Soul Painter

Chapter 424: high school student and shooter

Mizase Yangmeng grabbed the 'Detective' Sanbao and jumped down from the twisted building dozens of meters high. The body seems to be made of steel and iron bones.

Minase Yangmeng understood that this mission was a complete failure.

This is a trap.

The possibility that the God Emperor is a demon is infinitely greater.

But now is not the time to think about that.

At least you have to get rid of the large group of flying-headed savages behind you, and the power angels who are chasing after them.

Mizase Yangmeng's body was charred black. If it was an ordinary person, it would have been smashed into **** by now. Although Mizase Yangmeng has copper skin and iron bones, it can withstand explosions, but the explosions contain a lot of pollutants. These pollutions come from demons. , is infiltrating into her body like a bone-encrusted maggot.

Her mystery is spiraling out of control. .

Apparently it was a trap and bomb for her.

As for the companions, Sanbao is fine, Ryuzaki doesn't know, but this fraud master has nine lives, so he should be fine. The most worrying thing is Reimu, who is undercover in the dissent investigation class... Mizuse Yangmeng While thinking about it, I followed my intuition and ran in one direction on the road.

'Qiangyun' was telling her that there would be a better chance there.

Sure enough, after just running across two streets, with a 'whoosh' sound, an arrow passed by his ear.

There was a sound of 'Boom', and the large group of flying-headed savages chasing behind had been shot down in the fireworks.

The archer, on the other hand, is a young man, with a long appearance like an ordinary Dongying man, but he is very tall, and what is more special is that he has white hair all over his head.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several arrows shot in a row, laying a barrier of flames and explosions in mid-air, and the flying headman was blocked.

At this time, Minase Yangmeng had already rushed to the youth's side.

"ありがとう (thank you)!" Minase Yangmeng had time to bow and thank him, "Escape げろ (run away)!"

"You run first, I will break later." That young man was Wu Haoxue.

"After breaking a fart, let's run together!" Gao Fan reached out and gave Wu Haoxue a slap. At this time, what a hero.

"Good teacher!" Wu Haoxue shot the last arrow, then carried Gao Fan on his back and ran forward.


Eurasian, who emerged from the flames, stretched out his big hand and grasped the arrow.


A little familiar.


The explosion covered the iron face of Eurasia.


Ouya let out a roar.

He remembers this explosion, remembers this feeling, the last time he was in New York was this explosion and the attack that followed, and he lost part of his body!

Bang bang bang!

Ouya stepped up and started chasing after his hit enemy.

On the other side, Minase Yangmeng found that the young man who saved her, although the running posture was a little weird, was not weaker than her in the running speed. It's all under the premise of being personal.

"My name is Minase Yangmeng, are you from China?" Minase Yangmeng called out.

"You, hello 'high school student', I'm a 'shooter'." Wu Haoxue said.


Minase Yangmeng screamed, which made her almost hit the telephone pole in front of her.

"You're still alive!" she exclaimed. "Where are the other investigators from the Kyoto team?"

"...They're all dead." Wu Haoxue said, "The emperor is a devil, why are you still being fooled?"

"You sent the information?" Minase Yangmeng was very ashamed, "I'm sorry! I made you worry!"

The two backers were able to speak while galloping at high speed. Their physical fitness was really weird. Gao Fan only opened his mouth a little, and then he felt that his mouth was filled with the northeast wind. He really wanted to say, you two, stop talking. Take a look around!


Screaming police cars have begun blocking the surrounding neighborhoods.

The unique terrain of the Xiaguan area means that there are no densely populated commercial areas or residential buildings to hide. You can also seduce gunships and other heavy weapons, and then smash their group of investigators into a pot.

However, with just a few people, the Tokyo team can fight head-on with a whole Tokyo's minions and angel legions. Naturally, there is something special about it. The 'Detective' Sanbao has re-established an information link with the 'Cheater' Ryuzaki.

"Turn left 100 meters ahead and there is a sewer entrance." Sanbao whispered in Minase Yangmeng's ear.

"Benefactor, please follow me! Turn left 100 meters ahead!" Minase Yangmeng shouted at Wu Haoxue.

Her voice was so loud that it fluttered hundreds of meters in the wind, and the police cars in that direction were mobilized almost immediately, forming a dense array, covering the sewer entrance that turned 100 meters to the left.

"Actually, it's a right turn, right now." Sanbao said again in Minase Yangmeng's ear.

"Ah? It's this way!" Minase Yangmeng immediately turned right, and immediately saw a sewer entrance, knowing that Ryuzaki was waiting for her below, she jumped so violently that she smashed the manhole cover, and fell down and disappeared. trace.

Wu Haoxue glanced at the police and minions who were waiting on the opposite side, thinking that the 'high school student' was really calm and calm, and in this case, he could come up with a trick to lure the enemy, so he also jumped into the sewer with Minase Yangmeng.

Entering the sewer, Wu Haoxue felt that he was in a sticky 'skin bag', and before he had time to be surprised, the 'skin bag' had dragged him to slide quickly.


This looks like the inside of a... some kind of bug?

This worm is very large and completely transparent. It can completely wrap Gao Fan and Wu Haoxue, but it is a bit crowded. The two seem to be packed in a vacuum plastic bag. Although they are cramped, they feel comfortable and peaceful in their inspiration. They should be friendly troops. .

Whoosh whoosh!

A large number of flying heads chased the fleeing investigator and entered the sewer.

Immediately after, Eurasia jumped in. His huge body directly smashed several flying-headed barbarians alongside him, and his brains covered the streets near the sewer, while Eurasia who squeezed into the sewer was violent. Gotta' snort! ' With a roar, with both hands, he has already caught a thing that looks like a transparent snake's tail.

As a result, bang!

That 'snake tail' actually broke on its own, UU reading www. uukanshu. com made Ouya lose his center of gravity suddenly, and when he chased forward again, there was no trace of the transparent snake in the sewer, leaving only a faint silver trail of blood.


Ouya pointed at the bloodstain and yelled at those flying heads.

Many flying headman started chasing the bloodstain away.


Eurasian was very unwilling to return to the street.

The Prime Minister is waiting for him here.

"Snort snort!" Ouya said with a frown.

"You mean, in the rebel army just now, there are people who are designated by His Excellency Jinfan, Lord Legion, please rest assured, we will do our best to hunt them down, and we must send them to the hands of His Excellency Jinfan!" The Prime Minister Nod.

Ouya, on the other hand, looked at the diplomatic building that was twisted into a twist in the distance, and fell into deep thought. Then he took out his mobile phone from his pocket with his big hands, and started taking pictures of this mysteriously polluted building. Sent to his master Qinfan.