Spare Me, Great Lord!

v2 Chapter 1310: Chaos debut

There is nothing to prepare for in the inner city. They have already done all they have to do. The rest is just waiting for the enemy to arrive.

Zhang Weiyu usually drink some wine, but at this time, everyone temporarily quit drinking, no one wants to drop the chain at a critical time, everyone has a string in their hearts.

Gossip, now Li Heitan, Chen Zuan, Cheng Qiuqiao, Zhang Weiyu, Liu Yizhao, these Lu Shu's most hearted people together.

Li Heitan said that he is now the king's left arm and right arm, but Zhang Weiyu is not happy: "There are only two left arm and right arm. So many people will be useful to you. So what are we?"

Li Heican thought for a while and said, "Are you a big toe?"

Zhang Weiyu: "???

Looking at Li Heitan and Zhang Weiyu, they are about to fight. Li Liang and Hu Shi are next to each other: "There are not necessarily only two useful people around the king. Two are too few, why not call it the Eight Great King Kong?"

"Lao Litou," Li Heitan said, "Your name is too great, and there are few of them."

Li Liang was fascinated at the time: "Where did you learn the words from, then you say, sort the numbers, what should everyone call?"

"How about the Ten Halls of Yan Luo? King Yan Luo, King Qin Guang, King Chu Jiang, this is pretty good, but also joined the **** king, I will be called King Qin Guang in the future!" Li Heitan said proudly. .

Peacemaker Li Liang quickly praised: "Li Heitan, you are such a clever ghost."

Li Heitan was embarrassed to be embarrassed: "Hey, you too."

Li Liang: "..."


Above the Dongzhou fleet, the paddler and the water wheel are all practitioners, and some people take turns to cast spells on the ship to attract strong winds.

So even if they go upstream, their speed is still very fast.

In fact, these people had already been prepared, and they all waited for the order of Yu Fuyao to leave for Wangcheng. Yufuyao controlled this Dongzhou very solidly, and the identity of the "faces" she chose was also particular, which facilitated her to hold Dongzhou firmly in her hand.

It suddenly rained halfway through the fleet, but even if it rained, it could not delay the journey, because everyone knows that it is a death penalty to delay the military aircraft.

This group of people is the first to arrive and needs to be stationed near the Wangcheng to greet the army behind.

It has been a long time since Dongzhou has fought a war. Everyone thinks that this is a bit rusty. Unlike Xizhou and Nanzhou, the border is prepared every day. Although I have never fought inland before, there will be A concept of war.

However, the big nobles always felt that Yu Fuyao sent them very hastily, as if they did not intend to rely on them to fight at all, and looked at the process of training.

Even with regard to the resurgence of war, everyone knows that this is not a serious war attitude.

It's just that there is no way for everyone. Now a group of masters suddenly appeared in the Eastern Capital Palace, and it was actually a first-rate master who escorted a boat, so that they did not dare to move at will.

Those young masters are extremely weird, as if indifferent, seemingly without feelings. Someone suddenly recognized someone. Wasn't that the family who headed to the West Capital Palace for decades?

Time has never lapsed in the other party. This is the advantage of the young masters. After they were promoted to Yipin early, they reached the level of permanent appearance, so they sometimes looked younger than their grandchildren.

The older masters have only recovered to middle age after breaking through the first grade, such as Li Xianyi and Chen Baili.

At this moment, it was discovered that these young masters who came out of the palace may be the face that had entered. The person was not too afraid to speak. He looked at the other masters who were born and said that he might not have entered the Dongdu palace earlier !

He can't afford these people and can only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

The young masters who came out of the Dongdu Palace were all standing on their bows. They looked at the waves calmly. They were not afraid of the wind and rain at this time. A little bit of spiritual power could cover the wind and rain.

Under that calm face, there was a kind of indifference to the world. Seeing their expressions, the aristocratic army on the ship wondered what they had experienced in the Xidu Palace in recent years.

There has been no news for the first time since entering the palace in recent years. Unless there are major events in your family, you will not see anyone at all.

Moreover, they have a strong desire to interfere in family affairs, and even support the obedient homeowner in position.

In the early years, it was said that many big nobles were suddenly killed, and some people speculated that these were the first to do it. Of course, there must be the advice of the imperial guard behind him.

Therefore, the nobles of Dongzhou nobles are no less than Xizhou. Everyone says that Beizhou is the most suitable for human habitation. As a result, all relatives and friends in Beizhou have lost contact in the past two days, and they do n’t know what is going on.

During this time, there were big nobles who wanted to flee to Beizhou to escape the war. As a result, they did not dare to go because the situation in Beizhou was unknown.

Of course, if they can survive after this war, they should be glad that they did not go to Beizhou ...

At this moment, a huge shadow suddenly passed under the ship, and the young master at the forefront froze for a moment. He thought he was dazzling.

The rainy and rainy weather, the whole world is a repressive gray, so the light is too dark and the shadow under the river is not so obvious. If this young face is not always alert, I am afraid I will not find the shadow .

The young face watched it carefully for a while, and found that there was no abnormality. He relaxed his muscles a little.

In fact, he also thinks he may have misunderstood. After all, there has never been such a big beast in the water. I heard that there were in ancient times, but it seemed that they were all caught by people who did n’t know where they were caught, and they gradually became extinct.

However, at the next moment, his indifferent face suddenly appeared an extremely horrified expression, as if something extremely incredible appeared in front of him.

It ’s not just him ~ ~ but the fleet is driving, all the people on the deck show a horrified look.


A joyous voice resounded through the world, and a noble army on the deck was surprised inexplicably: "Is this the legendary Dragon Yin?"

In front of him, the monster covered with black fog and thousands of kilometers in length, isn't it the legendary dragon? But no one said that Longyin looked like this, and no one said that Shenlong still exists in this world.

As soon as his words fell, the first main ship was bitten by a chaotic mouth, and the open mouth was comparable to the area of ​​the entire ship. It was bitten on the body of the ship, and the ship shattered!

Bloody water splashed on the river, but it was quickly washed away by the upstream river.

"Negative emotion value from Jiang Wenhan, +1000!"

"From ..."
