Soul Painter

Chapter 84: Dream and anchor

   Soon police cars followed the ambulance.

   There are even fire trucks.

  In the face of investigators dealing with pollution incidents, the police have plans for all kinds of accidents that can occur.

   However, there was no major accident in this incident. Except for an F-level investigator who was almost "stranded", he eventually lost a lot of sanity and suffered some healing injuries such as fractures. There was no loss of life or property.

Gao Fan submitted a simple, two-word report to STK, which is about encountering the nightmare and eliminating the nightmare. In the process, Qiu Qingfan encountered a bronze statue of a great existence, and eventually lost some of his sanity. As for the truth, the truth is more important. ?

   And that bronze statue.

   When Gao Fan tried to touch the bronze statue, he felt that the system was eager to try to issue tasks to it.

   Now, Gao Fan gradually understands the mechanism of the system. It encourages Gao Fan to discover, explore, and solve any great existence trying to interfere with human society, and issue corresponding rewards.

   It is not interested in some foreign races under the person, such as the ancient black tree, or the ‘Nightmare Shadow’ that it has just experienced.

But for the father of the nightmare, that is, the bronze statue, the system is very interested. According to previous investigations, the girl of the nightmare was born from the intersection of her mother’s dream and the great existence. It can be inferred naturally, The bronze statue-like beacon built according to the girl's words is the girl's "father".

Gao Fan looked at the bronze statue from a distance. In his inspiration, there were huge weird pieces of meat like the deep sea and the city, and thousands of crazy dancing tentacles. In addition to the sound of sea waves, there were distant singing like whales. .

   He has no doubt that once he comes into contact with the bronze statue, he will get a quest, a quest no less than an ‘invisible child’ or even an ‘elk cat’.

   That means Gao Fan's body, adding the gaze of a great being.

   does not simply mean a task.

   also means that there are more mysterious intersections with Gao Fan.

   Those mysteries are either people, things, or irresistible fate.

   "Forget it~ My life matters." Gao Fan said to himself.

   "Mr. Investigator, how to deal with that thing?" A policeman asked Gao Fan.

  Although Gao Fan was young, all the policemen who dealt with the matter were notified that they were their colleagues fighting on another front, and they were soldiers who were marching forward with the burden of humanity, so the police's tone was very respectful.

   "Define a restricted area to prohibit citizens from approaching, and the police can't do it. The area is the entire Rose Villa." Gao Fan said, "I will notify STK to send someone to deal with it. It temporarily exceeds the scope of my ability to handle it."

   "Okay." The policeman said, and asked in a curious voice: "Mr. Investigator, the murderer who caused your colleague's injury, have you caught it?"

   "It was caught." Gao Fan raised his head and looked at the little Jewish girl in pink who was standing on the top of the third floor of Rose Villa.

   The little girl waved her hand to say goodbye to Gao Fan.

   Then her figure slowly disappeared into the air.

   said it was the murderer.

   is not appropriate, she is just a dream of a nightmare.

  Nightmare turned the scene of her birth into a dreamland through mystery, and stayed in this villa, waiting for the designated person to break into it and understand it.

   The bronze statue is the ‘anchor’ to fix this dream.

   The whole process is like this:

   Lin Senhao accepted Gao Fan’s commission to collect fear with "Hell’s Gate·Fake".

  According to Gao Fan’s understanding, as long as Lin Senhao used his works to collect enough SAN values ​​during that war era, Gao Fan would naturally receive these SAN values, but in reality, this was not the case.

   Gao Fan didn't know what obstacles existed in this process, which caused the fear of "Hell's Gate·Fake" collection to be transmitted back through time and space.

He only saw that Lin Senhao used the power of Nightmare in order to send these SAN values. According to the degree of intimacy of Nightmare to Lin Senhao, Gao Fan suspected that their relationship was not ordinary, and Nightmare used her mystery to make a dream of his own. In other words, a shadow persists for a hundred years.

When Gao Fan came into contact with this dream and the portrait Lin Senhao specially painted for him-the portrait is the ritual, and these SAN values ​​can be passed on. The whole process is full of unknowns and mysteries, but it should be a more economical way. Compared to Lin Senhao's opening the "Abyss", it consumes a lot less.

   But Gao Fan was caught in a strange doubt at this moment.

   Lin Senhao can pass items to Gao Fan through this method of allowing time to flow naturally, which means...Lin Senhao's in 1920, and Gao Fan's in 2021, are the continuation of the same time and space.

  ‘The end of the world is 1920! ’

   Gao Fan couldn't help but think of the sharp roar of the elder of Bangka Village.

  What are we facing?

   Are we in a world that survives after the end?

   But why is there no relevant record in history?

   Are the great beings obliterating people's cognition of true history?

   What are they going to do?

   Gao Fan looked up at the starry sky and suddenly felt a sense of trembling.


  After handling the scene.

   Before leaving, Gao Fan specifically called STK to inquire about Qiu Qingfan's condition.

   The STK operator said that the situation is not very serious.

The ambulance sent Qiu Qingfan to the mental hospital, where he will receive mental identification and careful care, and continue to use modern medical methods to rebuild his rational defense line, waiting for him to return to work. That day.

For traumas that occur on the human psychological level, especially those related to the great beings, STK does not have any cures. STK’s list has thousands of investigators, and each investigator has its own mystery. The tracks, the old seals, spells, and even the most mysterious and unpredictable laws on their bodies do not have the ability to repair their intellect.

   The human soul, under the interference of the great existence, is like a fragile vase, no, it is like a snowflake from the breath of heat in the mouth, and it will collapse and disintegrate in only a moment of temperature.

Compared to those investigators who, because of their mental breakdown, turned directly into demon minions, or whose mental beaches were completely destroyed, could only drool in the imprisonment ward, trying to self-mutilate madly in the world, Qiu Qingfan’s state could even be Said it was a minor injury.

   "Another investigator will deal with the bronze statue," the operator said.

   Probably the white tassel, Gao Fan didn't ask.

   There must be a great existence behind the white tassel, the one represented by the black, white and gray three-color butterfly, Gao Fan didn't have much interest in knowing it.

   Knowing is also a kind of intersection, and the intersection is terrible.

   For example, the intersection with Gao Fan made Qiu Qingfan almost ‘stranded’.

   "Mr. Painter, I heard that you accepted a commission." The operator suddenly said.

   "The news spread so quickly?" Gao Fan was a little surprised.

"After all, these big people are operating. I am afraid that the wind will spread throughout the world soon, and your reputation will also usher in a leap." The operator said, "However, you have to be careful of the gravedigger. This is not a simple one. Commissioned."