Space Spirit Spring: Farmer Girl Cleverly Headed Home

Chapter 837: The brain is a good thing, you deserve i

"Sister, are you angry with me? I really don't know how things will turn out to be like this. I keep explaining to everyone that I don't believe my sister is like that, but..."

The weak and helpless voice was full of apologetics, pitiful.

Hold the grass! White lotus haunts!

Su Haitang turned her head and looked at the girl in the white skirt standing in front of her.

Good looks, but it looks a little awkward, as if it's on the wrong set.

Su Haitang looked at it more and saw the key.

This classmate Xiao Baihua has bright facial features, a darker complexion, a larger frame, and a half head taller than her. He has a well-nourished and pampered appearance, and he wants to be a miserable little white flower in a pretentious manner!

Look at the thick foundation, abruptly trying to create a weak temperament, but the cheeks are plump, the lips are rosy, and there are too many grooves.

There are also the orchid fingers that are poking, and the diamond crown and hair accessories pinned on the princess's head are all full of disharmony.

Su Haitang, who has definitely passed the investigation skill, silently complained, but he couldn't beat people because of his personal aesthetic preferences.

Su Haitang looked away and walked away blankly.

"Sister, don't be angry, I didn't mean it."

The sleeve was caught, Su Haitang stood still without looking back.

In all fairness, the original master’s sister, Calla, is really not ugly, and she has a good foundation to become one of the popular candidates for school flowers.

Su Haitang's aesthetics is quite normal. In fact, it is a pity that he has an occupational disease.

In her eyes, an average-looking but well-dressed person with a harmonious overall image also scores higher than a good-looking but pretentious person.

"Sister, I explained to Dad. Dad also knows that he misunderstood you before, so you reconciled with Dad? He is an elder after all. If you don’t want to bow your head with the younger, you just give in and go home to eat at night, OK? ?"

Sister Callo talked endlessly, she was addicted to the drama, and she didn't know how long the script was. Unfortunately, Su Haitang did not accompany her in her interest in the drama.

"let go."

"Sister, don't resent your dad, he is your real dad after all!"

Xiao Baihua became more vigorous, but it was a pity that the lines were not enough, and the performance was too hard, so Su Haitang frowned.

The two big school flowers quarreled in public, which immediately became the focus of the school, attracting a large number of people who eat melons. The mobile party has uploaded some videos and countless posts related to the school forums, which instantly built tall buildings!

"I'm anxious to go to the toilet, you keep stopping me, what do you mean?"

Su Haitang's flat and waveless voice sounded, his face expressionless, and he refused to turn his head.

The scene was awkwardly quiet for a while.

Alocasia talked about letting go, and she was defeated by her unconventional moves.

"Sister, sister, you, I don't know, why don't you say it?"

Su Haitang flicked his sleeves and moved forward at a constant speed.

"Ten minutes between classes, combined with my direction, is it hard to guess? The brain is a good thing, you deserve it."


That **** Haitang actually scolded her for being brainless!

Two minutes later, Calla watched her disappear into the flower bed, and then realized.

But people have gone far, what else can she do!

To catch up and scold? Destroy the setting.

But she swallowed this breath in vain, and she was not reconciled!

There were chuckles and chuckles all around, and many mobile phones were shooting at her.

The alocasia evened its air, and was used to squeezing a smiling face under the camera, slightly retracting the chin, bending his eyes than gestures, and posing a pure and lovely look.

The video recording ended with the alternative school flowers being scolded and silly, which triggered countless replies.