Soul Painter

Chapter 430: Command Spell Arrow

"You want to draw her?" Wu Haoxue was surprised.

"The correct way to say it is to paint her soul," Goff said. "Her soul will be part of my painting."

Hmm... Wu Haoxue looked at Gao Fan with hesitation.

Even if Wu is eager to learn, he also feels that this is a bit inappropriate.

First of all, the three people in the Tokyo team did not agree that Gao Fan was really able to draw the pillars. Second, the word soul is very sensitive. According to the conventional knowledge of investigators, only humans have souls, and souls are often the prey of demon sacrifices. For example, the God Emperor grabbed the souls of two investigators, Zhan Kuang and Tomb Keeper.

If the Tokyo team had suspected that Gao Fan was a demon sacrifice just now.

Now Gao Fan is asking them for the soul of Reimu. .


"You really are a demon sacrifice." At this time, Ryuzaki suddenly said in Chinese with a slightly off-voice tone, and then he said something to the other two in Japanese. He Sanbao's expression has changed.

"Mr. Ryuzaki, do you understand Chinese?" Wu Haoxue looked at Ryuzaki in surprise.

"I'm a 'deceiver'." Ryuzaki sneered, and continued to express in Chinese, "There are so many liars among Chinese people. If you don't understand Chinese, won't you be deceived by you?"

"You said that all Chinese people are liars?" Gao Fan narrowed his eyes.

"The chopped off fingers in the underground casino in Shinjuku can prove it~" Ryuzaki's tone was very disgusting.


Gao Fan threw the vase next to him.

No one thought that Gao Fan would be so impulsive. As a result, the vase was hitting Ryuzaki's face. Because Gao Fan was not strong and Ryuzaki had the soft physique of a demon, the vase was not broken, but it greatly damaged the dragon. Saki face.

"You **** painter dare to throw me away!"

"How about losing you? How?"

During the blocking of Minase Yangmeng and Wu Haoxue, the two investigators did not fight, but Gao Fan took the opportunity to spit a lot of saliva at Ryuzaki.

Wu Haoxue persuaded Gao Fan back to the room.

"Teacher, teacher, don't worry, I'll help you find the life record of Neliu Lingmeng." Wu Haoxue advised Gao Fan.

"Damn it! I work hard every day, risking pollution and sanity to paint for..." Gao Fan suddenly felt that he was dishonest, so he calmed down and muttered, "I just want to improve my skills, for the sake of It's fun, whether Dongying is destroyed or not has something to do with me..."

He muttered to himself, and Gao Fan's mind was immediately relieved. He laughed twice and patted Wu Haoxue's shoulder, "Get the information as soon as possible, I have to study it, which color should I blend her into."

Wu Haoxue promised to leave.

At this time, Gao Fan stopped him again.

"Take off the human skin mask and show it to me." Gao Fan said, looking at his white hair.

"No, it's hard to wear it if you take it off." Wu Haoxue refused with a smile, "We are all put on by Xiaoxue's mother. Xiaoxue's mother said that wearing it will not affect life at all, but if you take it off and wear it again, I have to find her again."

Gao Fan stared at Wu Haoxue. Last time, in order to save the Tokyo team, Wu Haoxue drew 'Picasso' to the diplomatic building. After that, although Wu Haoxue's body did not seem to have changed, his brain even accelerated, making his actions and The language ability has returned to normal, but Gao Fan always feels that this is not a good sign.

Wu is eager to learn what he has lost, and there must be more.

"By the way, teacher, Dongying is about to reopen international routes, and there will definitely be a chance to re-contact with STK. Do you have any news to spread?" Wu Haoxue asked.

"I want to spread the word about you." Gao Fan said with a sigh.

"Teacher, I won't leave Dongying unless I avenge the boss and them. I don't want to be a deserter." Wu Haoxue said.

"You brat..." Gao Fan sighed again.

Wu Haoxue wants to leave again.

"You wait." Gao Fan said again, "When I painted this painting, I came into contact with 'The Great Existence: Living Flame' and mastered some ritual skills..."

"Teacher, you have really become a demon sacrificial 'living flame'!" Wu Haoxue said in awe, and then lowered his voice.

"It's possible to 'become', but it's not rare." Gao Fan said, "Bring your arrows, and I'll make you some Command Spells."

Make... a Command Spell?

And this kind of thing.

Wu Haoxue's eyes widened instantly.

"I can draw pillars, what's so great about drawing a few Command Spells~" Although Gao Fan's tone was normal, the pride in his words almost came to an end.

"Teacher, you are really amazing, indescribably amazing." Wu Haoxue praised.

Gao Fan smiled and said nothing, as if to put all these good words into his pocket. Judging from this habit, he and Lu Guoying are definitely in the same line.

Then, Wu Haoxue came in with a few arrows.

Wu Haoxue's bows and arrows were all replaced with composite materials in order to enter the East Ying, and there were two sets, one was lost in the Imperial Palace in Kyoto, and the other was left in the apartment in Kyoto. It was taken and brought to Tokyo by Shinkansen. During the Battle of Kasumigaishi, it played a major role in the ambush of the Angel of Power and the battle to save the Tokyo team.

But the number of arrows is very limited, and it is difficult to replenish them in Tokyo now. Sooner or later, they will be exhausted, so Wu Haoxue also cherishes them.

"You draw 'Van Gogh' on the arrow, don't draw people, draw arrows." Gao Fan instructed Wu Hao to teach.

"Then what?" Wu Haoxue didn't understand.

"Then I used 'Focus' to seal the 'Van Gogh' you drew, and when the arrow hits the target, it will become 'Van Gogh's Arrow'~" Gao Fan smiled hesitantly .

"Ah?" Wu Haoxue exclaimed, "Is it really possible to do it? Then wouldn't I just launch..."

"It's a magic arrow, a mysterious arrow, or a missile, but it's actually a Command Spell arrow." Gao Fan shrugged, "The effect must be very interesting."

"Can 'Picasso' and 'Dali' also become Command Curse Arrows?" Wu Hao learned to be curious.

"These two have to Gao Fan has not yet begun to analyze the mystery behind these two.

So, next, Gao Fan and Wu Haoxue started to make the 'Van Gogh Command Spell Arrow'.

Nor are there no occultists capable of crafting command spells.

After all, the method of making it is not secret, or even public material, is to intercept a small part of the mysterious quality of the great existence and put it in an inactive state.

There are some great beings who are relatively 'kind' and are even willing to show their characteristics to human beings. As long as you can stand it, it doesn't matter how much you love. After all, their characteristics are so huge that only the universe can. describe its capacity.

But even a relatively 'kind' great existence has the basic characteristics of devouring the human soul. It is like the sea. Devouring a drop of water is not devouring, but returning to the sea and recognizing ancestors. , so an occultist usually takes several years to create a Command Spell very carefully and carefully.

For example, Gao Fan and Wu Haoxue make batches of Command Spells, that is, they must be truly not afraid of death and can withstand it, and only painters under the care of the silver key can do this.