Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 585: Her team (1)

Immediately, a group of people filed in at the door.

They are the ones who just left...

They had emptied the table, but at this moment they did not mention the resignation, put the box they were holding back to the work station, and then took out the contents of the box and arranged them one by one.

Some people even came to Wen Ruoqing's side and said, "I'm sorry, can you please?"

Wen Ruoqing gave way in a daze.

After seeing them, Shen Yugui's eyes shrank slightly.

She stared at them and said in surprise: "You... why are you back!"

The person who just pushed Wen Ruoqing aside smiled and said directly: "I thought about it, but I still don't quit my job. My bean sprouts are grown and ready to eat! This time I resign. , Too bad!"

The other one also said: "I won't quit my job anymore. It's great to be here. I don't work and only take money! Days like gods~"

"Yes, I like drinking water from the company, and I won't quit my job."


The reasons for resigning are the same, but the reasons for not resigning are varied.

Shen Yugui looked at the past, and only three people who really left, and the rest, all returned!

She was a little shocked, and her heart was full of warmth.

Wen Ruoqing's face has changed!

She didn't understand. With better places and higher wages, why would this group of people stay?

She took a step forward and said, "Are you sure you don't resign?"


She bit her lip, her face finally changed, "Even if it is, people from Nanchuang Technology will never be accepted by the company and will not leave?"

The words are full of threats.

Shen Yugui stood there, she looked at the group of people and gave them a chance to choose.

However, since they are back, they already understand what they have chosen.

Everyone laughed: "Yes."

Wen Ruo was furious.

Hearing what they said, Shen Yugui couldn't help but stand up straight. She opened her mouth: "Everyone, since you chose here today, then I promise that as long as I Shen Congxin stays in the company for a day, I won't wrong you! Chentang Technology, and how much monthly salary does Sun’s Enterprise offer you, on top of them, I will add another 20%!"

"it is good!"

Everyone applauded.

The atmosphere of the Ministry of Science and Technology improved instantly.

Wen Ruoqing finally got angry and could no longer maintain her composure. She stared at Shen Yugui and said, "What if they all stay? Do you know how bad the business level of this group is? They are just leaving a batch of worms for your company!"

This angered everyone.

But before everyone spoke, another lazy but gorgeous voice came in: "Whose dog is calling here, it's too noisy!"

Accompanied by these charming words, a man in a white suit walked in. His charming peachy eyes glanced in the room first, and then fell on Shen Yugui, smiling and saying, "Miss Shen, for a long time. No see~"

It turned out to be Qi Xuyao!

Shen Yugui was taken aback for a moment, and he saw him walk to an empty position next to him, "Mao then recommended himself, my Chinese name is Qi Xuyao, come to apply for the technical staff."

After finishing speaking, I looked at Wen Ruoqing, "Oh, my Chinese name may not be understood by you, but I have an English name, I must have heard of it."

"Hello everyone, this is Zero."