Soul Painter

Chapter 595: Flesh and Flying Sword

Henry Talottap's mystery is the mastery of flesh and blood.

He can detonate the human body, transform the flesh, blood and gas into a bomb through the star antimony, and the control range is within ten steps - the use range of the Command Spell generally does not exceed this distance.

Using star antimony also has a price, his own body will suffer a 1% qualitative change, so the mysterious technique of detonating flesh and blood cannot be used too many times.

Now, after detonating seven or eight demon-like incarnations, Henry Talottap began to directly manipulate flesh and blood. He connected the flesh and blood that covered the conference room and turned it into a giant hand, and then used this Hand to smash those avatars.

In this case, Henry Talottap only needs to pay the price of breaking one arm. It is not like detonating the target body directly, which will make his own blood pressure close to the peak.

Huge, powerful flesh-and-blood arms swept across the conference room, knocking the operator's clones flying, even crushing them, bang! The glass was shattered, and a Jessica was thrown down the stairs, her blond hair and the tentacles behind her dancing wildly in the air like a stray flower.

Henry Talottap can kill these mysterious creatures, these operator clones, any flesh and blood is vulnerable in front of him, but he is always wary, because the operator knows his mysterious details, since he flips the card at this moment. , there will definitely be a killer hidden in it, what could it be?

Those tides of light that shoot skyward from the deep healing area?

Henry Talottap pulled the remaining clones aside with his giant flesh-and-blood hand, and began to prepare to jump down the stairs from the broken window. He had to leave the island, which had become the operator's lair, he had to think about it. How to call more investigators to deal with this pollution, this pollution is not weaker than Qinfan and her earthly Buddha country...

Just as Henry Talottap was standing at the broken window, trying to use the two giant arms of flesh and blood he summoned to support himself downstairs, on the opposite side of him, in the direction of the sea, on the sea, he suddenly gave birth. A white wave, the tide is like a galloping horse, as wide as a river, rushing wildly on the blue sea of ​​the Caribbean Sea, and as soon as Fang appears, it has already taken over the entire field of vision.

Flesh manipulation!

Henry Talottap slammed his palms, and the two flesh-and-blood arms he manipulated, like the booms of two cranes, stretched out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of this building, and slammed their palms into each other. In the same posture as Henry Tallotap himself, the white light that poured into the sky and the earth quietly disappeared in the flesh and blood palm of the new president of stk.

A long sword-shaped weapon made of copper coins was sandwiched between two giant palms, and the white light on it was still sharp, like a sword that was constantly breathing.

After a few seconds.


Henry Talotap sighed, his body was divided into two pieces from the center to the left and right, and he slowly fell down.

The world in a box.

in the hospital. .

10f Building Manager's Office.

After Gao Fan received a lot of words from Anna's sacrifice, the main part of these words was Anna's truthful description of Zhu Liuli's various plans.

Can't help shaking his head and smiling: "This silly aa, that girl wants to replace you... But these plans are really wonderful~ Unfortunately, they are all on paper, because this girl doesn't know how many chips we have in our hands."

"Are you ready?" Goff asked No. 1 Jessica.

"Ready," replied Jessica No. 1, holding a 'Certificate of Recovery' in her hand.

No. 1 Jessica was slightly excited.

After all, this is half a year after she was 'captured', and she can return to the real world again.

"Do you know what you will encounter?" Gao Fan asked.

"Yes." No. 1 Jessica nodded, "I will return to the huge group of 'Operator' incarnations."

Gu Zhen

"Do you want to go back?" Gao Fan asked.

No. 1 Jessica was silent for a while. This question made it difficult for her to answer. First of all, the concept of 'I', after she returned to the group, did not exist. She will become a part of the group life, and it will be nothing. Think' or 'don't want' thoughts.

"I want or don't want to, it's just to see if the boss needs it." Jessica No. 1 replied, here her boss is Gao Fan, and after returning to the real world, she has become an operator, so her own thoughts cannot be important. .

"You are a good girl, but this is not a good answer." Gao Fan shook his head, "Go ahead."

No. 1 Jessica left Gaofan's office with the 'recovery certificate'. She walked through the corridor and entered the elevator. There is a 1f button on this old-fashioned elevator. This button is only visible to the eyes of patients who have recovered and discharged from the hospital. , or, perhaps, the dismissed nurse?

The elevator went down and stopped, and the elevator door slowly slid open in front of Jessica No. 1, and she saw a bright light.


in the apartment.

Anna sent most of the gatekeepers away, and according to Gao Fan's plan, she wanted to counterattack Tianzun. Now, in front of her and Zhu Liuli, a Jessica appeared magically.

This process seems to be a distortion of space. This Goldilocks was 'vomited' by something, probably from a black box. All creatures returning from that world will appear in this form.

One Jessica, now it's Jessica again.

After she appeared, her expression was originally a little nervous in anticipation, but just after she appeared, her expression changed instantly, and it felt like she was instantly stripped of her soul, or entered into her soul.

"A surprise..." she muttered to herself, "Painter, you are indeed here, just as I guessed..."

Anna looked at this scene, she knew there was danger, but this danger was a good opportunity to explore the true face of the "Invisible Heavenly Venerate".

"Be careful." A voice sounded in Anna's ear, and Anna turned to see Gao Zhengdao.

Clearly there was a mortal danger.

"This scene will be exciting~" Another voice sounded on the other side of Anna.

Anna saw Govan.

"You look like this, you can live for a few days, so don't come out and mess around." Gao Zhengdao cared about Gao Fan.

"It's not every day that I can appreciate a fallen demon who has risen in the ranks. Of course I can't miss it." Gao Fan said seriously.

"Painter~" Jessica's eyes were full of surprises, "You are here too, I finally found you~"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, should I call you 'Invisible Heavenly Venerate' or 'Invisible Son'?" Gao Fan asked with great interest, "Can you tell us about your successful experience? Two of my friends were also demoted. And they desperately need to get back to greatness.”

"Of course." Jessica took a step forward. "I'll tell you what greatness is... eh?"

Jessica suddenly felt that something was wrong, because a tentacle grew out of her back. This tentacle was taller than hers, resting on the ground, replacing her legs and letting her walk in another way. This tentacle was her That's right, but her body didn't order this clone to appear as a servant?

How did the mystery spill over?

"You... what did you do with this clone?" Jessica continued to change, tentacles protruding from her back, like an octopus spirit that had been near-represented.

Now, Jessica is exactly the same servant kain described.
