Space Spirit Spring: Farmer Girl Cleverly Headed Home

Chapter 34: Pseudo-study

The pupils were extremely curious about Su Haitang, the transfer student.

Especially the children in the same village, when they heard their parents talk about Su Haitang's family affairs, they despised her when she was driven out by her parents, and there was still some vague admiration for her.

In the entire school, only Su Haitang dared to resist his parents! No one else can do it!

But because of Su Haitang's height and age, the elementary school students only dared to talk about her behind their backs, and there was absolutely no teasing in person, let alone bullying!

Of course, no one can really be friends with her.

Su Haitang didn't come to pay the year-end pay, she was studying attentively.

The first grade math class is just simple addition and subtraction. She has no pressure at all, so she focuses on the study of Pinyin.

The IQ and memory of adults are really not comparable to children. Su Haitang finally tasted the taste of being a schoolmaster!

A week later, she silently skipped grades and chose to attend the second grade.

She was very serious in class and didn't have extra money to buy pens, so she asked her uncle to make a small blackboard and practice calligraphy with stone brushes.

She was worried that the writing movement in class would be too loud and it would disturb the children in the class, so she flicked her fingers, listened and memorized more, then went home and practiced.

The inspirational story of Su Haitang’s 18-year-old Xiangxue moved the teachers in the school very much. The teachers offered to give her pencils, erasers and notebooks.

Su Haitang accepted it blushingly, silently remembering the encouragement of the teachers, and studying harder.

But she was still reluctant to waste her pen, and at the same time, she was more concerned about her own melons, thinking about waiting for the melons to mature, giving them to the teachers to taste them, and paying the tuition and books for the money!

In the future, she will have a little more money, and she will do her best to help poor students.

Without experiencing it in person, she is truly unable to experience the depth of a person who is thirsty for knowledge, but because of the poor family conditions, she can't learn, and what kind of frustration and distress she will endure.

She is so as an adult, let alone those children!

Su Haitang felt that her responsibility had become heavy, and her mind was gradually relaxed. She was no longer confined to the hatred with Liu Lancui's family, but also slowly softened her brutal heart after being hurt.

Seeing that the smile on her granddaughter's face grew more and more every day, Zhang Yue'e was so busy and happy that she was also relieved that she was studying and growing melons.

She always feels sorry for this child.

Fortunately, the granddaughter is sensible, no matter how much grievance she has suffered, she still hasn't lost her nature and walked out slowly.

What a good boy, the youngest son is not lucky.

Seeing that her granddaughter had a fulfilling life, Zhang Yue'e let go, and went to the village chief’s nephew’s wife’s house to bring two rabbits back and put them in the yard to feed them.

She also has a temperament that can't be idle, and she has fed ten chickens and two pigs, and she is too busy every day.

Poultry and livestock also have to eat. She was worried that the food would not be enough, so she was hesitant to buy it for feeding, but finally she was convinced by her granddaughter.

Su Haitang encouraged her to do whatever she wanted. If the money was not enough, she should borrow first, and it was not that she didn't pay it back. Once you borrow and return, you will get closer to each other, which makes distant relatives inferior to neighbors.

Zhang Yue'e felt that her granddaughter was right. But she thinks it's better to move out with her granddaughter!

How could granddaughter have these ideas before? No, she didn't even speak at all!

Do evil, I have never seen a cruel mother like Liu Lancui, who forcibly beat a good child into a wooden temperament!

Fortunately, the separation has come out. Otherwise, how could the granddaughter be so active? It's like changing the way of living!

After all, there is still no parenthood.

Su Haitang doesn't have as much emotion as milk.

She is really busy, too busy to think of redundant people.

She actually prefers to feed the sheep with milk. Drive the sheep out and ask them to eat some grass on their own. It's more worry-free, and it's good to drink some goat's milk to replenish the body, and the mutton is also delicious.

But think about the spirit of spring water, it seems like goat's milk is not important, please be happy with the milk.

The milk fully supports her in doing things, she reciprocates, and can't hold her back, isn't she?