Soul Painter

Chapter 591: nightmare

Not only 13f, but also 14f and 15f, a shadow of the past, made the mental hospital three floors up, and the continuous falling sea water also turned the mental hospital into an aquarium.

On 15f, Gao Fan saw the real projection of the Lord of Lalaiye. It was a pitch-black, huge, angry tentacle. It was entrenched on 15f like a huge squid. Extreme fear and panic.

This is just a tentacle of the Lord of Laleye.

And the real Lord of Lalaye, according to what Gaofan once saw in his inspiration, He has thousands of such tentacles and a torso that is thousands of times larger than the tentacles. As a measure of the capacity, Gao Fan finally had a specific concept of the hugeness of the old days.

That is unparalleled, not only great.

It is impossible to tame such a shadow of the past, and it is impossible to tame it. Just approaching it will explode the heads of most humans. For this reason, Gao Fan plans to block 13f, 14f and 15f was besieged, temporarily sealed, and when the floor was built higher and more advanced treatment methods were available, I would come to take care of this shadow of the old days.

Of course, putting Lalaye's Shadow in the mental hospital, apart from the sad consequence of flooding the whole building, is not without benefits. At least the 12f Dragon's Shadow has begun to cooperate with all his strength, otherwise his existence will be destroyed. Overwhelmed by the mysteries of the Lord of Laleye.

The cooperation of Dragon Shadow also means that he will respond to the call of the gatekeeper, which means that when the gatekeeper uses 'Paris Blue', there is a new servant option.

Of course, the gatekeeper can also choose to summon the completely uncooperative 'Laleye's Corner', which would be lively.


When Gao Fan was dealing with an abnormal situation in a mental hospital.

Ana is also facing the Lord of Laraye.

Of course, this is a bit of a coincidence. In fact, Anna used the black box to summon the shadow of the Lord of Laleye in the former Hall of Inspiration. Most of the pollution was borne by the black box. As a result, the mental hospital was flooded, and three more There is also a Lalaiye's Corner closed.

Anna only glimpsed from a distance the true body of the Lord of Lalaye, who was as huge as a floating continent with thousands of wildly dancing tentacles below. .

Of course, this sight has made Anna's sanity fall. She has no system, and she doesn't know how much sanity she has lost. She only knows that when all kinds of frenzy, howls and crazy murmurs fill her ears, brain and heart, she must You can only rely on the black box in your hand.

"My Lord is the only one, the beginning of all things, my Lord is the only one, the beginning of all things, my Lord is the only one, the beginning of all things, my Lord is the only one, the beginning of all things..."

In the sound of Anna's prayers, a large amount of sanity was input from the black box into Anna's body. In Anna's feeling, it was a stream of cool spring water flowing into her mouth from her sucking, which dispelled her body and spirit. discomfort on.

Let Anna see the 'road' in front of her again.

The figure of the Lord of Lalaiye has dimmed, and Anna is moving towards the darkness. There is someone in front of him. His figure is in the shadow of the Lord of Lalaiye, but Anna has passed the mysterious test. She gradually approached and saw clearly. this face.


in an apartment in Berlin.

Kain suddenly woke up from the dream.

He was sweating because he dreamed of... Anna.

Ana Armas, great priest of the gatekeeper.

Kain is very concerned about the gatekeeper, although the gatekeeper does not appear to be very strong, or rather weak, among the various demon sacrifices, investigator organizations and detectives in Berlin.

Gu Yan

The gatekeeper stealthily took thousands of demonic traits in a few months by means of 'portraits'. Compared with the other demon priests who sacrificed thousands at a time, they seemed petty, but the gatekeeper The means of obtaining the soul is undoubtedly full of threats.

What caught Kain's attention more was Ana Armas, or the 'painter' Gaofan behind Ana Armas.

According to Kain's understanding of the "painter" Gao Fan, the gatekeeper's means should be more than that. The gatekeeper's response to human civilization can pose a more terrifying threat.

But human civilization is not what Kain cares about the most, of course, he also cares, because that is the oath of the youth army.

What Kain cares about most now is the 'painter' Gaofan.

Now, woke up from a nightmare.

Kain turned on the bedside lamp, and the light illuminated this young face. Unlike the long portrait he used mysterious disguise, his face had typical oriental features. If Gao Fan was here, he would be surprised to find that he and Lin Senhao were tall. Very similar, only very young, with softer facial lines, one can imagine that his mother must be a great beauty.

After the light was turned on, Kain immediately noticed that there was something on the head of his bed.

After seeing this thing clearly, Kain's blood was cold, he jumped up from the bed violently, picked up the piece of paper with trembling fingers, and looked at the portrait on the paper.

This young face, drawn with precise lines, is very familiar to kain, because he sees this face in the mirror every day, this is a masterpiece, the painter uses lines and smears to express a slightly sad juvenile.

Although the drawing is fast, it is never perfunctory. The precise line positioning and casual toner smear make this sketching technique unique, full of genius-like randomness and splendor.

This technique is a habitual style of painting formed by Govan and Anna when they painted tens of thousands of people in Boston. The two painters did not name it, but the oil painting circle has been used to calling it "Demon School Sketching".

And below this sketch full of features and characteristics, there are also two English letters marked with flying phoenixes: aa.

After kain saw the two letters clearly, the sketch slipped from his hand and landed on the carpet, as if the boy was in the mood at the moment.

It's too grassy...!

How was it exposed? !

Kain began to think about countermeasures, but after thinking about it, there was nothing to say.

He could leave Berlin, but he knew very well that no matter where he was in the ends of the he could not escape the mysterious pursuit.

Or maybe kill all the gatekeepers... Kain doesn't seem to be able to do that either.


When Anna saw the face of Lalaye's son, or should be Lalaye's grandson, through a mysterious ceremony, it meant that the young man's soul had been captured by the gatekeeper.

Of course, as the son of God, kain has no soul, only demonic qualities, but after the upgrade of the black box, kain is also compatible with demonic qualities.

So, how to deal with kain?

You can directly take it to the mental hospital, and let him understand the end of naughty through electric shock, but in terms of seniority, Gao Fan is still Kain's uncle, and he has repeatedly directed at Lin Senhao to save human civilization and save Gao Fan. Credit, but also to save some face for Lin Senhao.

Besides, Kain didn't do anything bad except bad breath.
