Soul Painter

Chapter 598: 3 million souls

Of course Zhu Liuli did not choose to leave.

Although she didn't have much mysterious knowledge, what happened in front of her shocked her and opened a window for her. She could imagine what it would be like when she had such power. .

At least kain's assistance has allowed the gatekeepers to move unimpeded in Berlin.

And the devil named 'Invisible Heavenly Venerate' and his servant named 'Devil Devourer', haven't they been defeated in the hands of 'Father'?

So Anna was worried about the safety of the gatekeeper, but what Zhu Liuli saw was a great opportunity.

So two days later, Anna recalled several other janitor apprentices, and at this time they were in Novosibirsk, and the bed was still warm.

After that, the gatekeeper began to hold the pass and grab a large number of demon stone carvings from the two control areas around Berlin. Thanks to Kain's assistance, this area was temporarily assigned to the gatekeeper. There are about 3 million demon stone carvings, which is enough to see. The doorman digested it for a while.

In the next period of time, while the gatekeeper was busy digesting his own income, Zhu Liuli also inquired that other control areas in Germany, as well as those places where demon stone carvings were piled up in France, were also currently in various situations, hidden and dangerous. The war of 30 million demon stone carvings is boiling over.

The governments of various countries that should be the protectors of the demonic stone carvings have given the green light to the demonic sacrifices for various reasons. The temptations include wealth, immortality, rights and everything. There is absolutely no upper limit to the conditions that the demonic sacrifices promise to those in power. All the treasures that can be possessed by human civilization are not a problem for demons.

And the investigator organization is beyond the reach of this. If the governments of various countries do not cooperate, the investigator organization, which has been greatly damaged in the war with the devil, will have no way to stop this "guardian robbery" that destroys the foundation of mankind.

More human beings only want the current peace, and there are some tough government leaders who try to start a public security war against the demon priests, but the demon priests immediately tore off their hypocritical masks and began to attack a city. They summoned Cthulhu, mass sacrifice, create panic, use force to coerce human beings to compromise.

The European human government, which was also severely damaged in the war, was unable to deal with the threats again and again. It was either driven out of the head by the voters or tempted by the conditions of the devil. Under such conditions, Europe is becoming a breeding ground. A hotbed of doomsday.

The janitor is at ease here.

In one month, Gao Fan's hospital had five more floors in a row.

At present, it has reached 20f, and nearly 20,000 souls have been incorporated into the treatment system.

With the increase of the floor, the number of souls required is also increasing, and the harvest in one month is more than double the income in the previous two months. Gao Fan can only sigh that the development of the gatekeeper in Berlin has gradually improved, not only More harvested, and more artists developed into janitor apprentices.

The selection of janitors is conditional. Since Gaofan's 'initial occupation' is a painter, only human beings with the talent of painters will be candidates for janitors.

Anna, however, is still dissatisfied with the speed at which the gatekeeper is developing.

She noticed that whether it was Zhu Liuli, the master of the key, or other apprentices of the gatekeepers, they seemed to abide by a default agreement, that is, they could not grab the souls of humans at will. If they wanted to target humans, they had to go through a loving father. consent.

Faced with this problem, Zhu Liuli has his own views.

"The guilt or innocence must be judged by a loving father before we can judge human beings, otherwise we will become a group of real thugs, our foundations are still weak, and to govern by thug methods will only be self-sufficient. The demise, Liu Xiu, the short-lived second leader of the Demon Empire, is the proof."

Zhu Liuli has a very clear consciousness on this point, perhaps thanks to the predecessors who summed up the simplest law of the rise and fall of the country for the descendants of China, and then repeatedly taught and instilled in the history class and ideological and political class, Zhu Liuli. Although he is young, his political consciousness far exceeds that of Liu Xiu, which can only be said to be the gap of the times.

Valley room

Anna doesn't know much about politics. She thinks Zhu Liuli is right, but isn't this contradicting Gao Fan's original ideal of salvation? So she submitted these questions to Gao Fan, and Gao Fan's answer was 'it's okay, according to their own ideas'.

So no matter who the gatekeeper is, when she asks the loving father about the guilt or innocence of the human being to be tried, the answer they get is 'you can do your own thing'. For this reason, Liuli began to concentrate power. How about the key person preliminarily judge the trial object, and then submit it to the loving father for review?

The answer was still 'you can do it yourself'.

As a result, Zhu Liuli began to expand and improve the organizational structure of the key-keeper, and set up a management committee. In addition to the great sacrifice, there were several other committee members. The gatekeepers took turns to judge the guilt or innocence of the judges.

The gatekeepers are becoming more and more like a group of investigators.

This is probably inconsistent with the original intention of the previous development?

Anna doesn't understand this, but at present, there are a lot of demon stone carvings waiting for her to paint. The gatekeeper's harvest this month is far more than before, because of the super master of Anna, since she is not good at it, she will also Don't think about these things, Gao Fan knows everything anyway.

Three million demon stone carvings can be processed in about a year.

The gatekeepers will then be bigger than ever.

"Three million souls~"

Gao Fan sat in the building director's office on 20f and was content.

The higher the floor is built, the more basic power facilities in the hospital will be. Although building to a higher floor will definitely consume more souls, but according to the current growth trend statistics, waiting for all 3 million demon stone carvings to belong to him, then at least He can sit at 100f or even higher.

"Make a treatment plan and predict when 11f Hatshepsut, 12 to 14f Laraye's Corner will be fully completed," he told Wood. "And then I have more, A greater treatment plan is waiting for us to implement~"

While waiting for Dr. Wood to leave after agreeing to his promise, UU Reading Gao Fan was full of confidence and expanded his drawing board again and began to draw a portrait of a patient. Then two hours later, rage came from the office of the building director. The sound of beating.

"I'm a waste~~~" The wailing of the floor chief spread throughout the entire floor.

Some old patients said that those new patients should not be surprised, just get used to it.

The gatekeeper's development in Berlin has not been smooth sailing without obstacles.

After all, Berlin is a solid place in the demon world at the moment. The existence of three million demon stone carvings will always attract some coveted attention. In early March, the gatekeeper was attacked again. This time, the method was especially cruel. After the disciple's belly was cut open, he ate his internal organs cleanly, but the soul did not return to the sanctuary.

And so a battle began.

In a dark night, Anna and Zhu Liuli joined forces to summon the "horn of Lalaye" and smashed the residence of the demon priests...
