Spare Tire Major League

v1 Chapter 651: Outside the village

   Isabella was chosen by visitors for no reason. In order to further confirm the message, she covered the entire range of activities, and accidentally got caught in the eyes when passing the front desk.

"Are you sure?" Isabella looked at the person in front of her with a bad look. She was almost inquiring about the situation now, and she was about to go back and change into the clothes she had hidden. She suddenly encountered this situation, whether it was right The rejection of the misidentified identity, as well as the image of the person's disgust, are enough to make the bad temper Isabella angry.

   Although her guests were pale and unspiritual, his appearance was quite handsome, but it is not clear how many artificial traces there are. Being watched by Isabella with dangerous eyes, the guest was taken aback, and suddenly he thought that no matter what kind of woman can only be played by him in this place, the previous fear turned into shame instantly , Shouting loudly: "You dare to speak to me with this expression is still the first one, I will educate you later, and look forward to it, little girl."

Those who can say this are probably the celebrities of a certain family. It’s okay to be arrogant when facing people who are below their status. Isabella has little contact with this kind of savage guy. There are a lot of people who have pursued her, but all of them are polite and at least not disgusting, and even the little **** is much more educated than him.

In simple terms, it is a full-blown upstart face. Isabella from E-Zone has the pride of the people there. In her view, even if A-Zone is constantly trying to catch up with E-Zone, the people here The quality is still far from it.

   "Okay, how about going outside?" Isabella sneered. The investigation here has come to an end. Next, you need to go outside to find those forbidden areas to verify. Since he insists on finding death, it is no wonder he himself.

   seems to be unable to get rid of the other party's entanglement by gentle means. Isabella naturally thought of using violence to solve the problem. It is still easier to fist than to start the brain.

However, Isabella’s words fell into the other’s ears and became another meaning. His client level in this club was not high, and he could only choose **** girls each time instead of entertaining Chester like the club? William Choose the best and send it over. Today, I was lucky. I found a top grade among a group of ordinary women. Listening to her tone, she seemed to like to go out in the wild, and instantly excited the kidney-deficiency man.

Isabella walked step by step to the other side and followed him directly out of the building. She walked very slowly, not because she wanted this, but Isabella never wore it to match the clothes. If you don’t have a good sense of balance, you might have to fall.

The door where    left was facing the folding space simulating the jungle environment. The kidney-deficiency man seemed to want to take her to a secret place, which is exactly in accordance with Isabella's idea. If no one saw it, it would be more convenient for her to start.

   But this kind of thinking was taken for granted. The security department of the exotic paradise did not relax her monitoring for a moment. After all, her body shape data had been exposed before, and she was screened by a smart computer just after leaving the door.

There was a large flow of people at the door, and the security party did not seem to plan to start here. Isabella, who was riding in the tour bus, noticed that there were many people behind him, and subconsciously wanted to look back, but met the kidney-deficiency man. look.

   "Are you nervous now, regret is over." The follower of Kidney Deficiency carried a black pocket in his hand. It seems that he also brought his own appliances and wanted to have some fun.

   Isabella resisted the disgust in her heart and lowered her head to wait for the opportunity, but was more proud after the other party saw it.

   The speed of the tour bus is very fast, and it instantly passes through the entrance and exit of the folding space and into the slightly sultry jungle.

When I came here, I entered from here. Isabella did her homework in advance, so she chose to investigate here first. As the tour bus leaves the main road and travels to a remote branch road, waiting for two minutes, the kidney deficiency man can’t wait for the request. parking.

   "Just here, the bushes inside are quite deep, and no one will bother us." The kidney-deficiency male squinted with a smile.

   Isabella nodded in agreement, and the security guards behind should almost catch up: "Then here."

As soon as the words fell, Isabella copied the previous practice of the eleventh floor with a thunderous whisper. The clean instep straightly kicked the lower body of the kidney-deficiency man. A sound of broken eggs came from the lower body. Sabella threw off the high-heeled high heels and jumped barefoot into the bushes.

"Ah!" The scream of Kidney Deficiency couldn't even keep up with Isabella's escape speed, and the severe pain made him unable to even speak cursing words. His hands were lying on the ground with his hands covering his crotch. You don't have to look at it to feel how he is better off now.

   Before Yue Zhong tried to make Isabella start a little more ruthlessly, it would be better to cut the grass and get rid of the root than leaving a scourge, but this time Isabella still did not die, she did not like to kill people just because of her temporary disgust.

