Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 21: Just ask if you are afraid!

"Or, the smoky makeup last time?"

"It doesn't look good! I think it's better to draw her other eye as a panda according to the last time, so it's symmetrical!"

"No, no..."

A few people discussed eagerly, listened intently, but cold eyes!

I didn't intend to pay attention to these unscrupulous girls, thinking they were just on a whim, but listen to the meaning of these words, they have bullied their sister before? And not once!

Seeing that several girls were arguing fiercely, the little sister said: "Well, let's show her the previous photos and let her choose one by herself!"

"This is a good idea!"

After speaking, someone handed the phone to Shen Yugui: "Ugly guys, come and see, what makeup do you plan to apply today?"

When Shen Yugui saw the photo above, his pupils shrank!

That is sister! !

As the little Taimei slides her phone, pictures of her elder sister in embarrassment appear one after another.

Some were blushing like a monkey butt, their hair was messy, and their collars were even wrinkled.

Some had both eyes blue, and on their cheeks they wrote a few words with an eyebrow pencil: I am a panda.

There was even one... the white shirt that my sister wore was all soaked. She hid her body in a shivering way, hiding in the corner, looking at the screen with a pair of eyes imploringly, even if it was just a static photo, she could imagine it. Out of the despair of my sister at the time.

There is more...

Shen Yugui's fists were tightly clenched, and the circles of his eyes immediately turned red.

When I was videoing with my sister, she was always gentle and watery, asking her how well she was, and she always said it was OK... But it turned out that my sister lived this way!

Such things as school violence can happen to my sister!

Shen Yugui stretched out his hand, intending to grab the phone, but the person reacted faster, took the phone away, and pushed her shoulder: "What are you doing? Do you want to grab the phone? The photos inside are all It’s mine! Let me tell you, if I delete one, I’ll take ten of you! I’ll ask if you are afraid!"

Shen Yugui stared at Xiao Taimei angrily, his sharp eyes seemed to cut her a thousand swords!

Little Taimei was cold behind being seen, and she was a little scary because of her unknown.

But immediately, the little Taimei sneered.

This ugly monster is a soft-tempered person. If he is bullied, he will only whimper and cry. How dare to look at her like that? !

She shouted directly: "What do you look at? It's really not a day to fight, go to the house to reveal the tile!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Shen Yugui's hair and sneered: "Sisters, I think her hair is also dirty, let's go to the bathroom and wash her first!"

Shen Yugui wanted to resist, but as soon as he moved, he heard Xiaotaimei say: "Tell you, I have a lot of large-scale photos here. You'd better be obedient, otherwise, I will post it online! "

Shen Yugui did not move anymore.

Little Taimei was very satisfied, and directly dragged Shen Yu back to the bathroom and walked over.

In the corner of the classroom, Chen Zifan narrowed his eyes.

Although I can't understand the style of these little sisters, who let them bully the illegitimate daughter?

Therefore, when these people first came in, he excitedly sent a WeChat message to Feinan City, telling him that someone had helped teach this woman.

He even took his cell phone, recorded the video throughout the process, and sent it directly to Feinan City.

But after the group took Shen Yugui into the bathroom, he stood up.