Spare Me, Great Lord!

v1 Chapter 290: Guardian

"Xiaoyu, shall we now ... Look for Lu Shu? This is in the middle of the night ..." Chen Zuan said curiously, now he got the military power he wanted, of course, he wanted to drag it to the end of the ruins steadily, anyway Looking for such a thing has nothing to do with him.

Chen Zuan's family is in Kyoto, a group of children are competing with each other, and finally the girls started to look at the rank and strength. As a result, Chen Zuan clenched his teeth and won the opportunity to come here with his family. At that time, the old man at home also praised him, but he applied for a master to accompany him but was not approved by his dad ...

In fact, the Chen family still attaches great importance to practitioners, and everything is treated according to high standards. After all, there is a master such as Nie Ting who is in front of the jade. I really understand that people are very clear when the personal strength begins to be extraordinary. The power class cannot really ignore them.

In the words of Chen Zu'an and his father, if the master is really only used as a bodyguard, other people don't say anything now because they haven't been able to achieve the power of detachment as fast as Nie Ting, but what about the future?

In fact, Chen Zuan also understood that this statement made sense. After all, the masters solicited did not have much sense of belonging to the family.

Now, what is the purpose of each family's efforts to cultivate their own outstanding children? It is to use the resources they have to build up a true foundation of standing. Only when you are strong can you be truly stable.

Now that Chen Zuan has military merits, let's go back and say nothing else, a lieutenant has, and the skill of breaking through the D-level must also have, this is enough.

To be honest, Chen Zuan didn't dare to think high, if he knew what level of military merit Lu Xiaoyu sold to him after he went out, he would probably laugh at himself now ...

With his current E-level strength, how dare you imagine it at B-level, and how can B-level be beaten to death by Lv Xiaoyu? Are you kidding me?

Moreover, he now feels that Lu Xiaoyu and Lu Shu are a little bit filthy, and if they go out and leave the Chen family, can they not give money?

Lv Xiaoyu strictly follows Lv Shu's words, but this is also a limitation of Lv Shu's own character. He only believes that everything he can hold in his hand now, and the owing clause is certainly feasible.

But a pair of civilian brothers and sisters took an account to ask the rich family for an account. Can they really come?

Lu Shu never believed in the word credit and couldn't believe it.

He only believed in himself, and Lu Xiaoyu.

In fact, Lu Shu also understands that this should be regarded as a kind of personality defect, so he always says that this is a limitation of himself, but he does not care.

Wrong, it doesn't have to be changed.

Lu Xiaoyu sat back on Pippi Pig's huge head: "If you want to stay here alone, then you stay."

Chen Zuan turned his head to look at the unfathomable woods and smiled on the spot: "Of course I went to find Lu Shu with you. Am I such a bad-hearted person ?!"

"Hehe," Lu Xiaoyu's face lifted: "Pippi Pig, let's go!" She now wanted to tell Lu Shu very much that this escaped B-level strongman had been beaten to death by herself, and her soul was ready. If Lu Shu knew that she was restrained by another B-level soul, Lu Shu would definitely praise her!

"Wait a moment," Chen Zuan sternly blocked the Pipi pig: "Xiaoyu, you are not sure whether Lu Shu was fighting just now, and the sound is definitely not near here. There is 1 hour left, and it would be fine if we waited 1 hour before we left. "

Lv Xiaoyu frowned, every minute he wanted to beat this little fat man who was urinating and urinating ...

Of course, she was sure that the person fighting ahead was Lu Shu, because she had just searched for the memory fragment of the B-level strongman.

However, from the debris, she also determined that Lu Shu is now safe.

Lv Xiaoyu is in deep contemplation, are you looking for it now? To be honest, carrying Chen Zuan is a bit inconvenient, because in her heart she does n’t want Chen Zuan to discover that these strange trees will not attack her. This is a big secret for her and Lu Shu.

Moreover, she has not broken through the second layer of nebula and wants to reincarnate a soul, then the previous black soul will naturally disappear, and it can be said that it is now her weakest time. These beasts bound by her may not be able to carry the strange tree for long.

I wanted to go looking for everything in the past, but I was worried that Lu Shu was in danger. Now that I know that Lu Shu is not in danger, I naturally have to consider some other things.

Lu Shu said that the secrets of his body cannot be revealed.

"Okay, wait another hour," Lu Xiaoyu jumped from Pippi Pig's head, and the beasts and Chen Zuan were relieved ...

Anyway, she knew where Lu Shu and Chen Baili were.


At this time, Lu Shu was digging the ground ...

After the other party escaped, Lu Shu was shocked when he recovered the corpse dog and Fuya, and the white sand was still wrapped on it.

Lu Shu was very clear that these special white sands were used by the other party as their body armor, and they were finally used as killer tools, which must be extraordinary.

Moreover, there is even a strong spiritual fluctuation on the sand, so a small handful of white sand ~ ~ is comparable to the black dragon spear that I saw under the ruins of Beilong.

So Lu Shu, who will live his life, very carefully received all these white sands in his mountain river seal. Not only that, he also went back and picked up the small ones that used the other party to directly attack him ... I was almost blind and only found a half!

However, Lu Shu is still very happy to find one. When he looks at the white sand in the mountains and rivers, he has a huge sense of accomplishment ... This is his and Lu Xiaoyu's possession!

Although I do n’t know what else these things can be used for, it ’s better to collect them, but what if they can be sold later?

Lv Shu didn't know that these white sands were themselves earthenware worthy of the B-level white strongman who took the risk.

After collecting Baishalushu, he began to be melancholy, when he jumped into the air and shot the spear as a cannonball, directly plowed the ground once and even hit the white strong again.

Recalling the picture at that time, Lu Shu felt that he was so handsome!

But after being handsome? This special spear is nailed into the soil one by one, I don't know how deep it is!

What a terrible calf! If the spear could not be taken back, Lu Shu felt that his heart could be broken!

In the future, you can't be defeated like this, you have to be careful when throwing your spear!

He took the boss's effort to dig for a full half hour with the standard sword in Shanheyin, and finally dug out all the spears. The treasurer didn't think of another thing until then ... Chen Baili was old After the Taoist was injured, wouldn't it be dangerous to throw him alone on the open ground?

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