Soviet Godfather

v3 Chapter 223: A blessing in disguise

"Congressman MacDonald, can you take some time, our Saskatchewan Wheat Associates..."

"Minister Bradley, regarding the issue of food exports to our country, I would like to communicate with you again..."


At the lunch meeting held by the Saskatchewan Wheat Consortium, Selesha and Yakovlev were divided into two groups. Sergey Shah was constantly lobbying Canada through political brokers hired by the Saskatchewan Wheat Consortium. In addition to the radical far-right legislators in the political arena, Sergey Shah mainly came into contact with the political forces in Saskatchewan and the political forces representing the interests of farmers. He also wooed the Canadian Agricultural Association and other stakeholders. Together, they blocked the Canadian government’s ban on food exports. Apex novels are updated the fastest and Yakovlev keeps visiting the contacts he has accumulated over the past ten years in Canada. They did this for both the Soviet Union and Gorbachev. Just last night, Gorbachev also communicated with officials of the Canadian Department of Agriculture through telephone conversations about continuing to implement the agricultural cooperation agreement.

However, the media reported on the Korean Canadians who were protesting in front of the Soviet embassy. Sergei and Yakovlev can only secretly save the situation through private communication. Now Canada’s political tendency is still biased towards sanctions against the Soviet Union. Sergey Sha does not expect the Canadian government to give up this plan. He only hopes that the Canadian government can exclude food.

"How's the situation on your side?" Yakovlev asked Sergei after the lunch meeting.

"Saskatchewan's parliamentarians and representatives of the agricultural association reluctantly agreed to stand on our side, but they will not speak for us, but only promised to vote in favor of the question!" Xie Liosa replied.

"It's already very good. I have talked with the Canadian Speaker of Parliament. They agreed to hold separate hearings on food and agricultural cooperation. This is the only opportunity I can get!" Yakovlev was a little frustrated. Said.

"From your experience, what is our chance of winning?" Xie Liaosha asked.

"What did the people in Romanov Trading Company say?" Yakovlev did not directly answer Seryosha's question, but asked him about the situation in Romanov Trading Company.

"They told me that Saskatchewan's lawmakers should all support it, but the others are not guaranteed. When will the hearings begin and how much time do we have? What else can we do?" Sergey asked Tao.

"Don't even think about using the domestic one to deal with them. Not only can it easily be clumsy, but once discovered, it may cause us more trouble!" Yakovlev thought Selesha was moving. Crooked mind, quickly persuaded.

"I just want to know what else we can do?" Sergey explained to Yakovlev.

"You discuss with the people in the Romanov Trading Company. If it doesn't work, we will change the trading location to a neutral country or a non-sanctioned Warsaw Pact country!" Yakovlev suggested to Selesha. It's not that I haven't thought about it. It's just that Sergei wanted to set up the location in Turkey, and then transport the goods to Rostov through the relationship with the Turkish Mafia, so that his base camp Gorky would become the center of the Soviet Union's domestic food turnover. However, because Turkey is a NATO country and often has frictions with the Soviet Union, Sergei Sha feared that the Soviet government would not agree.

"But how can these countries still carry out entrepot trade with us in the face of pressure from the United States?" Sergey asked worriedly.

"Did you forget? We still have oil. Unless they no longer need our oil, it will be impossible to block us completely! Your Moscow trading company must prepare in advance, and the country may let you do business Expand to other countries and become a multinational company!" Yakovlev replied.

Sergei was overjoyed when he heard these words and made Moscow Trading Company a multinational trading company, doing spot transactions in foreign markets. And there is the Soviet Union’s national oil weapons endorsing it. Will such a good thing easily fall on itself? Sergei couldn't imagine. Had Yakovlev and Gorbachev talked through this issue a long time ago? In order to figure it out, Sergey quickly asked Yakovlev: "Director, is this your opinion or Secretary Ge's intention?"

"This is the alternative that Secretary Ge agreed. Romanov is one of the few companies that can meet our food import needs. This kind of company is hard to come by for us! If you become a multinational trading company, it can help us. If we solve more food gaps, why should we restrict you?" Yakovlev asked rhetorically.

"Then what do you mean?" Sergey He can't wait to go back to China now. The things here have nothing to do with him. What if the Canadian government sanctions, Sergey The branches of the Moscow Trading Company can be opened all over the world, and the Canadian government has no way to track where the food it imports comes from.

"Go back home quickly, Selesha! We can't control the things here, so it's better to go back to Moscow and work hard!" Yakovlev seemed to come with Secretary Ge's instructions.

After Selesha bid farewell to Yakovlev, he first called Mikhail in China and asked him to prepare for the establishment of a branch of the Moscow Trading Company abroad. Then he hurried back home and took this The news was told to Kalim. Kalim was also very happy to hear the news, only Eva was a little bit reluctant to Seleosa's early departure.

"Don't be sad, Eva! This is a good thing. If the business scope of the Moscow Trading Company expands to foreign countries, then I can go abroad often! Isn't it more convenient for us to meet?" Sergey persuaded. Hearing what Sergey Sha said, Eva immediately understood that the parting this time will allow everyone to stay together often in the future. This is indeed great news.

"I'm going to Switzerland to help us find a place to live. We will live in Switzerland in the future. I will laugh out loud when I think about it!" Kalim said excitedly.

"Seriosa, do I still need to go to Poland?" Tonya asked.

"Maybe our air cargo company is better in Switzerland, so that I can see all of you more easily! Anyway, I will go home first, and you will continue to deal with Monsanto and other things here! When everything is arranged, You all go to Switzerland, and I will come to you!" Sergey exhorted them.