Soul Painter

Chapter 434: 1 little hope

The dissent survey class came surprisingly fast.

Following the police car, there were also several flying-headed beasts.

At present, the flying headman has become the most basic security force in Dongying.

"go back!"

"Go back all!"

Under the blue twilight, the flying-headed barbarian was like a floating ghost. Barbaric hit his head against the glass of Sun, and drove the SUV that the investigators were riding in back to the condominium parking lot.

At the same time, there were also a few flying heads rudely riding on top of the heads of several apartment residents who were running out, with pink fleshy tentacles sticking out from their necks, grabbing the heads of the apartment residents, and using a radish-like gesture, It was thrown back into the square in front of the apartment.

As D-level minions, the number of flying headman in Tokyo has exceeded 50,000. Their advantage is that they can fly. Although their attack power and defense power are relatively weak compared to C-level Prajna, they are still terrifying compared to humans. .

A flying headman can easily grab a human, and when it is angry, the flesh-colored tentacles sticking out from its neck can even crush a human's skull.

Now, apartment residents are being picked up and left behind. This brutal action has caused these humans to fall and be injured, screaming again and again, especially a flying headman grabbed a little boy and stayed in the air, looking at It is extremely terrifying and strange, as if a big head has grown on a small body. .

The little boy shook his hands and feet desperately, but he was still quickly lifted.

"Baga! Go back to me! No one can exceed this line!"

This flying head is quite like a demonstration, hanging the little boy and dangling in front of everyone, indicating that the limit of all apartment residents is on the parking line by the square.

Facing this scene, the apartment dwellers were silent.

It has been two months since Dongying was reduced to a devil's nest. During these 60 days, apart from the sporadic resistance of the investigators, the people of Dongying just endured everything in silence. The spiritual symbol, the great **** emperor, has become a demon and betrayed all the people.

"Put down my son, I beg you, put down Yi Chun!" The little boy's mother cried and knelt down, she was too frightened to notice her crossing the line.

So her pleading aroused the ferocity of this flying-headed man, and it smiled sharply, "Despicable human, you have crossed the line!"

With such a scream, the flying head twitched its tentacles inwardly, like a fly-eater that caught its prey. The little boy who had been suspended in the air and fell into a coma due to suffocation suddenly trembled violently, and then With a slight 'click' sound, a red, red and white liquid flowed from the flesh-colored tentacles of this Flying Head Man.

These liquids, accompanied by the wild laughter of the flying head, dripped on the square that was dyed by the mysterious blue dim light of the building behind, like a dreamy land.

Drop after drop.

Every drop is on the hearts of all people.

A drop is heavier than a drop.

There appears to be a slight crack.


He has returned to the SUV in the parking lot. There is a flying-headed man on the window. He is impatiently urging the investigators to get out of the car quickly. This place has been sealed off as a restricted area, and all humans must be investigated.

As it spoke, it tapped the car window with its tentacles, which made Minase Yangmeng upset and clenched his fists, but he was comforted by Sanbao's eyes several times. At this moment, there is nothing they can do. The scene will be more chaotic, and the fate of these humans will be even worse.

At this time, a tragedy happened on the other side. Minase Yangmeng noticed it a little later, because her focus was on the Feitouman who she could easily strangle and dare to show off in front of her, but Wu Haoxue saw that The little boy was crushed by Fei Touman, and he stretched out his hand, already grasping the bow hidden under his feet.

He was so angry that he could shoot through it in the next second.

"How many can you save?" Ryuzaki whispered, "You can't save these numb guys who won't resist."

Wu Haoxue felt his bow.

Ryuzaki pressed his shoulders.

Wu Haoxue stared at Ryuzaki.

But this is not a question of saving or not, but a question of whether to do it or not.

Wu Haoxue was never the kind of character who could sit back and watch his minions torture and kill humans.

If he is.

Then the Tokyo team sitting here at the moment, at least one person has to be reduced.

"If he doesn't save a single one, then several of your team will die." Gao Fan said slowly.

Ryuzaki was at a loss for a moment.

Right now.


A shot went off.

That Feitouman, who was holding the little boy's body and frightening hundreds of apartment residents with his teeth and claws in mid-air, had a blood hole in his forehead, and it was frozen in mid-air in an instant. His expression was even a little confused. He probably thought that , who... who dared to attack it?

As a heroic spirit, at this moment in Dongying, it should be supreme...

The flying head fell staggeringly.

Since it has become a minion, it has obtained tenacious vitality. Although this gun is extremely accurate, it will not kill it immediately.

It thought as it fell, it must be... the rebels! Yes, the rebels!

Except for the rebel army, no one dared to attack a Heroic Spirit.

"There are rebels here, call for support..." Feitouman screamed before falling into the crowd, calling his colleagues and threatening all humans, "Whoever dares to hide the rebels will be charged with treason, you guys , not one can escape!"


I don't know who it is, kicked this flying head quite a bit.

Then the second foot, the third foot, the fourth foot...

Densely packed shoes, some are leather shoes, some are slippers, and some are just bare feet, but everyone is kicking it with huge resentment and anger. At this moment, Feitouman, who has always been high above, suddenly realized. Its own insignificance, it can't even reach the calf of the person who kicked it, so it can only scream while screaming.

"Who! Who is... er... who is..."



"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Two white prajna rushed over, they were a head higher than normal humans, their strength, speed and attack power were not comparable to ordinary But at this moment, before rushing to the crowd, they looked at the number of people in front of them. The silent crowd gathered by a hundred people felt the surging anger and stared at the pair of eyes that were burning with anger, and they even flinched a little.

But the crowd kept out of their way.

And they saw the flying-headed man who had been trampled into a rotten watermelon.

The strange blood and brains covered the ground of the square.

Under the illumination of the blue mysterious light, it looks especially weird.

The two white prajna slowly stepped back.

They retreated to the side of the police car, called for support, and gathered their companions together. At this moment, they felt fear for the first time, and felt for the first time that humans were not allowed to bully lowly creatures.

At this time, the investigators also left the SUV.

They still chose to leave the apartment by the sewer.

Before leaving, they watched the silent and angry crowd, and for some reason, they felt a little hope for the first time.