Soviet Godfather

v5 Chapter 226: Japan's new plan

[Chinese Net], to provide you with wonderful reading.

"Mikhail, I remember you told me that you once helped Japan's current Prime Minister Takeshita Noguro deal with some ugly political donations?" Sergei used an Iridium phone at home with Mikha in the United States. Il communicated and learned about some issues in Japanese politics. Sergei Shah has always been waiting for the collapse of the Japanese economy, because that means that the Gorky Brotherhood can take this to wait for a new level. However, the deterioration of the real environment forced Sergei to have a head-to-head contest with the Japanese government ahead of time. He had to find a way to puncture the bubble in Japan and take this opportunity to make a fortune and raise enough funds to withdraw the Soviet Union from the drastic changes in Eastern Europe. An army of millions solves the problems of employment and housing.

"Yes, Xie Liaosha, there was a real estate agent at the time, Vice-Hirozheng Jiang from Likulu Te Co., Ltd. This person has a good relationship with Japan’s richest man Yoshiaki Tsutomu. Needless to say, you also know that if there is no political-business relationship in real estate in Japan , That many things can’t be done. So Tsui Yoshiaki relied on Jiang Fuhao to catch up with the then Minister of Finance and now Prime Minister Nobori Takeshita. At that time, in order to prevent the accounts from being discovered by political opponents and the media in Japan, they wanted Looking for a foreign bank, our Colombian bank happened to have a good relationship with the Seibu Group of Yoshiaki Tsutomu, so I helped Minister Takeshita deal with the financial matters. The money was finally accepted by the secretary of Minister Takeshita..." Mikhail tried hard to recall the situation at the time, and reported to Sergei in as much detail as possible about the exchanges between Minister Takeshita, Yoshiaki Tei, and Vice-Hirozheng Jiang.

Sergei listened carefully, and at the same time, he kept thinking about it. He was thinking about how to break the Japanese economic bubble. Although Sergei knows that this big bubble will burst sooner or later, when all investors are still full of confidence in the Japanese economy, Sergei will not be able to contend with the general trend. The financial war is like this, and it will be profitable if you are half a step ahead. It is full, and one step ahead will lead to death without a burial place.

Sergei learned as much as possible about the collusion between Japanese politicians, real estate developers, and the banking system and secret transactions. This information makes Sergey Sha feel very helpful. When Selesha and Mikhail ended the call, Selesha had a general plan.

According to what Sergey Shah has mastered, there are two entry points for dealing with Japan. One is the Seibu Group under the richest man, Yoshiaki Tsuto. The other is Japan's current Prime Minister Takeshita Nobori. Takeshita has always been an advocate of the yen appreciation policy, and it was he who took the initiative to propose to the United States to sign the "Plaza Agreement." This person has served as the Minister of Finance of Japan for many years, and many key decisions of the Ministry of Finance are made by this person. If Takeshita takes the post of prime minister, Seryosha is not sure about going head-on with Japan. Takeshita is considered by political opponents to be Japan’s most powerful prime minister. If he occupies the position of prime minister, then wanting the Bank of Japan to change the current loose fiscal policy would be idiotic. All of Sergei's property together is equivalent to Japan's gross national product. If you want to make the world's second largest economy directly collapse by head-on, it is absolutely wishful thinking.

But what if the Japanese banking system is plunged into crisis first? Sergey considered the problem from this perspective, and his thoughts were immediately clearer. Japan's banking system has been implementing loose monetary policies in recent years, and most of their loans have entered the stock and real estate sectors. The boom in the stock and real estate markets has caused many companies to borrow desperately, regardless of the consequences, and then invest funds in it. The entire Japanese economy is developing abnormally under the support of financial leverage. If you want the banking system to fall into crisis, you only need to let one of the Japanese stock market or the housing market fall. And now the Seibu Group is the key point that affects Japan's financial stability.

Although Sergei and Te Yoshiaki only met once in the United States, it is impossible to be unfamiliar with him, because this man is now the richest person in the world, and he has been ranked No. 1 on the Forbes Global Rich List for several consecutive years. One. Just last year, Yoshiaki Te and Eva, Sergei’s beloved wife, competed for the ranking of the world’s richest man. Eva once occupied the throne of the world’s richest man, but in the end he was squeezed down by Yoshiaki Te. Yoshiaki ranks first on the global rich list with 130 billion US dollars of assets, while Eva is temporarily second with 120 billion US dollars in assets. However, the media are more optimistic about Eva because her yota communication is not yet available. Going public, as the world's leading mobile communication and network solution service provider, once listed, yota's stock will definitely be sought after by investors. At that time, the market value may be higher than the current AT&T.

Sergei has no interest in the fight for the world's richest man, but he remembered a number from the two related reports, that is, the Seibu Group has bought one-seventh of Japan's territory. In addition, luxury hotels, resorts and other projects are being built in the United States and Europe. And behind this, large Japanese banks are providing sufficient funds and ammunition. The confidence of the Japanese crazy foreign investment is the strong, while the Seibu Group is fighting at home and abroad, and its core competitiveness is low borrowing costs and rising Japanese real estate prices.

If a real estate company that owns one-seventh of Japan goes bankrupt, what will happen? How much will the banks that lent money to this company suffer? What else can Japan’s real estate market support? Sergei was really curious. Under this kind of thinking, Sergey Shah finally had a perfect plan.

After figuring out the general direction, Sergei picked up the red encrypted phone on his desk and went directly to the KGB. The operator quickly received the call from the office of Shebarshin, the first vice-chairman of the KGB and head of the KGB First Bureau. Sergei is now a red man among Soviet ministers, and the KGB has long lost the trust of Gorbachev, and it is no longer the pomp of the year. Sergei's purpose in finding Shebarshin is simple. He wants to find a spy who understands the economy and has worked in the European financial circle to serve as a puppet in the Japanese operation.

"Comrade Seryosha, although such a person is hard to find, I just know a suitable candidate. A doctor of economics from the Institute of Economics of the International Socialist System-Comrade Alexander Lebedev, he is here now. The Rothschild Bank of London serves as the head of the national debt department. As long as you give an order, he will always listen to the call of the motherland." Balshen replied earnestly. For mobile phone users, please browse m. Reading for a better reading experience.