Soul Painter

Chapter 429: 2nd Pillar Soul

There is no need to go into details about how Wu Haoxue rescued Gao Fan from the sonic vase thrown by Minase Yangmeng, as long as we know that after Wu Haoxue used 'Picasso', his physique is still evolving rapidly, and it is now stable. It surpassed the human level and reached the first-level monster level. Although there is still a big gap with the real monsters such as Power Angel, Minase Yangmeng, and Lu Tiaoyang, it is already possible to fight head-on.

Gao Fan was very happy with himself to share the joy of his success with everyone, and was very dissatisfied with the fact that a vase was smashed, but he still showed considerable generosity in the face of Minase Yangmeng's apology.

"You don't need to apologize, you cut yourself off!" Gao Fan said.

Gao Fan speaks Chinese, and Wu Haoxue still needs to be translated by Wu Haoxue to communicate with the three people at the scene.

Wu Haoxue was shocked when he heard Gao Fan's words. He was stunned for a moment before translating it, but Gao Fan was relieved after hearing the translation from Minase Yangmeng. He could get Wu Haoxue's translation without analyzing it. Saying 'Cinda Ya', even the real meaning is not conveyed.

"You rebel!" Gao Fan waved and slapped Wu Haoxue.

Wu Haoxue laughed. The human skin mask reflected every subtle expression on his face. It was indeed the masterpiece of the soul demon. He changed the subject: "Teacher, have you finished painting your pillars?"

"A quarter completed~" Gao Fan is here to tell everyone the good news. He has combined the success of the boss's soul with the mystery of the "living flame" and turned it into a finished one-fourth of his paintings.

"Then let me see!" Wu Haoxue said excitedly. .

Wu Haoxue had absolute confidence in Gao Fan, so when the Tokyo team felt that there was no hope for Dongying because of the emperor's return to the devil, Wu Haoxue felt that there was still hope in the future because of Gao Fan's promise to paint a pillar. Now, this moment is just the end of the long night, and the dawn of dawn is in Gaofan's hands.

After being translated by Wu Haoxue, the three members of the Tokyo team also immediately became very interested in Gaofan's new work.

They heard about the fame of Gao Fan in normal human society. After knowing the worth of 'Devil Gaofan', Minase Yang Meng began to imagine how many hamburgers a billion dollars could eat for a painting - now she is in a state of hunger every day Minase Yangmeng, the only dream in the near future is to sit in KFC or Mji and eat it until it goes bankrupt.

But the fame of 'painter' in the STK system is... well, such as not famous, if he could paint pillars, it should not have been the center of the war, the kind that is guarded by hundreds of thousands of troops and hundreds of warships, Is it a savior gesture that is aggressive to a country polluted by demons to create a salvation-style creation?

How could it fall into such a fate as Dongying?

So it sounds a bit fake.

And when Wu Haoxue and the Tokyo team entered Gaofan's room, facing the pollution that was still too dazzling, they looked at the colors, lines and composition in this new work, they only felt that they saw loneliness:

Since the other three kinds of pollution are still present, the canvas still glows with a mysterious ray of light that awakens in the mind of the more inspired investigators three different negative states, a coldness that seems to swallow it into time A torrent, a relentless stripping that seems to place its body in a different space, and a wild storm that lifts the skull to the ground with an endless heat wave of knowledge.

These three senses are placed on top of the three flowing, rising and circling colors of bronze, blue and silver in the painting, which makes people feel the ultimate chaos. Only through these three senses can one see the only stable red The human figure, to be honest, at the current moment, even Wu, who has a strong resistance to the mystery, is eager to learn, and he can't penetrate the fog and see the progress of Gao Fan's current creation.

And because of the contamination of the **** emperor, the mysterious and unstable Mizuse Yangmeng, and the demons Sanbao and Ryuzaki felt even more shaken at this moment, even a little disgusting, like being in a boiling three On a small sampan in the color sea, the three-color pollution storm kept coming from the far-reaching, dark and unknown sea with violent storms, destroying their sanity.

"I'm sorry... I can't do it..." Minase Yangmeng was the first to exit the room and ran to the bathroom to retire, feeling too dizzy.

Ryuzaki was the second to exit.

The third of the three treasures.

Wu Haoxue persisted until Gao Fan introduced the creative concepts and techniques of the quarter completed picture, and then he had to retreat as usual, but in fact he couldn't see his face with the human skin mask, the only one who could see his expression. What's more, his footsteps are also a little vain.

Waiting for Gao Fan to return to the living room, looking at the four investigators, he said with a little regret, "It's a pity that your artistic training is too poor to appreciate the beauty of my work~"

Wu Haoxue translated it.

"Mr. Painter, I can't understand your creation." Ryuzaki said with a little anxiety and ridicule, "I don't see what your creation has to do with the pillars. This painting is put in front of the Emperor and the Prime Minister. Are you dizzy?"

Wu Haoxue translated it again.

"You idiot of Dongying culture knows shit!" Gao Fan said rudely.

Wu Haoxue translated it again.

"Mr. Painter, your creation is full of mystery, are you really sure that this is not a ritual to summon a demon, but a pillar? If another demon descends on Dongying, the country will be destroyed. ." Sanbao expressed concern.

Wu Hao continued to translate.

"Since you appreciate my paintings, then help me to complete the next part of the creation." Gao Fan said.

Wu Haoxue thought about how to translate. It can be said that without his translation, 'painter' might have fought with 'detective' and 'fraudist'. UU Reading

"What do you need?" Wu Haoxue asked Gao Fan first.

"This person." Gao Fan picked up his sketchbook, and on the last page was a girl in a police uniform amid the flames and neon.

She stood in the splendid lights and flames of the Ginza street, the flames of different shades and wild lines, hanging in the distant sky like a rainbow-like, shining neon, panicked, like a group of people being blown by the wind All of this is to set off the courage and firmness of the police girl at the moment.

Although Gao Fan wrote that her facial features are not the focus of the expression, and even only used a few vague lines to express, her spiritual aura and soul characteristics have been 100% expressed, and everyone who knows Neliu Reimu will immediately Recognize that this is her.

"Reimu!" ​​The Tokyo trio whispered.

The polluted work they saw just now, which the artist called a great work, was far less capable of expressing the artist's exquisite skills in front of them than this sketch.

"I want to learn about her life and draw her into my paintings," Goff said.