Soul Painter

Chapter 431: Great Presence: Space Anchor

Three more days.

Wu Haoxue liked to show off his achievements with Gaofan diligently.

Just last night, Wu Haoxue and Minase Yangmeng joined forces to raid the prime minister who was inspecting the Eastern Marine Self-Defense Force. The prime minister originally wanted to rename the Maritime Self-Defense Force as the Combined Fleet at this ceremony.

The Eastern Ying Combined Fleet was once the pride of the whole country, and of course it was also a war criminal in World War II. At this moment, the name of the relaunch of the Combined Fleet has made the Prime Minister's mind very clear.

It's just that Wu Haoxue and Minase Yangmeng were like divine soldiers descending from the sky, and the ceremony was messed up. In this battle, Wu Haoxue was most proud that he shot the Prime Minister with the arrow of the 'Van Gogh' Command Curse. On the spot, the Prime Minister was drowned in a bright yellow flame.

"I'm afraid the prime minister sent it." Wu Haoxue said cheerfully, "The emperor has to rearrange a prime minister."

Of course, it later proved that Wu's idea of ​​being eager to learn was too optimistic. The Prime Minister bowed and disappeared so fast that the arrow of the Command Curse had not yet taken effect. The Prime Minister had used a Prajna minion as the target of backstab and disappeared within the explosion range. .

"Good boy, well done~" Gao Fan flipped through the biographical information of Nailiu Lingmeng compiled by Wu Haoxue. Although the focus was not on Wu Haoxue, Wu Haoxue's record was really amazing, and he really praised it sincerely.

"But this is just a plan to attack the west. When Yang Meng and us attacked the Prime Minister, Ryuzaki had already placed signal transmitters of the 'Flying Hydra' race on a cargo ship. The STK operator had all these signals. For the record, I believe that as long as this cargo ship leaves Dongying, we will soon be able to re-establish contact with STK." Wu Haoxue said.

"Since that blind streamer is so tech-savvy, why didn't Dongying make a satellite phone or something directly connected to STK?" Gao Fan asked while flipping through the documents.

"Mr. Ryuzaki really can't do this. After all, he is only a half-demon, and he has limited information on race technology." Wu Haoxue also asked this question. The 'Flying Hydra' race technology in Ryuzaki's hands can only be attached to human beings. On top of technology, make some improvements, otherwise he will simply pop a nucleus and blow up the palace.

"Then, since the transmitter can be sent out, why not send one of you out?" Gao Fan asked again.

"...Because none of us want to leave, including you, teacher." Wu Haoxue smiled bitterly.

Gao Fan rolled his eyes at Wu Haoxue, "I'm here to save the world, you know shit."

"We are also here to save the world." Wu Haoxue laughed.

Yes indeed.

Everyone is saving the world, but some people say it outright, while others feel it is hypocritical to say so, and use excuses to cover up the justice in their hearts.


Gao Fan originally intended to paint Neliu Reimu into the old pollution represented by the bronze 'Dali'.

But after learning about Reimu Naruto's life.

Changed my mind again.

He decided to make Reimu Naruto represent Picasso's blue 'space anchor'.

"Blue, it suits you very well~"

Gao Fan said to Neliu Reimu, who was on his speed and book.

The old days named 'Great Being: Anchor of Space' by Govins, presented on the canvas as a steady blue, once favored by Picasso, or summoned by Picasso's 'Cubism', now its pollution , entrenched in the central position of this 60X80 canvas, Gao Fan began to try to use the brush to combine it with the soul of Reimu Neliu.

It will definitely fail at first.

Because Gao Fan does not have enough mysterious knowledge of the 'Space Anchor'.

He is now 53 in the occult.

It is estimated that it takes 58 points to increase to be able to understand enough about this great existence with spatial attributes.

So, from this day on.

Gao Fan's room began to flash blue light again.

The blue mystery looks like one weird cube after another.

The other investigators never imagined that light would spread outward in this form.

They squeezed out from the crack of the door, different from the scorching, passionate flames, but like one calm middle-aged man after another.

It's like Gao Fan's understanding of Neliu Reimu.

Gao Fan had seen Reimu Naruto in two scenes before.

First, she made her debut on the streets of Ginza on a motorcycle. As a human, she fought against the B-level minions without fear.

Second, in the live TV broadcast, before she was headed by the Prime Minister, she was full of fear but still determined.

Gao Fan has always believed that Naru Reimu should have a soul full of justice and fearlessness, but he read the life of Naru Reimu, including her father Naru Kawakami, her friend Minase Yang Meng, her companion Sanbao, her From the description of the admirer Ryuzaki and so on, Gao Fan realized that Naru Reimu is not always like this.

It's like a 'boss' who looks like a down-and-out middle-aged man, who has such a wonderful underworld life, as well as the red powder known to be all over Dongying.

The other side of Reimu Neliu is also an ordinary girl who is afraid of pain and death. She likes shopping and all kinds of shiny gadgets. She wants to fall in love but has no suitable partner. Because she is almost 30 years old, she is really looking forward to it. Married, I want two children after marriage, preferably a man and a woman, I don't want to be a full-time housewife, because I want to inherit the family's police career...

All these descriptions are full of the soul of Reimu Naruto on Govan's canvas.

Of course, for Gaofan, he wouldn't paint all of Reimu on canvas, that would be too complicated.

Painting requires the sublimation of art.

Especially oil paintings.

Otherwise, it's better to make a movie.

Oil painting only needs to capture a wonderful moment in life, and it doesn't even have to actually happen. It only needs the painter to think that it is enough to represent his life and enough to trigger the inspiration in his pen.

For example, Russian painters Konstantin, Dmitrievich and Flavitsky created the legendary story behind the painting "Princess" in the 19th century Infinite reverie has always been very fond of Govan, and in his eyes he was even rated as one of the best works of 19th century classicism.

This painting describes the story of a female liar who pretended to be the heir to the Queen, was imprisoned, and finally died in a flood that poured into a dungeon in 1777. Of course, the painter did not experience all of this himself, but only in the process of reading the story. , depicting this scene in his mind and pen.

Even if it's just fiction, the painting has a soul.

Legendary tales give it a legendary meaning.

Just like what Gao Fan is doing for Naru Reimu now.

In order to accurately capture the soul characteristics that should be drawn into his paintings, Gao Fan made nearly a hundred character sketches for Reimu Neliu in the next half month, as if he were painting for the 'boss'.

These sketches are just Gaofan's source of inspiration and preliminary drafts, but each one still uses the dual techniques of 'distortion' and 'focus', which makes them into one after another that is enough to touch the soul of the living. A work of mourning.