"The no-go zone is not in the main lane, and will definitely be in the corner of no one." Isabella's evening dress was cut in many places during the fast run. She thought that the skirt was too long and pulled off. A large piece of thigh was exposed, and Bai Nen's feet were also dirty in the mud, and the whole person's image looked a bit embarrassed.

   After turning on the communicator on the wrist, it was found that the ranging function failed, and the folding space was more troublesome than Isabella's image: "Damn, is it useless? Fortunately, the communication system is still normal."

   Isabella is no stranger to the jungle environment. In order to exercise her physical fitness and survivability, she often signs up for various outdoor survival activities. The environment with dense trees everywhere does not bring too much hindrance to her.

  The security party still underestimated Isabella's speed when she was running at full strength. The vehicle they were riding on quickly lost the other side, and now they can only use the scan of the folding space to search for Isabella's whereabouts.

   Isabella wiped the water on her face. A large amount of water mist soaked her clothes in the sultry and humid jungle environment. It looked like she was running sweaty: "At least it has come out, find it slowly."

   Before returning to Isabella and leaving the building, Yue Zhong, who was hiding in the display case, quickly noticed the anomaly with keen observation. The access to the upper level is indeed blocked by the barriers of the folded space. It is impossible to enter using conventional means, and it must be opened by an object with sufficient authority.

   "Authority, I don't know if the team leader will work." Yue Zhong took out the chip he just stolen. This thing is definitely not available for use after getting it. There is still a verification system to deal with later.

   The wall in the middle of the display cabinet is painted with exquisite patterns. I am afraid that it can not be successfully entered by simply shaking the chip, and it may cause an alarm. There are no rules in the dazzling lines on the wall. There are no less than twenty square grids enough to put down the chip. Although Yue Zhong has locked an area through the leader’s gaze, there are still three possible verification points.

"Compared with other places, the center is obviously denser, and the folding on both sides is an asymmetrical pattern. Is there any specific meaning?" Yue Zhong didn't know much about the culture of A Xingyu. I saw a strange pattern. I can’t think of anything. Since Imagination can’t provide an answer for myself, I have to rule it out gradually.

  The three verification points include the center line but are not centered. The two on the right and one on the left are matched with the entire pattern exactly twenty-four. The left is more likely. Who makes it only one.

"Is this bullying me without culture? How can the development level of the seven galaxies still be entered with such a primitive decryption method, as soon as it is opened, it will definitely be discovered." The common floors of the building are all under the control of the central intelligent computer Next, the location of the computer is also very likely to be on top of it. As a protection for its core area, it is obviously not possible to enter a graphical puzzle, not to mention that there are many people in it.

"In addition to technical cracking, there is only one way left." Yue Zhong posted the chip on a verification point, and the lines of the entire wall instantly glowed a dark red light, and gathered from the four sides to the verification point of the chip. "Different authority chip verification areas may be different, so the result here..."

   The light on the grain road dimmed No alarm sounded in the image, as if nothing had happened.

However, when Yue Zhong turned his head, the surrounding environment suddenly changed dramatically. The previous corridors and showcases had all disappeared, and behind him was blocked by an invisible black wall. The only narrow passage was facing In front, the indefinite indicator light looks a little gloomy in the seam on the top floor.

"Is the verification error sent to such a place? The degree of protection has reached this level. The above is definitely not that simple." Yue Zhong was not panicked. The occurrence of this situation was within his expectations. "Guessed correctly, this After all, the clubhouse is still a place open to the outside world. After finding the problem, the way to deal with it is relatively gentle. Considering other possibilities, if other guests touch the verification point, they can’t kill it directly.”

If the verification point is correct, the next information verification Yue Zhong can't be compiled, but it is wrong to be verified and being entered into the manual inspection space will provide Yue Zhong with more opportunities, as long as the barrier of folding space is passed, then everything It's easy to say that it was a waste of time before.

   The channel is only one meter wide, and there are no other forks or escape points. Since the central intelligent computer does not have the authority to deal with him directly, I believe that someone will come over soon.

   Not going forward hurriedly will definitely cause the organization. This passage does not seem to be a safe place at all, but Yue Zhong did not mean to wait for death, and did not want to stop to force it through when it was no longer in use.

Big Brother’s scan started again, without the imagined infrared detection network, replaced by more difficult flowing air detection, the entire channel was covered by the air of the added nano-levitation detector, irregularly fluctuating almost There is no gap.

  Yue Zhong put the chip on the ground and sorted out the clothes to pass.