Soul Painter

Chapter 97: The Great Shell

late at night.

Gao Fan was wearing a nightgown.

Sitting on the bed.

Studying the ‘Great Shell of Isth’ in the system interface.

The system is stingy, or rather rudimentary. There are no reminders of various attributes, states, and skills. It is like a taciturn reminder that tells Gao Fan what happened, but does not tell him why.

Therefore, Gao Fan did not get any further hints regarding the ‘Great Shell of East’, but he was certain that he had been contaminated, the method of contamination was not clear, and the consequence would be constant loss of memory.

No, it is not to lose memory, because what Gao Fan loses is the memory of the ongoing process, that is to say, he is losing control of himself, he is losing himself.

It's late at night.

Gao Fan did not dare to fall asleep.

The pollution is clearly accelerating.

He didn't know what he would become after another night.

Will it become the host of the illusion with horsehair on the spine and six-legged monster like a ‘devil’?

Gao Fan shuddered.

God jumped into Gao Fan's arms and arched Gao Fan's hand with his furry head.

Judging from God's vigilant and comforting eyes, perhaps it knew what had happened.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, we still have cards..."

Gao Fan murmured, his trump card is Gao Zhengdao, this ‘law’ has the ability to destroy anyone.

As long as Gao Fan knows who is trying to pollute him-it is certainly not a great being, but a sacrifice. If it is the gaze of the great being, then the pollution will not be gradual, but will be instantaneous Gao Fan turned into a monster.

Therefore, to find out who is contaminating him, Gao Fan can kill him and the entire organization behind him by turning himself into a mental illness!

However, before that, you can ask STK for some help.

Gao Fan now knows the ‘Great Iss’ and he also knows the ‘Shell of the Great Iss’, these two terms, STK should be able to find some information.

Thinking of this, Gao Fan dialed the operator's number.

The operator's phone is available 24 hours a day, even without queuing, she always picks up the phone on that end on time after the third tick.

"Hello, Mr. Painter, is your trip in London still enjoyable?" The sweet voice of the operator lady passed into Gao Fan's ears.

For some reason, this voice gave Gao Fan a sense of security.

It's like encountering an oasis visible in the distance in a desolate desert.

Gao Fan realized that in this vast, desolate, unknown world of truth, with abyss and despair hidden everywhere, his only credible coordinate point turned out to be the STK operator lady.

"Good evening, Miss Operator." Gao Fan said, "I want to ask for a piece of knowledge."

"Please speak."

"What do you know about the Great Iss and the Shell of the Great Iss?" Gao Fan asked.

"The Great Iss is an upper-level race with a super-age technological civilization that humans cannot understand. They have evolved so thoroughly that they have got rid of material and turned into a pure spiritual body.

Therefore, they are promoted to a great existence in the way of the ultimate evolution of the entire ethnic group. They are outstanding practitioners of carbon-based organisms upgrading to a great existence. The tombman's control, its mechanism of action..."

The voice of the young lady operator gradually became distant.

It's so far away that it's coming from the horizon.

Gao Fan seems to be leaving this world.

Little by little, he was falling into another purely closed dark world.

Until the voice of the lady operator disappeared completely.

The last ray of light in the world also disappeared.

Waiting for the light to appear again.

It is the first line.

It becomes a panorama again.

Gao Fan blinked.

The world is like a lens opened on the big screen of a movie theater when a movie is first played, from dark to light, from monotonous to colorful, re-reflecting in the vision of the noble.

The first is the bread, grapes, and ham on the dining table. They are on a white porcelain plate. There is also a cup of coffee. The knife and fork are placed on his left and right hands.

Then there is London's early morning time visible on the floor-to-ceiling glass on the side, from which you can see the towering Big Ben and the Buckingham Palace under the shade of greenery.

Then there are many tables beside them, those hotel guests who are eating.

There is no doubt that he is sitting on a chair in the hotel restaurant.

He is eating breakfast.

On the opposite side of the table is his ‘companion’ who dines together.

It was a British man. He had short capable hair and a typical British portrait, with prominent brow bones, deep concave eyes, and sharp facial angles. He was opening a magazine that read "Apollo" and pushing it. In front of Gao Fan.

He is Danny Laufer.

Journalist of the "Apollo" art magazine.

He interviewed me.

He should have made an appointment with me and showed me the report that published me.

Gao Fan habitually connects the plot before and after.

Because of his repeated encounters with mysterious events, his nerves became stronger, which did not make him panic at this moment, but maintained a normal logic of thinking.

"Mr. Gao Fan, do you like my report on ‘us’?" Danny Laufer asked Gao Fan with a smile.

to us? This word caught Gao Fan’s attention, and he asked: "What do we mean? I only saw a picture of myself here."

"Because from the next time, you will no longer be'me', but'we'." Danny Laufer explained, "I believe you still remember the experience of losing a piece of time before, that is that I am about to replace you A sign of having the name "Gao Fan".

But what I didn't expect was that you turned out to be an STK investigator. We did not want to be an enemy of STK, but you did not remind me in advance, so this is your mistake. "

"So when I was talking to the operator on the phone yesterday, you disconnected me." Gao Fan took a sip of coffee.

"At your age, I admire your calmness in dealing with mysterious events, but the'Shell' has been The matter is irretrievable. Starting yesterday afternoon, you will no longer have the name'Gao Fan' , I'm sorry." Danny Laufer said.

"Will you replace me? Or will you abandon it after use?" Gao Fan asked curiously.

"I can't manipulate the two bodies, even if I use the'shell', so I will choose one of them according to the situation, but there is a high probability that you will abandon your one, because keeping it will cause us trouble." Danny Laufer said sincerely.

"You mean we... are the gravediggers?" Gao Fan asked suddenly.

"Yes." Danny Laufer admitted.

"Why do you use'Law' on ordinary people? Impersonating me and completing Ms. J·K’s commission, what do you want from here? No, I don’t care about this. I just want to ask, the gravedigger has How many members?" Gao Fan asked suddenly.

"It has nothing to do with you," Danny Laufer replied.

"I just want to know, do you have enough funds to prepare a coffin for everyone." Gao Fan said.