Soul Painter

Chapter 79: Villa tragedy

   The voice from the floor.

   was introduced to the live broadcast footage, and there was a burst of exclamation on the screen.

   There are also people who praised the real performance of Qing Ge, full of sound and light.

   Gao Fan and Qiu Qingfan knew that it was not an ambush design.

   is not at least not in ambush by Gao Fan.

   "Every night at twelve o'clock, I have to toss on time for a while." Qiu Qingfan looked upstairs and said, "I scared the management of this building. After calling the police, the case was transferred to me."

   Gao Fan looked at the time, it really was midnight.

   "It's a ghost on time, right?" Gao Fan said, "Earth bound spirit or something?"

   "There are no ghosts in this world." Qiu Qingfan smiled and shook his head.

   The accusations that Qiu Qingfan "pick up the bowl given by the ghost for dinner and put down the bowl given by the ghost" rolled over on the phone screen.

   Gao Fan and Qiu Qingfan walked to the third floor.

   listened to the sound of ‘bang bang bang bang’ as he walked very loudly.

   is like playing a ball with a child.

   Chuan looks terrible in the empty villa.

   And Gao Fan listened carefully, and vaguely heard the sound of waves coming from the air.

   It seems that the sound of the Huangpu River's tidal water has reached here.

   But this is absolutely impossible.

   should be the background sound of the world, from the murmur of some great beings.

   Even so, there is not too much pressure in the environment.

After Gao Fan has experienced the three great beings of the invisible child, the moose cat, the unnamed rule of the flesh and blood world, and the tree-shaped life form of the Bengka ancient tree, he has a rough division of these non-human races in his mind, and the moose cat is the uppermost. Race, the invisible children are the lower races, they are all great beings, and the black tree of Bengka is just a slave.

All great beings have different senses of existence. For example, the invisible children point to chaos and madness, the moose cats give humans enough inspiration to detonate reason, and the flesh and blood world dominates the order that guides the world to its place. These'feelings' can all be called'knowledge' 'Even if these great beings are watching, they will give mankind the'knowledge' that cannot bear its weight.

   At this moment, the thing on the third floor of this villa is far less oppressive to Gao Fan than a great existence, and even worse than a servant.

   So, what would it be?

   Gao Fan was very interested in thinking about it.

   At this time, the two of them had already reached the third floor, and they saw the platform at the entrance of the stairs on the third floor.

   A worn-out leather ball is bouncing and bouncing there alone.

   But the more he bounced, the weaker his strength, gradually stopped, and rolled to Qiu Qingfan's feet.

   "We see, there is a ball here." Qiu Qingfan said to the live broadcast.

   began to brush on the barrage: "That's not a ball! That's a human head!"

   "Don't make trouble." Qiu Qingfan said, "This is a ball. We saw that it was obvious that someone was playing just now. Judging from the size of this ball, it should be a child."

   is scrolling on the barrage: "A child under ten years old is the daughter of Rose who killed the whole family!"

   "It's reasonable, if he lives now, the child will be 110 years old," Qiu Qingfan said.

   brushed on the barrage: "We don't care! She won't grow up in a hundred years!"

   So the mode of this live broadcast is that the audience want you to die? Must make a ghost? Gao Fan complained in his heart.

   Suddenly, both of them heard the music of ‘ringing, lingling’, and at the same time, a croaking child humming also came over, in the opposite room.

   The sound of the song sounds very strange. It is not Chinese or English. It is a language that has not been heard. Thinking of the Jewish identity of the Ross family, it may be Hebrew.

   Gao Fan and Qiu Qingfan looked at each other. Qiu Qingfan raised his mobile phone to let the netizens face the door of the room, and then opened the door with a ‘bang’.

   Although there is no light in the room, the moonlight shines on the floor like a wash.

   There is a gorgeous children's bed, above the bed is a carousel with different toys hanging on the top, accompanied by the sound of music, spinning empty.

   No one sang.

   There is no figure.

   But Gao Fan noticed that there was a depression on the bed. Someone should have been sitting here just now.

   The 37-point survey value tells Gao Fan that the person is indeed a little girl.

"It's interesting." Gao Fan said. He told Qiu Qingfan, "There should be a creature less than ten years old. Sitting on this bed just now, the moment we opened the door, within two seconds, it disappeared. "

   "It's so fast...It's not human." Qiu Qingfan pondered.

   is being swiped on the barrage: "Don't play imaginary! I was shocked and insincere, some kind of ghost came out to scare us to death!"

   "This room has no other exits except the door. The windows are locked and the glass is intact." Gao Fan continued. He looked around the room and suddenly noticed that under the bed, there seemed to be a hiding place.

   Noting Gao Fan’s gaze, Qiu Qingfan nodded, stretched out the selfie stick, took the mobile phone that was broadcasting, and went under the bed, took a good photo for a while, and then took it out. Seeing the barrage was swiping, “Why is it so dark?” ''What the hell? ’‘Where’s the person? Waiting for the content, he said to Gao Fan: "Not under the bed."

   Netizens are pretty easy to use. Gao Fan thought.

   At this time, he saw Qiu Qingfan’s phone screen swiping: "Above! Up! Up!"

Now, Qiu Qingfan is holding a mobile phone, and the two of them are watching the screen at the same time, so they can also see from the screen at the same time, a lock of long hair hanging on their shoulders, that hair color is yellow, especially dry, and it looks like it needs to be treated with care. Take good care of that kind.


Qiu Qingfan subconsciously tilted the angle of the phone and used the front camera to take a picture up, and saw a child with bluish-purple skin appeared in the a child, because he is very small and thin. .

Now he is hanging upside down on the ceiling, his yellow eyes are glowing in the dark, his mouth is slightly open, revealing sharp wolf-like teeth, and he makes a low howling-like gasp. This action makes his small nose, It's so crowded that there is no sense of existence...

   At this moment, Gao Fan and Qiu Qingfan looked at each other.

   The two sides have a wonderful understanding.

   Qiu Qingfan shifted the camera of the mobile phone downward, so that the existence of the blue-purple child was hidden in the picture.

   "Ha, there is nothing in this room," Gao Fan said.

   "Well, go look for it next door." Qiu Qingfan said.

  ‘Are you blind? ! ’The barrage is about to explode.

  ‘That thing! what is that? Hurry up! Call the zoo! ’

  ‘You’re blind too, monkeys look like that? ! ’

Regardless of how the netizens yell, they can’t get out of the screen after all. Gao Fan and Qiu Qingfan’s tacit understanding is that this is probably a minion, whose melee ability is terrifying. Now they are hanging behind their heads, breathing quickly. They killed them. If he bites them, the missing half of his neck can't be made up, so he should withdraw first, and then come to him.

   The two haha ​​and walked out.

  The breathing of the blue-purple child followed them, sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right, maybe for a while, it’s not clear who to bite first?

   "In the record of the report, I was not so active, and I would still follow people haha." Qiu Zhengqing said.

   "Should we run two steps haha." Gao Fan said.

   "I count one, two, three... three!"

   Gao Fan has already started running.

   The two rushed out the door, and saw a fat cook with an opened head, waiting for them at the door with a kitchen knife.