Soul Painter

Chapter 526: Broker's battle

From the moment when he saw Govin destroy "The Bostonian", and every second after that, Lawrence was in a very anxious state.

On one side, there was a lot of people outside, as if they were Boston citizens who were about to revolt and riot, and on the other side were two painters who were slowly creating. The huge work of ah, it will take at least three days to complete the painting!

Three days...

If you wait like this for three more days, Lawrence estimates that even this villa will be demolished.

An anxious Lawrence, went to the villa window from time to time to check the situation, and then returned to the studio to see the creative progress of the two painters. In just one morning, he ran back and forth ten times, and his legs were weak at the end.

"Calm down, eldest brother." Gao Fan said to him, "They have no evidence anyway."


After shoveling off the color on "The Bostonian", Gao Fan even burned the canvas, stuffed it into the toilet and flushed it away. Now even the most shrewd detective can't investigate any clues. When he hired Ryuzaki to steal the painting, Gao Fan Just thinking about all the consequences, only the means of the devil can make any science and technology untraceable, so the 10 billion US dollars is worth it.

"They don't seem to need evidence either..." Lawrence whispered.

"What's wrong?" Gao Fan took his attention away from the canvas in front of him and looked at Lawrence.

"...It's okay." Lawrence shook his head.

Obviously there is something wrong, but Gao Fan doesn't want to worry too much. The most important thing is to finish the painting now.

Lawrence sighed and went back to the place where he could see the street on the second floor of the villa. He saw the crowd gathering. The citizens of Boston began to surround the painter's villa. where was destroyed.

The crowd gathered more and more, they stood silently outside the villa, and soon the street was full, and on the other side of the villa, the riverside that could be observed from the terrace on the third floor began to gather crowds. The citizens at the beginning, It's just casual clothes and gathered nearby, but the more time goes on, the more strange the situation becomes.

The day after the painting was destroyed, Lawrence, who had slept on the sofa all night, came to the third floor terrace with red eyes, and saw darkness. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dazzled, but opened them again. At that time, he saw a scene that made his soul fly away:

Under the slight morning light, people dressed in black dresses only worn for funerals spread out under the villa like a silent black tide.

The citizens of Boston seemed to be called by silent grief to a funeral where all the human souls in the city were buried.

When Lawrence looked downstairs, those people also looked up at him, so Lawrence saw a pair of sad and silent eyes, although they were silent, but the anger that was about to explode, penetrated like a sharp arrow. Lawrence's heart.

The agent took a few steps back in astonishment.

Immediately afterwards, he staggered to the painter's studio, trying to tell the two painters the bad news.

But when he saw it, he was stunned again.

Because the 1.2-meter-by-1-meter masterpiece was already covered with lines, Gaofan and Anna stood one by one, and the other squatted on the ground, drawing various character shapes and background descriptions on the canvas at a speed that did not require thinking. , Although they are all sketches and drafts, but a magnificent, grand, and magnificent feeling has come, like a big wave on Lawrence's face.

Although the size of the painting is small, the vision of the scene displayed in the painting is so large that it gives Lawrence the feeling that two painters are creating a magnificent masterpiece.

The manager was almost suffocated at this moment, and the sound of his footsteps startled Gao Fan, who was half-squatting on the ground. Gao Fan turned his head to look at him. He worked all night, making Gao Fan's eyes red and his face flushed. I was exhausted, and although I still had the energy to continue painting, I didn't even want to say a word.

"It's okay, it's okay." Lawrence realized that he could not disturb them. His duty as an agent was to let the two painters complete a work without any worries.

Gu Ling </span> "I just came to ask you guys if you want some breakfast," Lawrence said.

"I want milk and bread." Gao Fan said, "AA, what do you want to eat?"

"Same as you." said Anna, who was standing on the shelf.

"Milk bread is very good, much better than the cheese stuffed dumplings eaten in Provence..." Gao Fan muttered and continued to draw.

So Lawrence went to prepare breakfast for Gaofan and Anna, and while doing all this, Mr. Agent's ears were pricked up, and a little disturbance would make his heart skip a beat. Now those inexplicable Bostonians outside the door are like A guillotine could slash on his neck at any time.

After delivering the food to the two painters, Lawrence saw the black box thrown aside by the painter, and he picked up this strange jar with a thought, then went downstairs and sat in the living room, still feeling uncomfortable. , then went to the garage to get a shotgun, put it on his lap, and stared at the door in the courtyard.

The structure of this villa is that the main entrance faces the Charles River. The entrance is a courtyard with a garden and a garage, and then there is a three-story villa building. Therefore, if these people want to break in, they will fall into Lawrence's gun first. Under the aim, of course, if they broke the window, Lawrence would have nothing to do.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lawrence lived like a year.

He stared at the door, dazed for a moment, feeling as if he was fighting a monster made up of all the Bostonians in the whole city, and if he let up a little, the monster would break in and take him and his Two painters torn apart.

So in the next time.

Lawrence stared at the door sleeplessly.

One hour, two hours, three hours... Until the alarm he set for himself went off, he would rush upstairs to deliver some bread and milk to the two painters, and when all this was done, he would go back to the living room and continue With his gun, guard his two painters.

The sky outside was bright and dark. Lawrence thought that a long time had passed, but when he looked at his watch again, he found that it was only from dawn to dusk. This was the first day after the destruction of "The Bostonian". The agent of felt that he had acquired a kind of extra-sensory vision. He didn't have to look from the window to know the increase in the number of citizens gathered outside the villa.

This seems to be a purely spiritual connection, and Lawrence can feel the suffocating emotional pressure, like a person standing in front of a group of thugs.

"But as long as I'm here, you don't want to come in..." Lawrence held the black box he brought from the studio in his arms. He had seen Gaofan use this black box to let the 'devil trickster' Ryuzaki Obedience, so this black box should have magical powers, and now Lawrence relies on it for courage.

Holding the black box, Lawrence murmured to the door, "If you want to come in, you have to step over me..."

The night outside was getting darker and darker.

Lawrence sat in the dark living room, his whole body seemed to be at one with the darkness, but his eyes shone brightly.

the next day.

The third day.

Time passed day by day.

The two painters are completing this most important work in their lives at an unprecedented speed. In front of them, this can be called a great work is gradually plumping up, drawing lines, painting colors, and completing the layout. nearing completion...


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