Spare Me, Great Lord!

v2 Chapter 1209: life

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Chen Zuan always felt as if everyone knew something, only he was still in the dark. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

He looked at Lu Shu, who flew through the thorns and flew to the Old City, and suddenly felt a little strange. The familiar figure seemed to hide a less familiar soul, which made Chen Zuan feel a little uneasy.

Carol said he was coming back, but Chen Zuan felt that the one that came back ... may not be Lu Shu.

Others may not feel this way, because in their eyes, the ninth Tian Luo is just a symbol, regardless of his character, or his past, only a strong mystery is enough.

But for Chen Zuan, the name of the ninth day Luo is not simple. He and Lu Shu have experienced so much. They have lived and died together since the ruins of the salt lake ... Although it is accurate that Lu Shu was born and died, he followed.

But what he needs is not a teammate who only has great strength. He needs a friend.

No matter how jokes are made by everyone, no matter how lu Shu is usually upset, but Chen Zuan can still smile heartlessly, and can also frantically test on the edge of survival.

If that person is no longer Lv Shu, but another soul, can it be the same?

No more will eat hot pot together, no more jokes together, no one will ask why Chen Zuan does n’t wear a hat anymore.

Such a life, how lonely.

"I don't want him to come back," Chen Zuan whispered.

"Huh?" Carol looked at Chen Zuan with surprise.

Chen Zuan lowered his head and his expression was hidden in the shadows: "I prefer my current brother a little more, don't you think that the brother is pretty good?"

Carol thought about it and suddenly laughed: "It's the same thing, it depends on his own choice."


The sea of ​​clouds above the sky dome returned to calm before Lv Shu arrived. When Lv Shu flew to the gate of Bulao City, the closed door was suddenly opened. There was no street or anything in it, only a black hole, deep Like nothingness.

Without much thought, Lu Shu walked in with the swallowing thief in hand. The flame of the swallowing anger spurred Lu Shu's emotions, and he wanted to find Lu Xiaoyu.

However, at the moment he stepped into the door, he kept moving up like a sculpture. The whole world was caught in one of the weirdest rules. Lu Shu's mood became empty, like forgetting Many things.

At this moment his memory was covered by dust and haze, and there was such a daze in his heart.

An anti-theft door of an old family building opened in front of him. It was the hot and scorching season. There were a few dishes on the table in this "home". Although it didn't look good, it looked like a special meal.

The dim light was on, and a gentle and vicissuous woman came out of the kitchen carrying rice and smiled at him: "Small tree, come back from school? Hurry to wash your hands and eat."

Lu Shu froze for three seconds: "Mom?"

At this time, the gentle woman frowned: "Are you having bad grades again? I will call your class teacher later and ask about your recent performance in school!"

Lu Shu fell into contemplation again, always feeling that something was wrong, but felt that everything was so natural. He had a little bit of frustration: "I have been doing well in school recently."

The old world seems to be broken, and the new world has come, the past has been sealed, and those deep memories are no longer in possession.

Lu Shu, 17 years old, a senior 3 student, everything looks like an ordinary look, other people have, basically he has.


At the age of 17, he studied hard in his senior year, just like most senior high school students who ran like hell. It was a youthful age, and there was no need to regret everything. The last mock exam was not ideal when it was near the college entrance examination. , Lu Shu felt that he might only have two exams.

At the age of 18, at the end of the college entrance examination, Lu Shu went to college.

When graduating, a girl confessed to him, the other party is very beautiful, it is class flower. The class flower was loved by many people, who could play the piano, and lived in the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee. It is said that a car was given to the family after graduating from the college entrance examination.

But Lu Shu rejected her. Many students looked at Lu Shu in surprise, but did not know why Lu Shu made this choice.

In fact, Lu Shu himself did not know that he was standing on the hot playground in the summer afternoon, watching the weeds grow on the playground, and the hot sun sprinkled on the playground, like a sea of ​​light.

Lu Shu felt like he was waiting for someone, so he couldn't agree.

At the age of 21, Lu Shu was in her junior year, and the students began to prepare for the postgraduate examination, but Lu Shu was unwilling to continue to spend time in the ivory tower.

The grades are mediocre, and the teachers are not like or dislike him.

During this time, a girl chased Lu Shu, which was not good-looking, but not ugly. Lu Shu told the girl that she was waiting for someone in her life. The girl cried and left.

It was raining that day, Lu Shu standing on the playground in despair, always felt like he had forgotten something, as if there was something most important ... none.

When I returned to the bedroom, Lu Shu ’s rejection of the girl had spread. The roommates ridiculed Lu Shu: Tree, you are really root wood. You have been singled for so long, and I have never seen you worry about anyone. Love Saint is still waiting for the people in his life, hahaha.

Lu Shu didn't speak, because he didn't know who he was waiting for.

At the age of 22, Lu Shu graduated from a university with ordinary education and ordinary families. It is difficult to find a good job.

The students walked away one by one, and Lu Shu stayed in the local area. The salary for one month seemed to be insufficient, and he didn't have to fall in love to barely make a surplus.

A classmate who opened a factory at home said to Lu Shu, why don't you come to my factory to work.

Lu Shu rejected the classmate's kindness and watched the classmate drive away in a luxury car.

At the age of 27, Lu Shu attended many weddings, and one classmate even had a second child.

There are fewer and fewer people gathering at classmates ~ ~ Either you are too busy to work, or you can't get away with your children at home. There are very few people at the party.

During the banquet, a good brother suddenly said, do you know that our high school class is still single, and she has been thinking about you?

Lu Shu shook his head: I have someone in my heart.

Good brothers laughed, don't make trouble, do you still know if there is anyone in your heart?

The parents began to arrange a blind date for Lu Shu. Lu Shu had to cope with this embarrassing dinner in the name of caring. After seeing more than ten girls, each of them was not the one he was waiting for.

Slowly, Lu Shu himself was a little shaken.

Where is that man?

The brothers began to sigh when they persuaded Lv Shu when drinking: "Tree, in this person's life, most people are not married to their favorite person. Everyone has changed from the attitude of" you must be ". It ’s' you can do it too, just make it! "