Spare Me, Great Lord!

v1 Chapter 543: Buddha

Wenwan City is an endless street that walks from the outside to the inside, and to the extreme is the iron gate.

The lights on both sides have been closed due to the closure of the business. Only the three-character neon sign of Wenwan City on the outermost archway is still flashing. That is the city lighting requirement. The store is closed at night but the sign cannot be closed.

At this time, Lu Shu himself was a little hesitant. After all, he had too many spirit stones in his hand. How much could a black market eat? Rather than flowing out, it is better to digest the internals of, as long as the price is passable.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Shu called Zhong Yutang: "Hello, the user you dialed is not in the service area ..."

What's wrong, Lu Shu's face is black, did the old boy Zhong Yutang pull his phone black? !

He thought about it and called Nie Ting over again: "Hello, the user you dialed has been turned off ..."

"Oh, it's better to ignore me, don't regret it," Lu Shu sneered, he didn't believe he could not sell these spirit stones through the black market!

Lu Shu did not think about selling overseas in the past, but the problem is that the domestic Tian Luo Di network controls the resources of Ling Shi, so it has always been in a state of shortage. In this case, the price of Ling Shi is a bit high, but it is different in foreign countries. The price is low due to the wide range of sources.

Really want Lu Shu to sell at a low price, he is still a little unwilling ...

You know, there are more than 92,000 spirit stones in his hand. The batches taken from the warehouse, and some of them were picked up behind other people's butts when the **** set arranged the blood sacrifice large array ...

At this time, Zhong Yutang, who was in the process of approving the official document in Yuzhou, hesitated for a long time looking at the caller ID on the mobile phone, and he finally did not pick it up ... He did not give Lv Shu black, just because Lv Shu recently harassed him, so he gave ring tones The user who dialed you is not in the service area ...

Nie Ting sat in the monitoring room at the lowest level of the Lingjing Hutong while watching thousands of small screens and suddenly said: "He has found the black market, it seems that he really has the resources from the Shenji in his hands and is eager to get out."

Shi Xuejin dipped his finger in his mouth and turned a thin page of the thread-bound book: "You are not afraid to let him toss like this. What kind of big moth does the resource he released in one breath make?"

"There is nothing to worry about, even if he has the resources in his hand, he will not have too much," Nie Ting rubbed his eyebrows and said: "Shenji is also a relatively tight organization. At that time, Takashima Pingjin would give him so much inside the fortress. Take the opportunity? "

Shi Xuejin gave Nie Ting a glance: "I hope so."


Lv Shu walked quietly towards the inside and knocked at the iron gate. The three sounds of the sound of the sound of the sound were harsh at night.

With a click, a small window on the iron door was pulled apart, and Lu Shu saw a skinny man with a beaked monkey's gills and a bazi, holding a small flashlight and looking outside: "Fahrenheit, who is coming?"

Lv Shu froze for a moment, Buddha's site? Which Buddha?

Just in his stunned time, the skinny man with the billy monkey cheeks could not wait: "Who are you?"

Lu Shu pondered for two seconds and thought if he could not afford a spell, he might not be able to enter. He carefully tentatively said: "I am Venerable Kaye?"

"Negative emotion value from Wang Zhe, +199."

Wang Zhe was not happy anymore. Lord Buddha was honorary title and not a law number. Do you call Venerable Kaye decent? He immediately prepared to pull the small iron window, but the result was that it didn't pull for a long time, and was dragged by Lu Shu ...

"I'm here to sell things," Lu Shu said.

Wang Zhe squinted at him: "Who recommended it?"

Lv Shu noticed that the other party asked who recommended it instead of selling something. This is very different from the original black market. It seems that the focus here is more on security and concealment. The previous black markets are different. Those The black market eats things first.

This is a bit of a serious business, and this is the black market Lu Shu is looking for.

But he was a little tangled, he didn't have any recommenders, how to get in?

Wang Zhe said angrily: "If you don't recommend it, you should pay a deposit. 300,000 admissions can be taken away when you leave. After three successful transactions, you are our old customer."

Lv Shu didn't expect to have this kind of statement. He passed a spirit stone directly from the small window. The price of the spirit stone has already risen by 300,000 yuan.

In fact, this price is still very small compared to the total annual output. After all, more than 100,000 pieces a year have not yet reached the level of 100 billion, and many families cannot afford it.

However, the spirit stone should also pay attention to cost performance, not to say that the total output is more than 100,000 pieces, and each one will be sold at a sky-high price. After all, the power of a spirit stone for practitioners is only a small week.

It is not that no one has thought about the price of fried Lingshi, but on the one hand, has strict control, on the other hand, the role of Lingshi is there. Everyone is not a fool. Even if it is not bad, you must consume wisely.

The iron gate was pulled open, and Wang Zhe came out and looked around and warned: "Don't mess with the Buddha's site, otherwise you can't go out alive. It is forbidden to eat black and sell fakes. The Buddha caught him and broke it. Broke your hands, do you know the name of Buddha? "

Lu Shu: "... I don't know."

"Negative emotion value from Wang Zhe, +299!"

"Mountain artillery," Wang Zhe seemed to be uninterested: "Luocheng has never heard of this land."

Lv Shu is not happy anymore, never heard that Buddha is a mountain cannon? Ha ha! He asked in black: "Do you know Lu Shu?"

"Know! National hero Lu Xiaoshu, who doesn't know in Luocheng?" Wang Zhe laughed contemptuously, as if Lu Shu was insulting his knowledge ...

Lu Shu took a deep breath: "... Then I ask you, do you know Lu Xiaoyu?"

Wang Zhe: "... know!"

Lu Shu: "?????" He just wanted to use Lu Xiaoyu and didn't even know you really came back from the cannon ~ ~ As a result, the other party did not follow the routine to play cards!

"It's not that you wait for a while, why do you know Lu Xiaoyu?" Lu Shu froze for a long time.

"Hey, who hasn't heard Lu Xiaoyu's name now in Wenwan City? Last month, there were a few short-sighted offenders who nearly beat her and almost couldn't take care of herself," Wang Zhele laughed.

"Oh, that's what happened," Lu Shu thought he knew what was going on: "Is that Buddha or Lu Xiaoyu powerful?"

"Of course it is Lord Buddha, Lu Xiaoyu is relying on his family's spiritual pets, and those of his brother's comrades. , Our Buddha is also in Tian Luo Di Wang, "Wang Zhe waved his hand and led Lu Shu to walk inside.

Lu Shu is hard to tell whether this sentence is true or false. Maybe the Buddha is really related in, he may sneer with a black face: "Old iron, if you survived two episodes in a TV series, you know why not ? "

Wang Zhe froze for a moment: "Why."

"You know too much."