Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 20: I will do your homework for you

"Fuck! Tortoise?! That was the first place in the national hacker competition. He broke the record last year! I heard that he is a Chinese, young Oriental!"

Chen Zifan immediately admired: "Yes, he is my idol! If I have half of his, oh no, one-third of his ability, this optimization will not be a problem at all!"

When Shen Yugui passed by Chen Zifan, she just heard the name. She paused and looked over. Seeing Chen Zifan's face like an idiot, she couldn't help but lifted her lips, showing an inexplicable smile, her eyes turned subconsciously. He looked on the screen.

That optimization looks very complicated, but as long as you change your thinking and algorithm, it is very simple.

Chen Zifan noticed her gaze and sneered: "Panda Eyes, do you understand? First pass your professional exams before you read them!"

Shen Yugui:...

My sister's professional courses are a bit poor.

She retracted her gaze and found a place to sit down with Zhang Qianqian. Shen Yugui was a little bored, so he simply picked up her sister's book to see what her sister had learned.

Computer courses in domestic universities are nothing more than algorithms and programming, which are too simple for her.

She was watching, but the surrounding chairs suddenly sank.

Shen Yugui looked up and saw several girls sitting around her.

They are all dressed very non-mainstream. The headed girl, in her twenties, wears four or five earrings on her ears. She wears heavy makeup and looks like a little lady.

After this group of people came over, the early classmates in the class immediately packed up their books and hid far away, looking as if they were afraid of them.

Zhang Qianqian also nervously held Shen Yugui's hand.

Shen Yugui squinted his eyes, his expression calm.

Little Taimei sneered: "Shen Congxin, doing homework!"

She looked at the phone and exaggeratedly said: "Ah, there is still half an hour before class, can you come in time? Or, I can help you?"

After speaking, he grabbed Shen Yugui's pen and scribbled on the book: "It should be written like this here! You see what you wrote is wrong!"

Shen Yugui:...

She lowered her eyes, feeling a little ridiculous.

Shouldn't this kind of drama be unique to junior high and high school juniors? I'm all university now, why are you still so naive?

"You can't do this!"

Zhang Qianqian screamed when she saw this situation. She wanted to stop Xiaotaimei's actions: "You are making trouble again! She didn't hand in homework on time in college, and you are too much!"

Little Taimei raised her eyebrows: "It's your shit? If you don't want to cause trouble, just get out of the way!"

Although Zhang Qianqian was scared, he still defended: "This is a university! I will call the police if you do this!"


Little Taimei said this, grabbing Zhang Qianqian, winking at the person next to her, and two people pulled Zhang Qianqian to the side, not letting her come closer.

Zhang Qianqian couldn't move, and his face blushed with anxiety: "You can't do this! From your heart, run!"

Shen Yugui frowned, and saw that the group of people hadn't hurt Zhang Qianqian, so he didn't say anything.

The little sister looked at her again: "Why run? We are here to help you. Oh, sisters, look at it! I think the ugly monster looks even more unpleasant today. What are we going to help her with today? Makeup?"

After talking, several people took out colorful things from their bags and looked at her with a smile.