Space Spirit Spring: Farmer Girl Cleverly Headed Home

Chapter 539: Can't die here!

Zhang Yuqing interrupted them.

"Okay, when is it time to argue for these useless. All hurried up to get some of their valuables down, and must come down and gather in ten minutes! This is an order, did you hear it?"


The female soldiers ignored the excitement and hurried upstairs.

"Slow down, walk slowly in line, don't run and shake the stairs! Leave the stairs on the left and don't block the passage!" Zhang Yuqing exclaimed and exclaimed, turning around to look at the unconscious group.

"Hand over your things, you can find a place to hide. Su Haitang, come with me!"

Su Haitang cast an apologetic look at everyone, gratefully followed Zhang Yuqing's hurried footsteps, and temporarily escaped from the mess of Su family.

"Chief Secretary, thank you. If there is anything I can do, please tell me."

Zhang Yuqing looked at her grateful and well-behaved, and said gratuitously: "I don't have time to care about you now! Go over there and help transfer the equipment! This is the key to my office."

Mountain belly radio!

Su Haitang understood, took the key and ran away at full speed.

In Su Haitang's memory, there was indeed a major earthquake in the Yanzhao area, which shocked the world!

According to reports, in less than half a minute, an industrial town with a population of one million in Tang City was instantly razed to the ground!

More than 200,000 people died and nearly 200,000 people were seriously injured! Four thousand children became homeless orphans!

Even the imperial capital Jinmen was all affected, the tremor was obvious, and it suffered a certain degree of damage!

Is it this year?

But in her memory, it seemed that the season of the earthquake was not midwinter.

Is there another deviation?

Su Haitang's heart was heavy.

Just imagine such a high number of casualties, it is chilling!

She must do something. Her space is a weapon for transporting supplies! Her spiritual spring water is miraculously effective in relieving injuries and preventing epidemics!

But in full view, how would she cheat? You have to think about it seriously.

In addition, the troops must organize rescue and disaster relief work.

The three-month training period in the new barracks has not yet ended. I don't know if she is qualified to go to the front line.

If it didn't work, she left the army and acted in secret, which was a last resort.

Su Haitang ran through the underpass in Zhang Yuqing's office and quickly ran into the basement of the mountain belly to join the emergency transfer of expensive equipment.

"Quick! Speed ​​up!"

There was an obvious vibration, and the dust in the tunnel fell. The comrades leaned over to protect the equipment they were holding in their arms, and the cats ran with all their strength!

Su Haitang didn't see well, and deliberately fell behind, so he took the remaining large and small pieces of the opened stone chamber into the space!

In the process of Su Haitang's emergency sweep, the mountain shook, and the large and small rocks had already shaken down, making a rumble, and the echo was deafening!

Su Haitang dodges almost ubiquitous rocks dangerously and dangerously, holding his head and rushing out!

The closer you get to the exit, the more you can hear your comrades shouting urgently!

Su Haitang saw the comrades who had been hit by a stone near the exit, dragged them up, took away the blood-stained equipment that was well protected by him, and gritted his teeth and rushed out!

"Yan Hao! Xing Jun! Huang Xiaomao!"

Not far away, the stones crackled and rolled down at the entrance of the cave, and the soldiers shouted anxiously!

Su Haitang's nerves are tense!

Even if she is in a crisis, she seems to be in a mysterious and mysterious limit state, as if she is assisted by gods, she predicts to avoid the big boulder that hits her head, but she drags the three comatose comrades that she has picked up in her hand. It is inconvenient to move. Avoidance is still injured!

Can't die here!

She has to go to the disaster area! She is still useful!

Su Haitang looked at the hole that was quickly blocked, and the light was getting darker, biting the tip of his tongue, dragging his comrades on his back regardless, and rushing up!