Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 694: Turning into ash also knows him! Qi Xuya

Fei Nancheng pursed his lips and said nothing.

In fact, his body is still a bit fragile, but today the company has a major client who wants to see him, and he has to go.

It seems that Wei's family has an opinion on him, so the business leaders in S City have begun to dig in various ways, intending to deal with paying companies.

Fan Fan was a little anxious: "General Fei, your current state is not suitable for attending any events! Not to mention drinking!"

Fei Nancheng stood still, turned his head, and looked at him darkly.

The look in Fan Fan's eyes felt oozing. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "President Fei, can you see with your eyes?"

Fei Nancheng retracted his eyes and walked forward confidently, but quickly bumped into the chair in front.

Only then did Fan Fan understand that he still couldn't see.

Fei Nancheng spoke: "They can't tell."

He really couldn't see it, at the moment he couldn't see it!

But if they know that there is a problem with his eyes, then Fei's enterprise will face a more serious crisis!

Fan Fan took a deep breath.

He knew that the outside world was saying that after Miss Shen died in the explosion, Mr. Fei's body collapsed.

When Miss Shen was there, they didn't see them boasting how shocking the relationship between Mr. Fei and Miss Shen was. They even suspected that Fei Nancheng was not sincere to Miss Shen at all.

But Ms. Shen is no longer there. Instead, she said that Mr. Fei was so infatuated. He couldn't see him anymore, and he won't survive this year, causing the Fei company and partners to panic and mess.

This is definitely a mess of people who are interested, just for the purpose of paying people!

Mr. Fei must attend tonight's dinner, but he is just trying to crush those rumors and stabilize the military.

He could only speak: "Then I will help you find a female companion!"

A female companion is holding Mr. Fei's arm and can also remind him how to go.

But Fenan City shook his head: "No, let's go."

With his confident appearance, Fan Fan gritted his teeth and could only follow.


Shen Yugui drove a sports car with a private tour and came to Liu's enterprise. As soon as he arrived, he saw Liu Daiyu Pinting approaching. She was still so graceful and gentle, and it made people feel pity to see her.

It's a pity that when I got into the car and spoke, he revealed his prototype: "Why are you so slow, my mother waited for you for half an hour!"

Shen Yugui:...

Shen Yugui twitched his mouth.

When Liu Daiyu turned his head, he saw a bunch of flowers on the car, and he was taken aback: "This flower is..."

Shen Yugui smiled, "My sister's favorite lisianthus flower, I will send it to her."

Shen Congxin has long since entered the tomb.

The tombstone is in the cemetery in s city.

But after Shen Yugui came back, he hadn't been to see her sister. He wanted to go and see it today. After Liu Daiyu heard about it yesterday, he had to follow her.

Liu Daiyu was afraid that she would be too sad and wanted to accompany her.

By the way, I made an appointment for dinner.

Hearing Shen Yugui's words, Liu Daiyu nodded, and she sighed: "Although she has never been in contact with your sister, you can feel that she is a good sister."

Shen Yugui mentioned Shen Congxin, and her expression softened. She nodded and opened her mouth: "My sister is very timid, but she is sister Zegang. She always felt that I was suffering abroad and was very pitiful."

"My elder sister never went out before. She was scared of being beaten in school, and there was a birthmark on her face, which made her feel inferior. She has hardly been out of S City..."