Spare Me, Great Lord!

v1 Chapter 514: God set full alert

In warehouse 19, everything from the temporary transit warehouse was stored, and the boxes were neatly placed in yards. Lu Shu not only wanted to take the spirit stone, but also took everything else away.

As for the previous four-car human goods, I do n’t know where the Shenji has been transferred. That thing was handled by Li Shanyun ’s heart, and it seems to be treated as the top secret of Shenji.

Think about it, too, to let Li Xianyi know that the gods are gathering at the sacrifice of people, for fear that they will be cut directly.

Not only that, this kind of thing itself violates the human bottom line. Shenji must not dare to let outsiders know that this is a matter of the international reputation of the entire organization. Lu Shu suspects that Shenji may also catch foreign awakeners.

Lv Shu closed the gate of the warehouse, and the warehouse returned to darkness, and Lv Shu summoned Shenshui Lighting to open the boxes containing the spirit stones separately. When the hand passed the box, the spirit stones in the whole box disappeared instantly, with extremely fast fast!

For Lu Shu, who has mountains and rivers, this kind of thing does not need to be bothered.

He is like a bottomless hole, looting all the contents of all the boxes in the entire warehouse, which is probably the biggest harvest of Lu Shu's trip to Dongdu!

Only at the moment when the spirit stones and resources were loaded into the mountains and rivers, Lu Shu felt unprecedentedly practical!

The number of spirit stone boxes is marked on the box, one box per thousand, and 92 boxes, which means that Lu Shu has directly obtained 92,000 spirit stones this time.

It is not exaggerated to say that you can be rich and enemies!

Of course, the comparison is with some small countries.

After finishing the spirit stone in the box, Lu Shu carefully re-covered the box. After all, he would open the door later. Someone might be suspicious of seeing the mess inside.

However, at this moment, Lu Shu suddenly heard the sound of rumbling rumbling sound from the distant earth. The tremor was not just the sound, but the whole ground was trembling. Lu Shu suddenly found that there was also dust falling in the warehouse.

Is there an earthquake? It's not like it. It's more like a very heavy creature is moving forward, its footsteps trembling on the ground.

Lu Shu packed all the boxes and hurriedly opened the door. He suddenly found that the people outside were messed up. Yusaka Li came over and said: "Master Yamada, what's going on?"

"I don't know," said Lu Shu. "Have you heard anything outside?"

Yu Banli panic said: "I don't know very well, I just heard that two B-level knights are killing here, very huge!"

Lv Shuao gave a cry. He did n’t even hear the two B-level knights. He turned to Yu Banli and said, "You come with me, I have something to explain to you."

Lu Shu said and quietly pulled Yusakari into the warehouse: "Have you ever heard a click?"

"Ah? What kind of clicks are you talking about?" You just entered the warehouse. Sakali hadn't reacted yet. It was a click, and he was directly broken his neck.

"Negative emotion value from Yusaka Lee, +1000!"

At this time, the only person who knew that Lu Shu had visited Warehouse No. 19 was dead. If you want to know who opened the warehouse door with access control, you can only go to the background to check the data.

No matter what happened to Lu Shu, he now intends to directly flash people. Anyway, he has the entrance guard approved by Li Shanyun. It is too easy to go out.

At this moment, the sound of the suspected footsteps was getting closer and closer, as if it was coming towards the fort, and a harsh police siren sounded outside the wall, and countless people ran on the wall: "Alert! Alert! Enemy attack ! The building has been destroyed! "

Lv Shu was dumbfounded. What was the case? The Shenji Building was destroyed by others directly? Who is this to attack the God Set?

Although the current practice world has been unstable, it will not be so easy to explode the world war of practitioners. What is the matter of directly attacking the old nest of Shenji? Who is so kind!

In fact, although Shenji is known as tens of thousands of practitioners, but after the high-end combat power is damaged in Koh Chang, the pyramid structure of Shenji is a bit deformed, and the proportion of upper-level monks is relatively small.

And the problem is that there are tens of thousands of practitioners all over the city of the island nation, not to say that there are tens of thousands in Xijing City.

According to the information given to him by Tian Luo, the entire Xijing city has about 3,000 members, and the most high-end fighting forces are Takashima Hirazu and Kitamura Pheasant.

At this moment, Lu Shu suddenly found that the lights of the entire fortress were extinguishing one by one. Until this time, there was a thunder from the distance. It seemed that something exploded in Xijing City. The scale was huge!

The light inside the fort completely dimmed, and the importance of electricity to a city is beyond doubt. The powerful attacker directly destroyed the power supply system first, and the bottom of the kettle was paid!

The inside of Shenji Fortress was stunned, but half a minute later, the fortress's own backup power system suddenly started, and the state of bright lights was restored again!

Lu Shu knew that a large fortress like this could not have its own backup power system.

He casually picked up someone who had just ran in from under the fence: "Where are you going?"

"Negative emotion value from Maeda Maeda, +199!"

"Sir, I'm going to gather people, there is an enemy attack!" The members of the talking Shenji were lifted and their feet were about to leave the ground. They rushed in and reported the situation, but now they can't run away at all ...

"Where is the enemy?" Lu Shu was curious ~ ~ I don't know, it's terrible! The surviving colleague on the other side of the building has heard that the other side has been destroyed, and the pheasant bird in the village is fighting with people! The members of Shenji explained anxiously: "I only know that there are not many other people, but the overall strength is extremely strong!" "

At this time, a huge lifting platform was opened in the middle of the fort, and the people at the underground base also came up with thousands of people. According to the number, it seems that the fighting members of the Hiji Takashima Hirajin line should be here. , A comprehensive preparation for the internal set of God!

The whole Shenji is like a machine started, but what kind of enemies would make Shenji so scared? But don't Nie Ting come in, it's too awesome!

However, Lu Shu knew that this possibility was unlikely. At first, he thought that the two knights would be the ancient heroes summoned by Chen Baili's old Taoist priests. After all, the ancient heroes could even be beaten in the toilet by Li Yixiao. There is definitely no problem. It's just that this ancient heroic soul has a limitation of time. It shouldn't last for so long.

Lu Shu finally figured it out. It turned out that the two knights were wearing European-style armor, which should completely rule out the possibility of