Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 45: Good misunderstanding~

She cried pitifully: "My birth is not something I can choose. Don't hate me, woo woo woo, let alone kick me out of your team. I just want to accompany you in the competition. Hope Can help you..."

The information security competition that Chen Zifan is about to participate in is a very gold-rich competition. Participating in their team, you can definitely plate yourself with gold.

Moreover, Shen Yugui inadvertently glanced at it that day and found that Chen Zifan's project is very innovative. As long as the optimization is successful, it will definitely be the first place this year.

It is not surprising that Shen Zhilan wants to enjoy the heat and honor, it depends on Chen Zifan's heartache!

While looking at them, Shen Yugui walked forward without paying attention for a while and bumped into the person in front of him.

The hand holding the mobile phone directly pressed on the screen and clicked on the winning information.

After she glanced at the phone, she stopped!

she was! actually! Of course! also! in! prize! Up! !

Although the amount is not much, only five hundred, but!

For Shen Yugui who has been particularly unlucky since childhood, it is definitely a great happy event!

Her excited fingers trembled, and then she remembered that she had hit someone, and hurriedly raised her head: "Is that right... Mr. Fei?"

The man in front of him, a black suit and a tall figure, blocks the sunlight behind him. Even if he is standing on the campus, he is as dazzling as he is on a stage. It is Philadelphia.

He was very optimistic about the new project of Huaxia University, so he came to inspect it in person. And after being deceived for three years, Chen Zifan's stinky boy must be in a bad mood, so he made an appointment with Chen Zifan for lunch, and he just came in.

But I didn't expect to see Chen Zifan pulling and pulling with a girl, and Fei Nancheng felt it was rare. After watching it for a while, I didn't expect to be hit by someone.

He frowned and saw the girl who ran into him, even if he lowered his head, he could still see that it was the "ugly monster".

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this woman must have seen herself and deliberately ran into it. Thinking of her vows yesterday that she wanted to chase him... it was obviously her little trick.

He was about to sarcast a few words, but the girl suddenly raised her head.

She seemed to be holding back her joy, her eyebrows were crooked, and her eyes were filled with suppressed ecstasy, that expression could not be adulterated.

When Fei Nancheng saw her like this, he couldn't say what he said.

I originally thought that the words she liked casually were all false.

But is she so happy to see herself?

His face was still cold, and he gave a faint "um".

The girl was not disappointed either, she moved to the side obediently, walked around him cautiously, and ran away.

Fenan City's sight couldn't help but follow her. Looking at the figure that bounced and jumped, the happy emotions leaked, and she was far enough, stopped and danced with excitement, Feinan City sneered.

But when I said hello to him, I was so happy?

I really don't know the so-called!



Shen Yugui was too excited. After leaving Fenan City far enough, she couldn't help twisting her hips anymore and did a few dance steps.

This is the second time she has won a lottery in the past few days.

What does this show?


She really wants to transfer!

She picked up the phone and gave a hard kiss to the screen.

But as soon as I let go of the phone, I heard someone shouting in the distance: "Classmate, be careful!"