own throat.

Xiao Yi was shocked and retreated with his sword.

All of this, in the eyes of the devil, Xiao Yi at this moment is like a joke.

The next second, the cold laughter of the demon resounded in the hall.

"Ha ha ha ha."


First more.